Changing more than R&D: responding to the Fairclough Review
Seaden, G.
2002 Building Research and Information, 30(5): 312 -- 315
Seaden, G., (2002), "Changing more than R&D: responding to the Fairclough Review", Building Research and Information, 30(5): 312 -- 315.
Sir John Fairclough's Rethinking Construction Innovation and Research: A Review of Government R&D Policies and Practices (2002) not only places the effort of the UK government in the context of current changes to the UK construction research, but also is an important contribution to the general understanding of major driving forces in the construction industry. Together with its supporting analysis, it goes beyond its rather narrow terms of reference and tackles a broad range of issues related to innovation and prod uctivity.
It clearly focuses on the central role government plays as the policy-maker ensuring that construction participates in the overall socioeconomic well-being of the country, as the dominant client purchasing some 40% of the output, as the principal sponsor of research and other initiatives related to innovation, and as the regulator providing a safe and susta inable built environment.
While the Review deals with issues prevailing in the UK, other industrial countries have lessons to learn from this document as they struggle with innovation problems in their own c onstruction industries.