Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Function estimation of ventilation rates from tracer gas measurement

Borchiellini, R.
Building and Environment, 32(2): 167-185

Borchiellini, R., (1997), "Function estimation of ventilation rates from tracer gas measurement", Building and Environment, 32(2): 167-185.
The application of the inverse problem theory to tracer gas measurement data in order to estimate the air flow rates in single- and multi-zone buildings as a time function is described. In this approach, for each instant in which the concentrations are measured, a value of the air flow rates is estimated on the basis of the knowledge of the air flow rates at the previous time instants and the behaviour of the concentration in a number r of future time instants. A procedure for the optimization of the uncertainties of estimated functions from the measured data is also proposed taking deterministic bias and sensitivity to measurement errors of the inverse method into account.

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