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On coupling 1D non-isothermal heat and mass transfer in porous materials with a multizone building energy simulation model

Steeman, M., Janssens, A., Steeman, H. J., Belleghem, M. V. and Paepe, M.
Building and Environment, 45(4): 865-877
HAM; Coupling; Multizone model; Moisture buffering; Non-isothermal; Verification

Steeman, M., Janssens, A., Steeman, H. J., Belleghem, M. V. and Paepe, M., (2010), "On coupling 1D non-isothermal heat and mass transfer in porous materials with a multizone building energy simulation model", Building and Environment, 45(4): 865-877.
Hygroscopic materials available in the interior of buildings such as wood, gypsum, paper etc, are able to absorb moisture if the relative humidity of the room increases and release it again if the relative humidity decreases. This moisture buffering phenomenon is often accounted for in a simplified way in Building Energy Simulation programs (BES) e.g. TRNSYS, which limits their applicability. Nevertheless several building applications require an accurate prediction of the indoor relative humidity already from the design stage.

This paper presents the development and possibilities of a coupled TRNSYS-HAM model which allows to account for the response of a multizone building on moisture buffering effects in a more detailed way. The HAM (Heat, Air and Moisture) model describes one dimensional transient coupled heat and mass transfer in porous materials. The coupled model agrees well with the analytical solution of two verification exercises. The model is applicable for the design and evaluation of relative humidity controlled HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems and can be employed in numerous building applications. To illustrate this an evaluation of gypsum cooled ceilings was made using a simplified model and the coupled model. The results show that when non-isothermal vapour transfer in the gypsum layer is neglected, the buffering effect is largely underestimated.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Steeman, M.
  1. Benchmark experiments for moisture transfer modelling in air and porous materials
  2. Experimental validation and sensitivity analysis of a coupled BES-HAM model
  3. Impact of whole-building hygrothermal modelling on the assessment of indoor climate in a library building
  4. Sensitivity analysis of CFD coupled non-isothermal heat and moisture modelling
  5. The effect of combining a relative-humidity-sensitive ventilation system with the moisture-buffering capacity of materials on indoor climate and energy efficiency of buildings  
Janssens, A.
Building Physics, Construction and Services
  1. Application of a new type of air and vapor retarder in a self-drying sloped roof with a cathedral ceiling
  2. Benchmark experiments for moisture transfer modelling in air and porous materials
  3. CFD modelling of HAM transport in buildings: The importance of local indoor climate
  4. Condensation risk assessment
  5. Coupled simulation of heat and moisture transport in air and porous materials for the assessment of moisture related damage
  6. Evaluation of the different definitions of the convective mass transfer coefficient for water evaporation into air
  7. Experimental validation and sensitivity analysis of a coupled BES-HAM model
  8. Heat and moisture response of vented and compact cathedral ceilings: a test house evaluation
  9. Impact of whole-building hygrothermal modelling on the assessment of indoor climate in a library building
  10. Inquiry on HAMCAT codes
  11. Modelling indoor air and hygrothermal wall interaction in building simulation: Comparison between CFD and a well-mixed zonal model
  12. On the applicability of the heat and mass transfer analogy in indoor air flows
  13. Reliable control of interstitial condensation in lightweight roof systems, calculation and assessment methods
  14. Sensitivity analysis of CFD coupled non-isothermal heat and moisture modelling  
Steeman, H. J.
  1. CFD modelling of HAM transport in buildings: The importance of local indoor climate
  2. Coupled simulation of heat and moisture transport in air and porous materials for the assessment of moisture related damage
  3. Evaluation of the different definitions of the convective mass transfer coefficient for water evaporation into air
  4. Modelling indoor air and hygrothermal wall interaction in building simulation: Comparison between CFD and a well-mixed zonal model
  5. On the applicability of the heat and mass transfer analogy in indoor air flows
  6. Sensitivity analysis of CFD coupled non-isothermal heat and moisture modelling  
Belleghem, M. V.
  1. Benchmark experiments for moisture transfer modelling in air and porous materials
  2. Evaluation of the different definitions of the convective mass transfer coefficient for water evaporation into air
  3. Experimental validation and sensitivity analysis of a coupled BES-HAM model
  4. Sensitivity analysis of CFD coupled non-isothermal heat and moisture modelling  
Paepe, M.
  1. Benchmark experiments for moisture transfer modelling in air and porous materials
  2. CFD modelling of HAM transport in buildings: The importance of local indoor climate
  3. Coupled simulation of heat and moisture transport in air and porous materials for the assessment of moisture related damage
  4. Evaluation of the different definitions of the convective mass transfer coefficient for water evaporation into air
  5. Experimental validation and sensitivity analysis of a coupled BES-HAM model
  6. Impact of whole-building hygrothermal modelling on the assessment of indoor climate in a library building
  7. On the applicability of the heat and mass transfer analogy in indoor air flows
  8. Sensitivity analysis of CFD coupled non-isothermal heat and moisture modelling  

CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,