- Added references: 11
- Added concepts: 0
- Added essays: 12
- Komulainen, J., Lu, X., Hakkarainen, H., Weckstr?m, A., Viljanen, M. and S. Liukkonen, (2003), Diffusion of some MVOCs through building moisture barriers.
- Simonson, C. J., (2000), Moisture, thermal and ventilation performance of Tapanila ecological house.
- Huang, H., Haghighat, F. and Wurtz, E., (2003), An integrated zonal model for predicting transient VOC distribution in a ventilated room.
- Chebil S. , Galanis N. and Zmeureanu R., (2003), Computer simulation of air infiltration effects on heat transfer in multilayered walls.
- Qiu, X., Haghighat, F. and Kumaran, K., (2003), Modeling moisture accumulation in multi-layered building materials, MODELING MOISTURE IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS WITH A MULTIZONE IAQ PROGRAM.
- Karagiozis, A. N., (2003), Importance of moisture control in building performance.
- Maref, W., Lacasse, M., Kumaran, M. K. and Swinton, M. C., (2003), Benchmarking of the advanced hygrothermal model hygIRC with mid scale experiments .
- Straube, J. and Schumacher, C., (2003), The role of hygrothermal modeling in practical building design: case studies.
- Sathyanarayanan, R., Derome, D. and Rivard, H., (2003), The need for an integrated computer-based tool to support building envelope design.
- Sedlbauer, K., (2002), Prediction of mould fungus formation on the surface of and inside building components.
- Burkinshaw, R., (), What is the moisture meter trying to tell us?.
- BEER-Building Energy Efficiency Research: 29-9-03
- Jack pine: 29-9-03
- TNO Building and Construction Research: 15-9-03
- HAM: HAMSTAD: 15-9-03
- SPME - Solid Phase Microextraction: 10-9-03
- What is Architectural Engineering?: 2-9-03
Web Links
- Web-based Learning Environment
- Several online courses on green issue and energy efficiency issue. Some with presentations
- Energy Design Guidelines for High Performance Schools
- To design buildings to save 25% of the $6 billion of energy used by schools. Downloadable guideline for all five climate types, i.e.:
Hot and Dry Climates, Temperate and Humid Climates, Cool and Dry Climates, Hot and Humid Climates, Cool and Humid Climates , Temperate and Mixed Climates, Cold and Humid Climates
- "on-line database designed to assist students studying eastern pines. Emphasis is placed on woody species native or naturalized in eastern North America",
links to trees
- Science and Technology of Mould in the Indoor Environment
- "A three-stage consultation forum will bring together stakeholders and experts to identify gaps in knowledge and research. "
- Heating cost comparisons
- Heating cost comparisons
- Residential Energy system
- a great site for homeowner on energy issues of old and new houses.
- Technical Information at Wood Flooring International
- "technical information on the woods and flooring products "
- Sustainable Energy Ireland
- "Ireland's national energy authority, promotes and assists environmentally and economically sustainable production, supply and use of energy..."
- CANMET - The Canada Center for Mineral and Energy Technology
- "key research arm of Natural Resources Canada and is one of Canada's premier organizations in the field of energy, science and technology"
- Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology at IRC/NRC
- Hundreds of terms (not much explanation through).
- The outer shell
- info about "Shelter is the task of a house's exterior shell: the roofing, siding, windows, doors and related components that provide a barrier between indoors and outdoors." at How Your House Works
- AEI - Architectural Engineering Institute
- ".. a place to examine issues and exchange views and information with one another, .. to facilitate the crucial communication among these members of the building team, both on a technical basis and in the professional arena.... technical literature, professional advocacy, and educational opportunities."
- No Entered.
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