SAC 2014 Program
The preliminary schedule can be downloaded from here
Invited Speakers:
Pierrick Gaudry: NFS: similarities and differences between integer factorization and discrete logarithm.
Abstract: The
Number Field Sieve is the best known algorithm for factoring integers
and for computing discrete logarithms in finite fields of larg
characteristic. Although the theoretical complexity is the same in both
cases, the linear algebra step is much harder in the discrete logarithm
case. On the other hand, non-prime finite fields have more structure
and several practical improvements can be used. In this talk, we will
try to quantify the relative difficulties of integer factorization,
discrete logarithm in a prime field, and discrete logarithm in a field
of the form GF(p^2). Our discussion will be based on practical
experiments for 600 bits inputs. While this size is now more or less
routine for integer factorization, this sets new records for discrete
logarithm in finite fields of large characteristic.
This talk is based on joint works with Bouvier, Imbert, Jeljeli, Thomé,
Barbulescu, Guillevic, Morain.
Alfred Menezes: Scott Vanstone and the Early Years of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Nigel Smart: Practical Multi-Party Computation