moisture in buildings
Excessive moisture in building, combined with favorable temperature conditions, can foster mold growth, cause air quality problem, induce health problem, and lead to decay of building materials and failure of the envelope. Understanding the interaction between building envelope and building environment, identifying the conditions of mold growth, and modeling of the risk/opportunity of the mold growth are necessary components of research leads to more durable envelope designs.
MOISTURE: Refers to the water vapor content in the atmosphere, or the total water, liquid, solid or vapor, in a given volume of air.
A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home - EPA
- "Guide provides information and guidance for homeowners and renters on how to clean up residential mold problems and how to prevent mold growth. "
IEA Annex 14: Condensation and Energy
- "provided architects, building owners, practitioners as well as researchers, with a better knowledge and understanding of the physical background of these phenomena (critical) conditions for mould growth, material characteristics related to the problems, it has also provided them with better computation models taking air, heat and moisture transfer into account in order to predict properly the phenomena of surface condensation and possible solutions to avoid it."
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- A brief guide to mold, moisture, and your home, by EPA, 2002
- rh modelling
- A prarmeteric study of wall moisture contents using a revised variable indoor relative humidity version of the "MOIST" transient heat and moisture transfer model, by Tsongas, G., Burch, D., Roos, C., and Cunningham, M. J., 1995
- mold remediation
- A procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of mold remediation, by Woods, J. E., Petrisek, R. E., Granger, R. H. and Wallingford, K. M., 2000
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- Building moisture and durability - past, present and future work, by Newport Partners, LLC, 2004
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- Can moisture buffer performance be estimated from sorption kinetics?, by Delgado, J. M. P. Q., Ramos, N. M. M., Freitas, V. P., 2006
- multi-family
- Construction problems in multi-family residential buildings, by Drysdale, R.G, 1990
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- Criteria for unaccesseptable damage on wood systems, by Nofal, M. and M.K. Kumaran, 2002
- ASTM on moisture conditioning
- D4933-99 Standard guide for moisture conditioning of wood and wood-base materials, by ASTM, 2000
- identify 4 source type of damp building
- Dampness in buildings and health , by Bornehag, C., Blomquist, G., Gyntelberg, F., J?rvholm, B., Malmberg, P. and et al., 2001
- building dampness
- Dampness in buildings, 2nd ED, by Douglas, J. and Stirling, J. S., 1997
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- Diagnosing wall moisture, by Anon, 2001
- energy-efficient houses are wet
- Durability of energy-efficient wood-frame houses, by Smulski, S., 1999
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- Evaluation of moisture problems in exterior wall assemblies, by Krogstad, N. V. and Weber, R. A., 1999
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- Interior moisture design loads for residences, by TenWolde, A. and Walker, I. S., 2001
- moisture control
- Manual on moisture control in buildings, by Trechsel, H. R., 1994
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- Modeling moisture in residential buildings with a multizone IAQ program, by Emmerich, S. J., Persily, A. K. and Nabinger, S. J., 2002
- multizone humidity model of indoor
- Modelling of indoor air humidity transient behaviour: effect on exterior wall mositure performance, by Budaiwi, I., 1994
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- Moisture conditions and fungi in wood and wood based material samples collected from damp buildings, by Pasanen, R.S., A.L., Kasanen, J.P., Raunio, P., Rantam?ki, J., and Kalliokoski, P., 2000
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- Moisture content of different new and used air filter media under static climatic conditions, by Bock, R., Schleibinger, H., Ruden, H., 1997
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- Moisture fundamentals and mould, by Straube, J.F, 1999
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- Moisture in buildings, by Straube, J., 2002
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- Moisture in constructions with loose-fill insulation and no vapour barrier, by Levin, P., 2000
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- Moisture management of EIFS walls. Part 1.The basis for evaluation, by Bomberg, M., Kumaran, K. and K. Day, 1999
- moisture movement in wall
- Moisture movement in building enclosure wall systems, by Straube, J.F., and Burnett, E.F.P, 1995
- from air handling unit above ceiling, no sloped drain
- Mold growth and IAQ woes at three-year-old school spark lawsuits by school district, students, and staff in Texas towns, by Anon, 2000
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- Remediating high moisture levels in the wall cavities of preserved wood foundations, by Onysko, D., Rijn, G. V., Gates, D. and Fugler, D., 2005
- humidity in Canadian buildings
- Study of humidity variations in Canadian buildings, by Kent, D., O. Handegord and R. Robson, 1966
- hot humid climate
- Study of moisture in buildings for hot humid climates, by Lucas, F., Adelard, F., Franc?ois Garde, and Boyer, H., 2002
- in porous material
- Vapour condensation and moisture accumulation in porous building wall, by Wyrwa, J. and Marynowicz, A., 2002