HAM hygrothermal simulation
Hygrothermal researches study the mechanism of heat and moisture transfer through the building envelope. On a broader scope, the air flow in and through the envelope is also included. The transport phenomenon can be term as HAM (heat, air and moisture) transfer. Theoretical models and the computer simulations are HAM models and codes.
HAM transfer is very complex.
Hygrothermal researches can be categorized into three aspects: basic research on material properties and fundamental mechanisms, experimental works to investigate and evaluate HAM process, and, theoretical effects on mathematical modelling and computer implementation.
The word Hygrothermal is composed of two: "hygro", Greek, from hygros wet, humidity, moisture; and the word "thermal". Hygrothermal research in the current content is the study of combined air, heat and moisture transfer through and their impact on the building envelope. This area of research has been attracting much attention from both scientific community and construction industry.
The objective of hygrothermal research is to through mathematical modelling create a computer program(s) that can predict the process of heat, air and moisture transport in and through the building envelope for a given wall structure and composition and under given indoor and outdoor conditions. With this program, a building designer can evaluate the performance of the design for designated location, and improve design.
Also see: computer codes for heat-air-moisture transfer
Annex 41-IEA
a presentation
A slide presentation on HAM is excellent
Intro to several HAM models
- "To explore the phenomena of heat, moisture and air transfer in buildings, components and materials; ? To formulate laws governing the physics involved; ? To define, measure and discuss the hygrothermal properties of materials and building components; ? To apply the acquired knowledge to the design, execution and maintenance of buildings " By
Heat, Air and Moisture Interactions
- "Building Envelope and Environmental Control: Part 1- Heat, Air and Moisture Interactions" by M.T. Bomberg and W.C. Brown in Construction Practice
International Building Physics Toolbox
- "a Library of Simulink blocks specially designed for HAM system analyses in Building Physics. "
Laboratory of Building Physics, Leuven, Belgium
- "...research and educational activities in the field of heat and mass transfer in building materials, building parts and buildings, the energy use in buildings, building installations and building acoustics. Also research in urban physics is part of our activities.
MEWS Publications at IRC
- Current publications on MEWS, downloadable .pdf files.
Publications as IBP
- Publications at IBP
VTT Building and Transport
- "VTT Building and Transport offers research, development and testing services as well as product approval and certification in the field of construction, communities and physical infrastructures".
old site
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- Assessment method of numerical prediction models for combined heat, air and moisture transfer in building components: benchmarks for one-dimensional cases, by Hagentoft, C.-E. Kalagasidis, A.S., Adl-Zarrabi, B., Roels, S., Carmeliet, J., Hens, H., Grunewald, J., Funk, M., Becker, R., Shamir, D., Adan, O., Brocken, H., Kumaran, K., Djebbar, R., 2004
- hygrothermoelasticity
- Boundary element analysis of uncoupled quasi-static hygrothermoelasticity for two-dimensional composite walls, by Shibaike, H. and Karagiozis, A., 1998
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- Building envelope: Heat, air and moisture interactions, by Bomberg, M. and Brown, W., 1993
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- Combined heat and moisture transfer in buildings and structures, by Kerestecioglu, A., Swami, M. and Gu, L., 1989
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- Conservative modelling of the moisture and heat transfer in building components under atmospheric excitation, by Janssen, H., Blocken, B. and Carmeliet, J., 2007
- to predicate durability
- Durability control by means of hygrothermal history in building components, by Kurkinen, K. and Hagentoft, C., 2002
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- Ecological insulation materials - does sorption moisture affect their insulation performance? , by Kehrer, M., Kunzel, H. and Sedlbauer, K., 2003
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- Final Report from Task 8 of MEWS Project (T8-03) - Hygrothermal Response of Exterior Wall Systems to Climate Loading: Methodology and Interpretation of Results for Stucco, EIFS, Masonry and Siding Clad Wood-Frame Walls, by Beaulieu, P., Bomberg, M., Cornick, S., Dalgliesh, A., Desmarais, G., Djebbar, R., Kumaran, K., Lacasse, M., Lackey, J. Maref, W., et al., 2002
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- Guidelines for heat and moisture modelling in constructions using multiphysics FEM software, by van_Schijndel, J., 2008
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- HAM-tools: An integrated simulation tool for heat, air and moisture transfer analyses in building physics, by Kalagasidis, S.A., 2004
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- Heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies, by Luikov, A.V., 1966
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- Hygrothermal analysis of building structures using computer models, by Geving, S., 2000
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- Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements - Assessment of moisture transfer by numerical simulation, by prEN 15026:2004, 2004
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- Importance of moisture control in building performance, by Karagiozis, A. N., 2003
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- Integrated heat air and moisture modeling and simulation, by van_Schijndel, A.W.M., 2007
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- Measurements and simulations of natural and forced convection in loose-fill attic insulation , by Wahlgren, P., 2002
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- Modeling and calculating moisture transfer in building materials, by Kohonen, R., 1991
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- Multiscale aspects of heat and mass transfer during drying, by Perr¨¦, P., 2007
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- Overview of hygrothermal (HAM) analysis methods, by Straube, J.F. and Burnett, E.F.P, 2001
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- Prediction of mould growth by hygrothermal calculation , by Sedlbauer, K., 2002
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- Report from Task 2 of MEWS Project - Description of 17 Large Sale Wall Specimens Built for Water Entry Investigation in IRC Dynamic Wall Testing Facility, by Bomberg, M., Rousseau, M., Desmarais, G., Nicholls, M. and Lacasse, M.K, 2002
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- Report from Task 8 of MEWS Project - MEWS Methodology for Developing Moisture Management Strategies - Application to Stucco Clad Wood-Frame Walls in North America, by Beaulieu, P., Bomberg, M. T., Cornick, S. M., Dalgliesh, W. A., Desmarais, G., Djebbar, R., Kumaran, M. K., Lacasse, M. A., et al, 2002
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- Smart vapor retarder: an innovation inspired by computer simulations, by Kunzel, H. M., 1998
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- The effect of micro air movement on the heat and moisture characteristics of building constructions., by van_Schijndel, A.W.M., 2009
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- The role of hygrothermal modeling in practical building design: case studies, by Straube, J. and Schumacher, C., 2003