HAM: computer models
Division: engineering and research HAM models HAM assumption for multiphase flow moisture transport
engineering model: "relates moisture flux to the gradient of moisture content and in doing so utilizes secondary moisture characteristics (moisture diffusivity)". For design. example HAM: WUFI-ORNL/IBP, HAM: WUFI (W?rme- Und Feuchtetransport Instation?r)
research model: "uses the gradient of moisture potentials and primary transport coefficients (moisture conductivity)", for research. attempts: HAM: hygIRC, HAM: MOISTURE-EXPERT
The computer codes for heat, air and moisture transport in building envelopes. The survey by Hens, H. and Janssens, A., 1993, Inquiry on HAMCAT codes is the most complete and classic review on the issue.
A List of Hygrothermal Models (The table is taken from Source. Some links are broken. Jan/04 )
Program |
Model Type |
Originating Agency |
Agency Address/Internet Site |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
Catholic University of Leuven Belgium |
http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/english/ |
3D Heat/Air/Moisture |
2D Heat/Air |
1D Heat/Air/Moisture |
1D Heat/Air/Moisture |
2D Heat/Moisture |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
Physibel Maldegem , Belgium |
http://www.physibel.be/prodserv.html |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
http://www.engr.usask.ca/ |
1D Heat/Air/Moisture |
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canada |
http://www.cmhc.ca or http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/publications/en/rh-pr/tech/1999-123e.html |
1D Heat/Air/Moisture |
1D Heat/Air/Moisture |
2D Heat/Moisture |
National Research Council Canada |
http://irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/irccontents.html |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
TU Thermal Insulation Laboratory and Bygge-og Miljoteknik , Denmark |
http://www.byg.dtu.dk/ or http://www.match-box.dk |
2D Heat/Air/Moisture |
VTT (Technical Research Centre) of Finland |
http://www.vtt.fi/indexe.htm |
2D Heat/Air/Moisture |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
INSA (National Institute of Applied Science), Lyon, France |
http://www.insa-lyon.fr/ |
2D Heat/Moisture |
IMF( Institute of Fluid Mechanics ), Toulouse , France |
http://www.imft.fr/ |
2D Heat/Moisture |
V30 |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
CSTB (Centre for Building Science and Technology), France |
http://www.cstb.fr/ |
V320 |
2D Heat/Moisture |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP), Holzkirchen , Germany |
http://www.hoki.ibp.fhg.de/ |
2D Heat/Moisture |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
FH (University of Applied Science) at Lausitz , Germany |
http://www.fh-lausitz.de/ |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
TU-Dresden/FH - Lausitz |
http://www.tu-dresden.de/homepagejb.htm |
DIM 2.5 |
2D Heat/Air/Moisture |
TU ( Technical University ) of Dresden , Germany |
2D Heat/Air/Moisture/Salt |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
NBRI Israel |
http://www.technion.ac.il/~nbri/ |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
TNO Building and Construction Research, Delft, Netherlands |
http://www.bouw.tno.nl/homepage.html |
3D Heat/Air |
2D Heat/Air/Moisture |
PI200A |
1D Heat/Moisture |
SP (Swedish National Testing and Research Institute)Bor?s, Sweden |
http://www.sp.se/eng/default.htm |
2D Heat/Moisture |
Chalmers Technical University, Gothenburg, Sweden and University of Lund, Sweden and Blocon operating as buildingphysics.com in Lund, Sweden & Reading, MA USA |
http://www.chalmers.se/Home-E.html or http://www.buildingphysics.com/1d-ham.htm or http://www.byfy.lth.se/Berakningsgruppen/Berakn.htm |
1D Heat/Air/Moisture |
2D Heat/Air |
JAM1 |
1D Moisture |
JAM2 |
2D Moisture |
FUNKT 74:6 |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
Gullfiber AB (now Saint- Gobain Isover)Billesholm, Sweden |
http://www.gullfiber.se/ |
NEV 3 |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia |
http://www.ustarch.sav.sk/Dpt/Phys/Therm/therm.html |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
Building Research Establishment, East Kilbride, Scotland |
http://www.bre.co.uk/ |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
National Institute for Standards and Testing, Gaithersburg , MD USA |
http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/info/software.html |
3D Heat/Air/Moisture/ Contaminants |
lang=FR-CA Florida Solar Energy Centre, Cocoa, FL USA |
lang=FR-CA>http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/ |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
Pontifical Catholic University of Parana Curitiba , Brazil |
http://www.pucpr.br/pesquisa/lst/ |
1 D Heat/Moisture |
Fraunhofer IBP/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN , USA |
http://www.ornl.gov/btc/moisture |
2D Heat/Moisture |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN, USA |
http://www.ornl.gov/btc |
CIB - International Council for Building
- "to provide a global network for international exchange and cooperation in research and innovation in building and construction in support of an improved building process and of improved performance of the built environment."
"CIB is the acronym of the abbreviated French (former) name: "Conseil International du Batiment" (in English this is: International Council for Building). In the course of 1998, the abbreviation has been kept but the full name changed into: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION
- "To explore the phenomena of heat, moisture and air transfer in buildings, components and materials; ? To formulate laws governing the physics involved; ? To define, measure and discuss the hygrothermal properties of materials and building components; ? To apply the acquired knowledge to the design, execution and maintenance of buildings " By
CMHC- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- "the federal government's housing agency, is responsible for administering the National Housing", formerly the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Code check:
- Assorted tidbits/lists on building code (Construction Codes
Computer Codes Used in Building Envelope Research at ORNL
- descriptions of several computer codes used at Building Envelope Research: ORNLPROPOR DOE-2 MOIST MATCH HEATING EQV-WALL
International Building Physics Toolbox
- "a Library of Simulink blocks specially designed for HAM system analyses in Building Physics. "
- A computer analysis of the moisture performance of roof constructins in the U.S. DOE Moisture Control Handbook, by Tsongas, G.A., Thornton, B.A., Burch, D.M. and Walton, G.N, 1996
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- A mathematical analysis of moisture and heat transfer in the roof cavities of manufactured housing, by Burch, D.M. and Walton, G.N, 1997
- validation against component weight in tests
- A precision weighing system for helping assess the hygrotherma response of full-scale wall assemblies, by Maref, W.M. Lacasse, M.A. and Krouglicof, N., 2001
- steps for simulation
- A systematic method for hygrothermal analysis of building constructions using computer models, by Geving, S., 1997
- 1D heat+moisture model
- Adaptive construction modelling within whole building dynamic simulation, by Nakhi, A.E, 1995
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- Advanced hygrothermal modeling of building materials using MOISTURE-EXPERT 1.0, by Karagiozis, A. N., 2001
- An educational hygrothermal model: WUFI-ORNL/IBP, by Karagiozis, A., Kuenzel, H., Holm, A. and Desjarlais, A., 1999
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- Application of HAMLab for Whole building HAM response modeling, by van_Schijndel, A. W. M., 2004
- Combined heat and mass transfer in building constructions, by Pedersen, C. R., 1990
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- Documentation of the Numerical Simulation Program DIM3.1, Volume 1: Theoretical Fundamentals, by Grunewald, J., 2000
- Drying of an AAC flat roof in different climates Computational sensitivity analysis versus material property measurements, by Holm, A., 2001
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- Envelope Moisture Performance Through Infiltration, Exfiltration And Diffusion - EMPTIED, by CHIC, 1999
- hygIRC
- Final Report from Task 8 of MEWS Project (T8-03) - Hygrothermal Response of Exterior Wall Systems to Climate Loading: Methodology and Interpretation of Results for Stucco, EIFS, Masonry and Siding Clad Wood-Frame Walls, by Beaulieu, P., Bomberg, M., Cornick, S., Dalgliesh, A., Desmarais, G., Djebbar, R., Kumaran, K., Lacasse, M., Lackey, J. Maref, W., et al., 2002
- survey of HAM codes
- Inquiry on HAMCAT codes, by Hens, H. and Janssens, A., 1993
- Integration of simplified drying tests and numerical simulation in moisture performance analysis of the building envelope, by Ojanen, T., Salonvaara, M. and Simonson, C. J., 2002
- mechnical model, finite element, HMTRA
- Modeling of hygrothermal behavior of two-dimensional concrete structures, by Gawin, D. J., and Schrefler, B.A, 2001
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- Modelling of heat and moisture transfer in buildings II. Applications to indoor thermal and moisture control, by Lšč, X., 2002
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- Modelling of moisture and thermal transient behaviour of multi-layer non-cavity walls , by Budaiwi, I., El-diasty, R. and Abdou, A., 1999
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- Moisture analysis and condensation control in building envelopes, by Trechsel, H.R, 2001
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- Moisture migration through exterior envelopes in brazil , by Mendes, N., Lamberts, R., Philipp, P.C, 2001
- glassy
- Moisture risk assessment of roof constructions by computer simulation in comparison to the standard Glaser-method, by Kunzel, H. M., 2000
- phase-dividing function
- Numerical and experimental investigation of coupled heat and moisture transport problems, by Grunewald, J., Plagge, R. and H?upl, P., 2001
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- Overview of hygrothermal (HAM) analysis methods, by Straube, J.F. and Burnett, E.F.P, 2001
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- Practical application of an uncertainty approach for hygrothermal building simulations--drying of an AAC flat roof, by Holm, A.H. and Kuenzel, H.M, 2002
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- Prediction of moisture response of wood frame walls using IRC's advanced hygrothermal model (hygIRC), by Mukhopadhyaya, P. and Kumaran, M. K., 2000
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- Protecting the long-term performance of building envelope components, by Kumaran, M.K., 2002
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- Review of hygrothermal models for building envelope retrofit analys, by CMHC, 2003
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- Simultaneous heat and moisture transport in building components. one- and two-dimensional calculation using simple parameters, by Kščnzel, H.M, 1995
- Monte Carlo, stochastic, properties
- Stochastic building envelope modeling -- the influence of material properties, by Salonvaara, M. Karagiozis, A., and Holm, A., 2001
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- The International Building Physics Toolbox in Simulink, by Kalagasidisa, A. S., Weitzmannb, P., Nielsen, T. R., Peuhkuri, R., Hagentoft, C. and Rode, C., 2007
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- UMIDUS: a pc program for the prediction of heat and moisture transfer in porous building elements, by Mendes, N., Ridley, I., Lamberts, R., Philippi, P. C. and Budag, K., 1999
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- WUFI-ORNL/IBP - A North American Hygrothermal Mode, by Karagiozis, A. and Kščnzel, H. M., 2001