IRC: Institute for Research in Construction IRC (www.nrc.ca/irc/irccontents.html)
"The National Research Council's Institute for Research in Construction (IRC) is Canada's construction technology centre. Established in 1947, IRC provides research, building code development, and materials evaluation services. Working with partners, IRC addresses issues that have a large economic impact, assisting industry to innovate and develop technologies that are safe, durable and cost-effective."
IRC Publications (www.nrc.ca/irc/publications.html)
IRCPUBS (serpent.cisti.nrc.ca/dbtw-wpd/textbase/irc/) IRC Publications Database since 1947.
Construction Technology Updates (www.nrc.ca/irc/catalogue/ctu.html)
Web Links:
Construction Technology Updates
- "..Practical 4-6 page publications for architects, engineers, specification writers, property managers, builders and building officials. " by IRC/NRC
MEWS Publications at IRC
- Current publications on MEWS, downloadable .pdf files.
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction
- "Canada's research, building code development, and materials evaluation services, .. issues that have a large economic impact, assisting industry to innovate and develop technologies that are safe, durable and cost-effective. "
IRC Publications
- "IRCPUBS includes references to all the publications of IRC and its predecessor, the NRC Division of Building Research, since our founding in 1947."
Building Science Insights
- A series of publications arising from a series of seminars offered by
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction between 1982 and 1992. Each deals with a specific topic and provides scientific and technical information of a practical nature for construction professionals, on: Windows, roofs, walls, fire safety, noise transmission, sealants, coatings and protection systems, lighting, general.
Related References:
Beaulieu, P.; Cornick, S.M.; Dalgliesh, W.A.; Djebbar, R.; Kumaran, M.K.; Lacasse, M.A.; et al., (2001), MEWS methodology for developing moisture management strategies: application to stucco-clad wood-frame walls in North America
Bomberg, M. T. and Brown, W. C., (1993), Building envelope and environmental control - Part 3: Issues of system integration
Bomberg, M. T. and Kumaran, M. K., (1993), Building envelope design, Part 2: estimating field performance of thermal insulation
Cornick, S. M., Chown, G. A., Dalgliesh, W. A., Djebbar, R., Lacasse, M. A., Nofal, M., Said, M. N., Swinton, M. C. and Tariku, F., (2001), Defining climate regions as a basis for specifying requirements for precipitation protection for walls
Djebbar, R., Reenen, v. and Kumaran, M. K., (2001), Indoor and outdoor weather analysis tool for hygrothermal modelling
Djebbar et al. , (2001), Environmental boundary conditions for long-term hygrothermal calculations
Canada , (1998), Establishing the protocol for measuring air leakage and air flow patterns in high-rise apartment buildings
Canada , (1998), Testing of air barrier systems for wood frame walls
IRC , (1996), Review of non-destructive test methods for assessing strength, serviceability and deterioration in buildings
Kumaran, M. K., (1996), Taking guess work out of placing air/vapor barriers
Kumaran, M. K., (1996), Final Report, IEA-Annex 24, Task 3: Material Properties
Kumaran, M. K., (1996), Vapor transport characteristics of mineral fiber insulation from heat flow meter measurements
Kumaran, M.K., (2002), Protecting the long-term performance of building envelope components
Kumaran, M.K.; Mukhopadhyaya, P.; Cornick, S.M.; Lacasse, M.A.; Maref, W.; Rousseau, M.Z.; Nofal, M.; Quirt, J.D.; Dalgliesh, W.A, (2002), A methodology to develop moisture management strategies for wood-frame walls in North America: application to stucco-clad walls
Lacasse, M. A., O'connor, T. J., Nunes, S. and Beaulieu., P., (2003), Report from task 6 of MEWS project -- experimental assessment of water penetration and entry into wood-frame wall specimens, - final report
Maref, W., Swinton, M. C., Kumaran, M. K. and Bomberg, M. T., (2001), Three-dimensional analysis of thermal resistance of exterior basement insulation systems (EIBS)
Maref, W., Tardiff, Y. and Booth, D. G., (2002), Assembly and Calibration of a Compact Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor
Maurenbrecher, A. H. P., Rousseau, M. Z., Said, M. N. and Shirtliffe, C. J., (1998), Monitoring the hygrothermal performance of a masonry wall with and without thermal insulation
Mukhopadhyaya, P. and Kumaran, M. K., (2000), Prediction of moisture response of wood frame walls using IRC's advanced hygrothermal model (hygIRC)
Mukhopadhyaya, P., Goudreau, P., Kumaran, M. K. and van Reenen, D., (2002), Influence of material properties on the moisture response of an ideal stucco wall: results from hygrothermal simulation
Mukhopadhyaya, P., Kumaran, K., van Reenen, D. and Tariku, F., (2001), Influence of sheathing membrane and vapour barrier on hygrothermnal response of stucco walls
Nofal, M. and M.K. Kumaran, (1999), Durability assessments of wood-frame construction using the concept of damage-functions
Nofal, M. and M.K. Kumaran, (2000), On implementing experimental biological damage-functions models in durability assessment systems
Nofal, M. and M.K. Kumaran, (2002), Criteria for unaccesseptable damage on wood systems
Rousseau, J., (1983), Rain penetration and moisture damage in residential construction
Rousseau, M. J. (Ed.), (1999), Creating durable bonds between windows and walls