country: Canada
80% of export (about C$360B) is to US
Buildcore - Building product information for Canada
- " the Canadian standard in construction and building product information - helping the Canadian building and design community leverage its time and expertise to develop accurate construction documents", 12,000 building products available in Canada
Canadian Architect
- "a magazine for architects and related professionals practicing in Canada.
CMHC- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- "the federal government's housing agency, is responsible for administering the National Housing", formerly the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Construction Specifications Canada (CSC),
- "published six times a year to provide a forum for specifiers, contractors, architects and engineers involved in design and construction, with emphasis on meeting the needs of specification writers." - abstract only, subscription for full access.
CRD - Collaborative Research and Development Grants
- Research program. "to give companies operating from a Canadian base access to the special knowledge, expertise and educational resources at Canadian postsecondary institutions and to offer opportunities for mutually beneficial collaborations that result in industrial or economic benefits to Canada. "
Green Building Information Council
- " is a Canadian non-profit organization whose mission is to disseminate information about energy and environmental issues in the building sector from other sources and organizations around the world. "
Industry Canada
- "to promote the growth and increased competitiveness of the Canadian environment industry. Ensuring that Canada remains productive and competitive, Industry Canada supports technology innovations and voluntary initiatives to achieve environmental objectives. The EcoSmart Project has the potential to enhance the competitiveness of both the concrete and the rapidly emerging "green building" design industries."
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction
- "Canada's research, building code development, and materials evaluation services, .. issues that have a large economic impact, assisting industry to innovate and develop technologies that are safe, durable and cost-effective. "
NSERC - National Science and Engineering Research Canada
- Funding agency " NSERC's role is to make investments in people, discovery and innovation for the benefit of all Canadians. "
Parliament Buildings restoration, Canada
- "renovations that will preserve and enhance the beauty and safety of these national treasures"
PWGSC ¡ª Public Works and Government Services Canada.
- "to help keep the wheels of government turning, as smoothly as possible.
Related References (12) |
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- Achieving Healthy Indoor Environments: A Review of Canadian Options, by Morton, I., 2002
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- Adapting to climate change in Canada, by Larsson, N., 2003
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- Canadian consulting engineering awards 2001, by CCE, 2001
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- Current utilization and future prospects of emerging renewable energy applications in Canada, by Islam, M., Fartaj, A. and Ting, D. S., 2004
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- Daylighting guide for Canadian commercial buildings, by PWC, 2002
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- Evolving housing conditions in Canada's census metropolitan areas, 1991-2001, by Engeland, J., Lewis, R. and Ehrlich, S., 2004
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- Market trends and prospects, by Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, 2001
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- National Building Code of Canada 2005, by NBC, 2005
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- Report from task 6 of MEWS project -- experimental assessment of water penetration and entry into wood-frame wall specimens, - final report, by Lacasse, M. A., O'connor, T. J., Nunes, S. and Beaulieu., P., 2003
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- Technology Dissemination: Triggering Innovation Adoption in Canada's Home Construction Industry, by Bazley, B. I., 2002
- Canadian future in construction
- The future of national construction research organizations--scenarios for the changing roles, functions, research agendas and funding, by Seaden, G., 1997
- BC leaky condo
- The renewal of trust in residential construction: an inquiry into the quality of condominium construction in British Columbia, by Barrett, D., 1998