country: Europe
CEETB - European Technical Contractors Committee for the Construction Industry
- "Functions and tasks: To promote the technical contractors; To ensure professional representation within European Community bodies. etc."
Danish National Research Database
- "database with Danish research - publications, projects and institutions: Literature - Published research. References to periodical articles, books, chapters in books, reports, conferences; Projects - Research projects; and, Profiles - General descriptions of research carried out at institutes, laboratories or departments'
Laboratory of Building Physics, Leuven, Belgium
- "...research and educational activities in the field of heat and mass transfer in building materials, building parts and buildings, the energy use in buildings, building installations and building acoustics. Also research in urban physics is part of our activities.
Sustainable Energy Ireland
- "Ireland's national energy authority, promotes and assists environmentally and economically sustainable production, supply and use of energy..."
- UK construction research
- Changing more than R&D: responding to the Fairclough Review , by Seaden, G., 2002
- Norwegian
- Effects of climate change on built environments, by Lis?, K.R, 2001
- Finnish
- Modeling moisture damage and its association with occupant health symptoms, by Haverinen, U. et al, 2001
- Denmark
- Moisture conditions of non-ventilated, wood-based, membrane-roof components, by Rode, C., Crhistensen, G. and Vesterlokke, M., 1992
- German
- The building stock as a research object, by Kohler, N. and Hassler, U., 2002