Indoor air movement-CFD
RNG k-e model: developed in 1986 by V.Yakhot and S.A.Orszag, 'Renormalization group analysis of turbulence', J.Sci.Comput., Vol.1, p3, (1986).
A short description of RNG ke model
Slide presentation by M.W. Liddament on CFD models on CIBSE/ASHRAE Group Meeting 12/08/04
16458 Building Thermal Engineering --- ESRU a lecture "to introduce students to the assumptions and limitations that underlie the methods currently used to appraise the energy performance of buildings and the conventional and renewable energy systems that are used to supply heat and power"
Also PowerFLOW - FAQ Exa Corporation develops and markets PowerFLOW
AIRPAK : airflow modeling, contaminant transport, room air distribution, temperature and humidity distribution, thermal comfort, computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
CFD Online
- "Resources: A comprehensive collection of annotated links to information related to CFD; Jobs Database: A forum where companies and universities can advertise open positions in CFD; News and Announcements: Use this forum to announce CFD news. Books Guide; Discussion Forums; and CFD Events Calendar "
- " a news/support/information clearinghouse ˇ developments in CFD technology, read about interesting applications, post questions, and generally help each other out."
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- A simplified system for indoor airflow simulation, by Zhao, B. and Li, X., Yan, Q., 2003
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- A survey of wind speeds in indoor workplaces, by Baldwin, PEJ and Maynard, A. D., 1998
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- A zero-equation turbulence model for indoor airflow simulation, by Chen, Q., Xu, W., 1998
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- Air diffusion and solid contaminant behaviour in room ventilation -- a CFD based integrated approach, by Einberg, G., 2005
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- Air temperature fluctuations in rooms, by Melikova, A. K., Kr¨ągerb, U., Zhoua, G., Madsenc, T. L. and Langkildea , G., 1997
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- An investigation into the migration of propane in confined spaces, by Lagus, P. L. and Grot, R. A., 1999
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- Anisotropic mesh adaptation for CFD computations, by Frey, P. J. and Alauzet, F., 2005
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- Application of computational fluid dynamics in building design: aspects and trends, by Zhai, Z., 2006
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- CFD model of the airflow, heat and mass transfer in cool stores, by Nahora, H. B., Hoanga, M. L., Verbovena, P., Baelmansb, M. and Nicola?ˇ§a, B. M., 2005
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- CFD modelling of HAM transport in buildings: The importance of local indoor climate, by Steeman, H. J., Janssens, A. and Paepe, M., 2006
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- CFDnet: Recent Developments and Future Work, by Militzer, J. and Bell, T. A., 2001
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- Characterization of flow field in a ventilated space and simulation of heat exchange between cows and their environment, by Gebremedhin, K. G. and Wub, B. X., 2003
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- Comparing zonal and CFD model predictions of indoor airflows under mixed convection conditions to experimental data, by Mora, L., Gadgil, A. J., Wurtz, E. and Inard, C., 2002
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- Convective heat transfer in building energy and thermal load calculations, by Fisher, D. E. and Pedersen, C. O., 1997
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- Coupled simulations for naturally ventilated rooms between building simulation (BS) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for b, by Wang, L. and Wong, N. H., 2009
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- Development and Validation of 3-D CFD Models to Simulate Airflow and Ammonia Distribution in a High-Rise? Hog Building during Summer and Winter Conditions , by Sun, H., Keener, H. M., Deng, W., Michel, F. C. and Jr.,, 2004
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- Effects of coupled heat and moisture transfers through walls upon indoor environment predictions, by Mora, M., Wurtz, E., Mendon?a, K. C. and Inard, C., 2004
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- Estimating eddy diffusivities coefficients from spectra of turbulence, by Moraes, O. L. L., Ferro, M., Alves, R. C. M. and Tirabassi, T., 0
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- Finite-element simulation of buoyancy-driven turbulent flows, by Knopp, T., 2003
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- Fluid flow through a horizontal aperture between two enclosures at different temperatures, by Blay, D. and Gautier., B., 1994
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- Framework for coupling room air models to heat balance model load and energy calculations (RP-1222), by Griffith, B. and Chen, Q. Y., 2004
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- Generalization of K Theory for Turbulent Diffusion. Part II: Spectral Diffusivity Model for Plume Dispersion, by Prahm, L. P., Berkowicz, R. and Christensen, O., 1979
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- Heat transfer through a well insulated external wooden frame wall- an investigation of the effects of normal defects in the insulation resulting from incident wind and air flow through the wall, by Roots, P., 1997
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- How to verify, validate, and report indoors environmental modeling CFD, by Chen, Q. and Srebric, J., 2001
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- Impact of determination of convective heat transfer on the coupled energy and CFD simulation for buildings, by Zhai, Z. and Chen, Q..Y.., 0
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- Impact of turbulence anisotropy near walls in room airflow, by Schalin A. and Nielsen P. V., 2004
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- Interzonal air and moisture transport through large horizontal openings in a full-scale two-story test-hut: Part 2- CFD study, by Vera, S., Fazio, P. and Rao, J., 2009
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- Measurement and prediction of indoor air flow in a model room, by Posner, J. D., Buchanan, C. R. and Dunn-rankin, D., 2003
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- Modeling turbulent diffusion and advection of indoor air contaminants by Markov chains., by Nicas, M., 2001
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- Moisture Movement : A study using tracer gas techniques and CFD modelling, by Kolokotroni, M., Littler, J., 1992
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- Numerical prediction of indoor air humidity and its effect on indoor environment, by Teodosiu, C., Hohota, R., Rusaou?n, G. and Woloszyn , M., 2003
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- Numerical simulation of the indoor environment , by Gana, G. and Awbia, H. B., 1994
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- Optimization of ventilation system design and operation in office environment, by Zhou, L. and Haghighat, F., 2009
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- Performance of coupled building energy and CFD simulations, by Zhai, Z.J. and Chen, Q.Y., 2005
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- Prediction of room air motion by Reynolds-stress models , by Chen, Q., 1999
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- Quality control of computational fluid dynamics in indoor environments, by S?rensen, D. N. and Nielsen, P. V., 2003
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- Ten questions concerning the large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows, by Pope, S.B., 2004
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- The adaptive conflation of computational fluid dynamics with whole-building thermal simulation, by Beausoleil-morrison, I., 2002
- a good survey on CFD model for indoor
- The measurement and simulation of indoor air flow, by Loomans, M., 1998
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- Total uncertainty of low velocity thermal anemometers for measurement of indoor air movements, by J?rgensen, F., Melikov, A. K., Popiolek, Z., Silva, M. C. G., 2004
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- Ventilation performance prediction for buildings: A method overview and recent applications, by Chen, Q., 2009
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- Verification of a CFD model for indoor airflow and heat transfer, by Stamou, A., Katsiris, I., 2006