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| Essay:Reference for wood finishing at FPL, USDASource: Forest Products Laboratory | Forest Service | USDA [ (2001/03)]Wood Finishing TechnicalPerformance and durability of finishes on previously coated CCA-treated wood. (PDF 275 Kbytes) Feist, William C., and Ross, Alan S. Forest Prod. J. 45(9):29-36. 1995. (FPL, FPS) The effect of surface roughness on the performance of finishes. Part 1 . Roughness characterization and stain performance. (PDF 1.5 Mbytes) Richter, Klaus, Feist, William C., and Knaebe, Mark T. Forest Prod. J. 45(7/8): 91-97. 1995. (FPL, FPS) Effect of preweathering, surface roughness, and wood species on the performance of paint and stains. (PDF 698 KB) Williams, R.S., and Feist, W.C. J. Coatings Technol. 66(828):109-121. 1994. (FPL) Comparative weathering tests of North American and European exterior wood finishes. (PDF 240 Kbytes) Kropf, Francois W., Sell, Jurgen, Feist, William C. Forest Prod. J. 44(10): 33-41. 1994. (FPL, FPS) Weathering performance of finished aspen siding. (PDF 240 Kbyters) Feist, William C. Forest Prod. J. 44(6): 15-23. 1994. (FPL, FPS) Increase in wettability of wood with weathering. (PDF 75 Kbytes) Kalnins, M.A., and Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 43(2):55-57. 1993. (FPL, FPS) Durability of paint or solid-color stain applied to preweathered wood. (PDF 810 Kbytes) Williams, R.S., and Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 43(1):8-14. 1993. (FPL, FRS) Interaction of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide with photoirradiated wood suraces. (PDF 120 Kbytes) Hon, D.N.-S., and Feist, W.C. Wood Fiber Sci. 25(2):136-141. 1993. (FPL) Comparative weathering test of North American and European wood finishes. Kropf, F.W., Sell, J., and Feist, W.C. Report 115/27. 65 p. 1993. (Available from: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, CH-8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland.) Scanning electron microscope and infrared studies of weathering in southern pine. Owen, J.A., Owen, N.L., and Feist, W.C. J. Molecular Struct. 300:105-114. 1993. (FPL) Effect of weathering of new wood on the subsequent performance of semitransparent stains. (PDF 260 Kbytes) Arnold, M., Feist, W.C., and Williams, R.S. Forest Prod. J. 42(3):10-14. 1992. (FPL, FPS) The effects of CCA-treated wood on the performance of surface finishes. Ross, A.S., and Feist, W.C. In: Proceedings, 87th American Wood-Preservers' Association annual meeting; 1991 April 29-31-May 1; Seattle, WA. Woodstock, MD: American Wood-Preservers' Association: 41-55. Vol. 87. 1992. (FPL) Hydroperoxidation in photoirradiated wood surfaces. Hon, David N.-S., and Feist, W.C. Wood Fiber Sci. 24(4):448-455. 1992. (FPL, FPS) Weathering durability of chromium treated southern pine. (PDF 1.5 Mbytes) Feist, W.C., and Williams, R.S. Forest Prod. J. 41(1):8-14. 1991. (FPL, FPS) Moisture sorption and accelerated weathering of acetylated and methacrylated aspen. Feist, W.C., Rowell, R.M., and Ellis, W.D. Wood Fiber Sci. 23(1):128-136. 1991. (FPL, U. WIS., IPST, GA, UMI, FPS) Wood weathering in fluorescent ultraviolet and xenon arc chambers. (PDF 237 KB) Arnold, M., Sell, J., and Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 41(2):40-44. 1991. (FPL, FPS) Weathering and finish performance of acetylated aspen fiberboard. Feist, W.C., Rowell, R.M., and Youngquist, J.A. Wood Fiber Sci. 23(2):260-272. 1991. (FPL, U. WIS., IPST, GA, UMI, FPS) Infrared studies of wood weathering: Part I., Softwoods. (PDF 182 KB) Anderson, E.L., Pawlak, Z., Owen, N.L., and Feist, W.C. Appl. Spectroscopy 45(4):641-647. 1991. (Available from Noel Owen, Chemistry Dept., Brigham Young University, 226 Eyring Science Center, Provo, UT 84602) Infrared studies of wood weathering: Part II., Hardwoods. (PDF 140 KB) Anderson, E.L., Pawlak, Z., Owen, N.L., and Feist, W.C. Appl. Spectroscopy 45(4):641-647. 1991. (Available from Noel Owen, Chemistry Dept., Brigham Young University, 226 Eyring Science Center, Provo, UT 84602) Photodegradation affects paint adhesion. Williams, R.S., Plantinga, P.L., and Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 40(1):45-49. 1990. (FPL, FPS) Weathering performance of painted wood pretreated with water-repellent preservatives. (PDF 230 Kbytes) Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 40(7/8):21-26. 1990 (FPL, FPS) Accumulation of sulfur compounds at the interface of paint and wood following exposure to sulfurous acid. Williams, R.S., Kuster, T.A., and Spence, J. J. Coatings Technol. 61(769):19-24. 1989. (FPL) Performance of surface finishes over CCA-treated wood. Feist, W.C. Executive summary for the 43rd annual FPS meeting June 25-29; Reno, NV. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI, p. 4-5. 1989. (FPL) Long-term weathering of finished aspen waferboard. (PDF 186 KB) Carll, C.G., and Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 39(10):25-20. 1989. (FPL, FPS) Analytical methods for evaluating the effects of acidic deposition at the paint-wood interface on painted wood. Williams, R.S. Report No. EPA 600/3-89/044. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. 1989. (FPL) Role of pigment concentration in the weathering of semitransparent stains. Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 38(2):41-44. 1988. (FPL, FPS) Weathering performance of finished southern pine plywood siding. Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 38(30:22-28. 1988. (FPL, FPS) Effect of dilute acid on the accelerated weathering of wood. Williams, R.S. J. Air Pollution Control Assoc. 38:148-151. 1988. (FPL, UMI) Performance of finishes on wood modified with chromium nitrate versus chromic acid. Williams, R.S., and W.C. Feist. Forest Prod. J. 38(11/12):32-35. 1988. (FPL, FPS) Contact angle measurement on wood using videotape technique. Kalnins, M.Z., Katzenberger, C., Schmieding, S.A., and Brooks, J.K. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 125(1):344-346. 1988. (FPL) Acid effects on accelerated wood weathering. Williams, R.S. Forest Prod. J. 37(2):37-38. 1987. (FPL, FPS) Weathering behavior of dimensionally stabilized wood treated by heating under pressure of nitrogen gas. Feist, W.C., and Sell, J. Wood Fiber Sci. 19(2):183-195. 1987. (FPL, U. WIS., IPST, GA, UMI, FPS) Weathering performance of finished yellow-poplar siding. Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 37(3):15-22. 1987. (FPL, FPS) Weathering and decay of finished aspen waferboard. (PDF 120 KB) Carll, C.G., and Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 37(4):27-30. 1987. (FPL, FPS) Paint adhesion to weathered wood. (PDF 2.5 Mbytes) Williams, R.S., Winandy, J.E., and Feist, W.C. J. Coatings Technol. 59(749):43-49. 1987. (FPL) Wettability and water repellency of wood: A faster, more convenient method. Kalnins, M.A. In: Phillips, G.O., Williams. P.A., eds. Wood Cellulosics: Industrial Utilization, Biotechnology, Structure and Properties. Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex, England, Chap. 45. 1987. (FPL) Role of density in the erosion of wood during weathering. Sell, J., and Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 36(3):57-60. 1986. (FPL, FPS Reprint 6898) U.S. and European finishes for weather-exposed wood--A comparison. (PDF 146 Kbytes) Sell, J., and Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 36(4):37-41. 1986. (FPL, FPS Reprint 6927) Weathering characteristics of hardwood surfaces. Hon, D.N.-S., and Feist, W.C. Wood Sci. and Technol. 20(2):169-183. 1986. (FPL, FPS) Wood modified by inorganic salts: Mechanism and properties. I. Weathering rate, water repellency, and dimensional stability of wood modified with chromium nitrate versus chromic acid. Williams, R.S., and Feist, W.C. Wood Fiber Sci. 17(2):184-198. 1985. (FPL, FPS-No. E17895) The moisture-excluding effectiveness of finishes on wood surfaces. Feist, W.C., Little, J.K., and Wennesheimer, J.M. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL-462. 38 p. 1985. (FPL, FPS) The moisture-excluding effectiveness of finishes on wood surfaces--Support data. Feist, W.C., Little, J.K., and Wennesheimer, J.M. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL-462. 58 p. 1985. (NTIS) Protection of wood-surfaces against photooxidation. Hon, D.N.-S., Chang, S.-T., and Feist, W.C. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 30(4):1429-1448. 1985. (FPL, U. WIS., IPST, GA, UMI) Application of ESCA to evaluate wood and cellulose surfaces modified by aqueous chromium trioxide treatment. Williams, R.S., and Feist, W.C. Colloids Surface 9:253-271. 1984. (FPL) The role of water repellents and chemicals in controlling mildew on wood exposed outdoors. Feist, W.C. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Note FPL-0247. 16 p. 1984. (NTIS, FPL, FPS-No. E17323) Weathering interactions on treated and untreated wood surfaces. Feist, W.C. Record of the 1984 annual convention of the British Wood Preserving Association, p. 13-23. 1984. (FPL) Effect of grafted UV stabilizers on wood surface erosion and clear coating performance. Williams, R.S. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 28:2093-2103. 1983. (U. WIS., IPST, GA, UMI, FPL) Weathering characteristics of finished wood-based panel products. Feist, W.C. J. Coatings Technol. 54(686):43-50. 1982. (FPL, FPS-No. E16742) Photodegradation and photoprotection of wood surfaces. Chang, S.-T., Hon, D.N.-S., and Feist, W.C. Wood Fiber 14(2):104-117. 1982. (U. WIS., FPS-No. E15289, IPST, GA, UMI, FPL) Participation of singlet oxygen in the photodegradation of wood surfaces. Hon, D.N.-S., Chang, S.-T., Feist, W.C. Wood Sci. and Technol. 16(3):193-201. 1982. (FPL, UMI, FPS) Weathering of chemically modified southern pine. Rowell, R.M., Feist, W.C., and Ellis, W.D. Wood Sci. 13(4):202-208. 1981. (U. WIS., FPS-No. E14173, IPST, GA, UMI, FPL) Free radical formation in wood: The role of water. Hon, D.N.-S., and Feist, W.C. Wood Sci. 14(1):41-48. 1981. (U. WIS., FPS-No. E14182, IPST, GA, UMI, FPL) Durability of exterior natural wood finishes in the Pacific Northwest. Feist, W.C., and Mraz, E.A. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL-366. 8 p. 1980. (NTIS, FPL, FPS-No. E15227) Performance of mildewcides in a semitransparent stain wood finish. Feist, W.C., and Mraz, E.A. Forest Prod. J. 30(5):43-46. 1980. (FPS-No. E12640) Characteristics of free radicals in wood. Hon, D.N.-S., Ifju, G., and Feist, W.C. Wood Fiber 12(2):121-130. 1980. (U. WIS., FPS-No. E12994, IPST, GA, UMI) Protection of wood surfaces with chromium trioxide. Feist, W.C. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL-339. 11 p. 1979. (NTIS, FPL, FPS-No. E11370) Comparison of outdoor and accelerated weathering of unprotected softwoods. Feist, W.C., and Mraz, E.A. Forest Prod. J. 28(3):38-43. 1978. (FPS-No. E09961) Protecting millwork with water repellents. Feist, W.C., and Mraz, E.A. Forest Prod. J. 28(5):31-35. 1978. (FPS-No. E09973) Fixation of hexavalent chromium on wood surfaces. Feist, W.C., and Ellis, W.D. Wood Sci. 11(2):76-81. 1978. (U. WIS., IPST, GA, UMI, FPS) Durability of exterior wood stains. Feist, W.C., Mraz, E.A., and Black, J.M. Forest Prod. J. 27(1):13-16. 1977. (FPS) Wood surface treatments to prevent extractive staining of paints. Feist, W.C. Forest Prod. J. 27(5):50-54. 1977. (FPS-No. E08369)
Technical Reviews and State-of-the Art PapersEffects of acidic deposition on painted wood: A review. Williams, R.S. J. Coatings Technol. 63(800):53-73. 1991. (FPL) Outdoor wood weathering and protection. Feist, W.C. In: Rowell, R., ed. Archaeological Wood: Properties, Chemistry, and Preservation. Advances in Chemistry Series No. 225. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. Chapter 11, p. 263-298. 1990. (FPL) Effects of acidic deposition on painted wood. Williams, R.S. In: Effects of Acidic Deposition on Materials, State of Science and State of Technology, Report 19, National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Section 4, p. 165-202. 1990. (FPL) Chronicle of 65 years of wood finishing research at the Forest Products Laboratory. Gorman, T.M., and Feist, W.C. USDA Forest Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-60. 81 p. 1989. (FPL) Finishing of wood. Feist, W.C. In: Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material. USDA Forest Serv. Agriculture Handbook 72. Chapter 16, 29 p. 1987. (FPL for Chapter 16 reprint; NTIS for complete Wood Handbook) Effects of acid rain on painted wood surfaces: Importance of the substrate. Williams, R.S. In: Baboain, R., ed. Materials Degradation Caused by Acid Rain. ACS Symposium Series No. 318, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. p. 310-331. 1986. (FPL) Chemistry of weathering and protection. (PDF 1.0 Mbytes) Feist, W.C., and Hon, D.N.-S. In: Rowell, R.M., ed. The Chemistry of Solid Wood, Advances in Chemistry Series No. 207. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. Chapter 11, p. 401-451. 1984. (FPL) Weathering and protection of wood. (PDF 245 Kbytes) Feist, W.C. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Wood Preserver's Association, 79:195-205. 1983. (FPL)
Technology Transfer and Other Practical PublicationsA. Universities Wood finishing: Finishing exterior plywood, hardboard, and particleboard. Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C. North Central Regional Extension Publication No. 132. 1988. (FPL, PURDUE EXT) Wood finishing: Paint failure problems and their cure. Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C. North Central Regional Extension Publication No. 133. 1988. (FPL, PURDUE EXT) Wood finishing: Discoloration of house paint--causes and cures. Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C. North Central Regional Extension Publication No. 134. 1988. (FPL, PURDUE EXT) Wood finishing: Selection and application of exterior finishes for wood. Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C. North Central Regional Extension Publication No. 135. 1988. (FPL, PURDUE EXT) Wood finishing: Finishing and maintaining wood floors. Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C. North Central Regional Extension Publication No. 133. 1988. (FPL, PURDUE EXT) Effect of selected clear finishes on the vaporization of pentachlorophenol from treated wood. Ingram, L.L., McGinnis, G.C., and Feist, W.C. Information Series No. 21, July. 5 p. 1980. (Available from Mississippi Forest Products Utilization Laboratory, Mississippi State, MS 39762) B. Forest Products Laboratory Exterior wood in the South: Selection, applications, and finishes. Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C. USDA Forest Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. 69.,56. p. 1991. (FPL) Finishing wood exteriors. Selection, application, and maintenance. Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C. USDA Forest Serv. Agricultural Handbook, No. 647. U.S. Government Printing Office: 1986-483-399. 56 p. 1986. (GPO, Stock No. 001-000-044-50-8; $3.25) Wood siding--installing, finishing, maintaining. Feist, W.C., and Oviatt, A.E. USDA Home and Garden Bulletin No. 203. Forest Serv., 24 p. 1984. (GPO, FPL) Protecting woodwork without preservatives. Feist, W.C. USDA Forest Serv., 6 p. 1978. (FPL) Wood finishing: Water repellents and water-repellent preservatives. Feist, W.C., and Mraz, E.A. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Note FPL-0124. 7 p. 1978. (FPL) C. Others Thinking ahead-research at Forest Products Lab sets sights on the year 2000. (PDF 19 Kbytes) Williams. R. Sam. Am. Paint Coatings J. Convention Daily. 79(11): 29-30. 1994. (FPL) Probing the wood-paint puzzle -- Greater R&D efforts on wood finishing needed as rules spawn new formulations. Feist, W.C., and Williams, R.S. Am. Paint Coatings J. Convention Daily 78(21):33-35 (October 29, 1993). (Available from: American Paint Journal Co.; 2911 Washington Ave.; St. Louis, MO 63103) Finishing wood decks. (PDF 30 Kbytes) Williams, R. Sam, and Feist, William C. Wood Design Focus. 4(3): 1720. 1993. (FPL) Industry support can assist Forest Products Lab's mission. Feist, W.C., and Williams, R.S. Am. Paint Coatings J. Convention Daily 77(19):30-33 (October 30, 1992). (Available from: American Paint Journal Co.; 2911 Washington Ave.; St. Louis, MO 63103) Exterior wood surfaces. Feist, W.C. In: Preventative Maintenance of Buildings. Matulionis, R.C., and Freitag, J.C., eds. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York, NY. Chapter 7, p. 183-214. 1991. (Book available from publisher) Exterior wood finishes. Feist, W.C. In: Satas, D., ed. Coatings Technol. Handbook. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. Chapter 86, p. 737-747. 1991. (Book available from publisher) 80 years of wood research at the Forest Products Laboratory. Feist, W.C., and Williams, R.S. Am. Paint Coatings J., Convention Daily 75(18):30-33 (October 30 issue) 1990. (FPL) Protective finishes and coatings for wood. Feist, W.C. In: Schniewind, ed. Concise Encyclopaedia of Wood and Wood-Based Materials. Pergamon Press, Oxford, England. p. 230-232. 1989. (FPL) Finishes for interior walls, ceilings, and trim: Finishes for floors; Finishes for exterior surfaces. Feist, W.C. Portion of Chapter 7, Finishing Touches, p. 197-208. In: Wood-Frame House Construction, USDA Forest Serv., Agricultural Handbook No. 73, by G.E. Sherwood and R.C. Stroh (revised 1989). Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. 1989. (GPO, Stock No. 001-000-04547-4; $13) Protecting wood from humidity. Feist, W.C., and Peterson, G. Fine Woodworking, No. 64, May/June, p. 59-61. 1987. (Available from Fine Woodworking, the Tauton Press, Inc. P.O. Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506) Weathering of wood and its control by water-repellent preservatives. Feist, W.C. In: Proceedings of a Conference, "Wood Protection Techniques and the Use of Treated Wood in Construction," Memphis, TN, October 28-30, 1987. Proceedings 47358, Forest Prod. Soci. p. 82-88. 1988. (FPS) The outdoor finish. How and when to paint or stain. (PDF 56 Kbytes) Feist, W.C. Fine Homebuilding, June/July 27:54-55. 1985. (FPL) Painting and finishing wood for use outdoors. (PDF 300 Mbytes) Feist, W.C. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Educational Conference, American Society of Home Inspectors, Baltimore, MD. p. 1-27. 1984. (FPL) Outdoor wood finishes. Varnish is pretty, but paint's tougher. Feist, W.C. Fine Woodworking 43(Sept./Oct.):66-67. 1983. (FPL) Finishing hardwood floors and millwork. Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C. In: Carter, R.M., ed. Finishing Eastern Hardwoods. Forest Prod. Soci. p. 86-95. 1983. (FPS-No. E16626) Finishing wood for exterior use. Feist, W.C. In: Carter, R.M., ed. Finishing Eastern Hardwoods. Forest Prod. Soci. p. 185-198. 1983. (FPL, FPS-No. E16638) Exterior wood coatings -- Current needs and changes for the future. Feist, W.C., and Williams, R.S. Paint Coatings Indus. (9)3:28-31. 1993. (Available from: Paint and Coatings Industry; 999 Plaza Drive; Suite 570; Schaumburg, IL 60173) More info of this article can be found on the web at: ![]() Web Links:
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