Resources: list of references, databases
Lists of references are collected from internal (BCE) sources and cut-and-pasted from external (WEB mainly) sources. Click on the related articles for lists in by different categories and different sources. Also includes: Terminology, definitions, and dictionary
AIVC publications
- "include journals and technical publications as well as a bibliographical and a numerical database in electronic format, and proceedings from previous AIVC conferences."
Danish National Research Database
- "database with Danish research - publications, projects and institutions: Literature - Published research. References to periodical articles, books, chapters in books, reports, conferences; Projects - Research projects; and, Profiles - General descriptions of research carried out at institutes, laboratories or departments'
Encyclopeadia Britannica
Ingenta Select (former CatchWord)
- access to more than 5,000 electronic publications from over 190 publisher clients
Ingenta Select (former CatchWord) access to more than 5,000 electronic publications from over 190 publisher clients
Mold Survivor
- "medical web site on fungal exposure on the web", with abstract of full-text for many articles (here)
Office of Applied Economics (OAE)
- OAE, Building and Fire Research Laboratory (BFRL) at NIST, focus on improving the life-cycle quality and economy of constructed facilities. Building Science Series (NIST BSSs); research, publications.