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| Essay:Books, related to wood or wood structuresWood Design Text Books & Manuals / American Forest & Paper Association, National Design Specification ? (NDS ?) for Wood Construction - 1997 Edition: Nationally recognized guide for wood structural design. Includes general requirements, design provisions and formulas, and data on sawn lumber, structural glued laminated timber, round timber piles, and connections. 132 pages. The NDS ? Supplement, Design Values for Wood Construction, has 51 pages.
Commentary on the 1997 National Design Specification for Wood Construction: Background information on NDS ? provisions, complete with historical development, example problems and tables comparing 1991 design provisions with earlier editions. 184 pages.
Wood Frame Construction Manual for One- and Two-Family Dwellings (1995 SBC High Wind Edition): Provides engineered and prescriptive design requirements for wood frame one- and two-family dwellings in high wind areas (90-120 mph). Provisions of the WFCM-SBC are based on wind loads derived from provisions of the 1994 Standard Building Code with 1996 revisions for buildings 60 ft. or less in height. 236 pages. Includes Commentary. [T10]
Load and Resistance Factor Design Manual for Engineered Wood Construction (LRFD): Provides an alternate design procedure to allowable stress design as prescribed in the NDS ?. This comprehensive design manual incorporates factored loads and design provisions and guidelines for structural lumber, glued-laminated timber, poles and piles, connections, I-joist, structural composite lumber, trusses, structural panels, shear walls and diaphragms, and structural framing connections.
American Institute of Timber Construction, Timber Construction Manual, Fourth Edition, 1994: Information on the design of a wide range of sawn and glued laminated timber members and their fastenings. Primary emphasis is placed on single members such as columns, beams, arches, and trusses. Included is basic information on the properties of wood and engineered timber construction. Also presented are selected AITC standards, section properties and design values for both sawn and glued laminated timber, as well as tables to aid in the design of timber structures. Based on the 1991 NDS ?. 904 pages.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Post-Frame Building Design, edited by John D. Walker and Frank E. Woeste, 1992. Documents the state-of-the-art engineering analysis and design of post-frame buildings. Twenty-three authors contributed to eleven chapters covering structural loads and design, diaphragms, posts, foundations, lumber treatments, a full-scale building test, and a one-hour wall fire test.
American Society of Civil Engineers: Evaluation, Maintenance & Upgrading of Wood Structures: A Guide and Commentary, 1982, 428 pages.
Mechanical Connections in Wood Structures ASCE Manual on Engineering Practice, No. 84, 1996. 220 pages.
Standard for LRFD for Engineering Wood Construction AF&PA/ASCE 16-95. 124 pages.
National Frame Builders Association Recommended Practices for the Design and Construction of Agricultural and Commercial Post-Frame Buildings Three-ring binder providing a complete reference guide in one convenient package. Seventeen separate documents are included along with the work product of NFBA's Education and Research Committee which ties them all together.
Design of Wood Structures: Third Edition by Donald E. Breyer, 1993, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, Hightstown, NJ. This book covers the most advanced design techniques for the construction of wood buildings, and provides modern, integrated coverage of the principles involved in calculating gravity loads and lateral loads. It uses numerical design examples to illustrate design solutions that meet current UBC and NDS ? standards. Included is extensively revised and updated material crucial to the construction of sturdier structures. Based on the 1991 NDS ?. 688 pages.
Simplified Design of Wood Structures: Fifth Edition by James Ambrose, 1994, Wiley Publishers, Somerset, NJ. This book is intended for readers with little experience or training in engineering mechanics, structural analysis, and higher mathematics. The topic coverage is deliberately focused on widely used, common forms of wood construction and not on exotic, complex, and highly unique structures. The point of view is essentially that of the designer who must make the necessary decisions to assure a safe structure and to develop practical instructions to builders to assure proper construction. Based on the 1991 NDS ?. 351 pages.
Structural Design in Wood: by Judith J. Stalnaker and Ernest C. Harris, 1989, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY. This book provides structural engineers and architects with a complete introduction and update on designing with wood. The authors discuss the properties of wood and glue-laminated wood members, and emphasize creative thinking toward the planning of structural frames. They present helpful methods for designing buildings, bridges, concrete formwork, and other wood structures and also provide techniques for determining the need for - and number and specific types of - members for all wood structures covered. Information on allowable stresses and section properties, plus an appendix of tables make this book a valuable stand-alone reference. Based on the 1986 NDS ?. 448 pages.
Structural Wood Design: by Shan Somayaji, 1990, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, MN. Designed for the one term upper-level wood or timber design course in departments of civil engineering and architecture. Broad coverage ranges from the design of trusses, arches, and beam columns to wind and seismic analysis. A design orientation emphasizes element design, rather than systems design. Includes extensive open-ended design problems and examples, and design flow charts. Based on the 1986 NDS ?. 600 pages.
Timber Design and Construction Sourcebook: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Practice by Karl-Heinz Goetz, Dieter Hoor, Karl Moehler, and Julius Natterer with Peter F. Martecchini, 1989, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, Hightstown, NJ. This sourcebook helps fuse architectural and engineering principles to make a wood structure both a successful design and a strong, beautiful work of art. Heavily illustrated, it analyzes nearly 200 architecturally significant timber buildings; breaking down the structural ideas behind them and offering sound, cost-effective solutions to common design and construction problems. 300 pages.
Wood Engineering and Construction Handbook: edited by Keith F. Faherty and Thomas G. Williamson, 1995, Second Edition, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, Hightstown, NJ. This handbook features hundreds of tables and design examples to help safely and efficiently design all types of wood structures. It covers everything from columns, beams, and trusses to structural panel products, diaphragms and shear walls, arches and domes, foundation structures, and miscellaneous wood structures, such as highway bridges and concrete formwork. Also covered are critical guidelines and preliminary design considerations including commercial lumber standards, preservatives, adhesives, fire resistive design, and sound control. An all-in-one source for designing any type of wood structure. Based on the 1991 NDS ?. 824 pages.
Wood Technology in the Design of Structures: Fifth Edition by Robert J. Hoyle, Jr., P.E., and Frank E. Woeste, P.E., 1989, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. Introduces the concepts and characteristics of materials that engineers need to understand when designing structures made totally or partially of wood. The book also includes formulas for basic designs as well as examples and practice problems. This edition contains material on load and deflection criteria, post-frame buildings, trusses, pole structures, glulam timber, plywood, and structural composites. Based on the 1986 NDS ?. 360 pages.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Clark C. Heritage Memorial Series, 1981-1987: EMMSE Coordinator, 110 Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802. Four volume series produced by the Forest Products Laboratory to provide educational materials on wood in a form adaptable for use in colleges of engineering. They are intended to serve as ready packages of information that can be incorporated into existing courses or form the basis of new courses for engineers and architects. Volume I, "Wood: Its Structure and Properties," 1981, 465 pages; Volume II "Wood as a Structural Material," 1982; Volume III, "Adhesive Bonding of Wood and Other Structural Materials," 1985; and Volume IV, "Wood: Engineering Design Concepts," 1987, 606 pages.
Timber Bridges: Design, Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance: by Michael A. Ritter, 1990, Timber Bridge Information Resource Center. This manual compiles the latest information on modern timber bridge technology. It is a comprehensive source of information related to timber bridge design, construction, inspection, and maintenance. The primary audience for the manual is engineers. However, much of the manual, including chapters on construction, inspection and maintenance, will be useful to non-engineers as well. 1000 pages. #EM7700-8
Wood-Frame House Construction, Agriculture Handbook 73, 1989: U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. This manual can be a working guide to modern construction practices and techniques, a text book, or a standard for judging house construction quality. 280 pages.
Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material, Agriculture Handbook 72, 1987: U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Provides a source of information on the physical and mechanical properties of wood, and how these properties are affected by variations in the wood itself. 466 pages. Currently out of print.
Western Wood Products Association, Western Woods Use Book (WWUB), Fourth Edition, 1996: This all new edition compiles Western species and grade information, design data, formulas and example problems, weights of materials, section properties, shear and moment diagrams, beam design, tables for Western Lumber and timbers, new column tables, lateral forces information, mechanical connections, new Column and Beam (CAB) design PC software and User's Manual, and more in convenient three-ring binder. More than 200 pages of new text plus the '91 NDS ?, Dimensional Stability of Western lumber, WWPA Tech Notes, WWPA Span Computer and WWPA's new PC software program for Column and Beam (CAB) design. Free update service provided to registered owners. Based on the 1991 NDS ?.
Wood Truss Council of America, Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Handbook, 1993:This comprehensive reference book contains a wealth of information regarding the truss manufacturing industry, including: history, design, fabrication, testing, model building code issues, quality assurance, connection details, etc. Included are appendices containing roof and floor span tables, design aids, specifications, glossary, industry associations, and the list of WTCA membership. Based on the 1991 NDS ?. 323 pages.