Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Production of mycotoxins on artificially and naturally infested building materials

Nielsen, K.F., Gravesen, S., Nielsen, P.A., Andersen, B., Thrane, U., Frisvad, J.C
Mycopathologia, 145 (1): 43-56
alternariol, chaetoglobosin, indoor air, mycotoxin, sick building syndrome, sterigmatocystin

Nielsen, K.F., Gravesen, S., Nielsen, P.A., Andersen, B., Thrane, U., Frisvad, J.C, (1999), "Production of mycotoxins on artificially and naturally infested building materials", Mycopathologia, 145 (1): 43-56.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Nielsen, K. F.
Kristian Fog Nielsen, The Mycology Group, BioCentrum-DTU, Building 221, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
  1. Determination of ergosterol on mouldy building materials using isotope dilution and gas chromatography--tandem mass spectrometry
  2. Determination of fungal spore release from wet building materials
  3. Growth of moulds on building materials under different humidities
  4. Microfungal contamination of damp buildings - examples of risk constructions and risk materials
  5. Mould growth on building materials: Secondary metabolites, mycotoxins and biomarkers
  6. Mycotoxin production by indoor molds
  7. Production of mycotoxins on artificially inoculated building materials
  8. The Danish Research Programme: "moulds in Buildings" 1998-2001
  9. The release of fungal spores from water damaged building materials  
Gravesen, S.
Danish Building and Urban Research, H?rsholm, Denmark
  1. Determination of fungal spore release from wet building materials
  2. Microbiology on indoor air'99- what is new and interesting? an overview of selected papers presented in Edinburgh, August, 1999
  3. Microfungal contamination of damp buildings - examples of risk constructions and risk materials
  4. Microfungal contamination of damp buildings: Biological aspects
  5. Production of mycotoxins on artificially inoculated building materials
  6. Symptoms associated to work in a water damaged school building
  7. The Danish Research Programme: "moulds in Buildings" 1998-2001
  8. The release of fungal spores from water damaged building materials  
Nielsen, P. A.
Danish Building and Urban Research, H?rsholm, Denmark
  1. Determination of fungal spore release from wet building materials
  2. Growth of moulds on building materials under different humidities
  3. Microfungal contamination of damp buildings - examples of risk constructions and risk materials
  4. Production of mycotoxins on artificially inoculated building materials
  5. Quality control of computational fluid dynamics in indoor environments
  6. The release of fungal spores from water damaged building materials  
Andersen, B.
  1. Evaluation of media for detection of Stachybotrys and Chaetomium species associated with water-damaged buildings  
Thrane, U.
  1. Determination of fungal spore release from wet building materials
  2. Production of mycotoxins on artificially inoculated building materials
  3. The release of fungal spores from water damaged building materials  
Frisvad, J. C.
  1. A simple method for collection of volatile metabolites from fungi based on diffusive sampling from Petri dishes
  2. Direct identification of pure Penicillium species using image analysis  

CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,