Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

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From Jul-1-2002 to Jul-31-2002

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  • Added references: 31
  • Added concepts: 3
  • Added essays: 0


  1. Lawton, M., Meklin, T., (1999), Rain penetration control - applying current knowledge (rpc-00). (30-7-02)
  2. Anderlind, G., (1997), High accuracy heat flow calculation - a method to calculate the heat flow for an arbitrary wall with constant material properties in a natural climate. (30-7-02)
  3. Onysko, D.M. and Jones, S.K, (1989), Airtightness of wall sheathing as a function of lumber drying. (22-7-02)
  4. Beasley, K., (2001), Contemporary and traditional wall-system failures. (22-7-02)
  5. Roulet,C. -A., F. Flourentzoua, H. H. Labbena, M. Santamouris, I. Koronakib, E. Dascalakib and V. Richalet, (2002), ORME: A multicriteria rating methodology for buildings. (22-7-02)
  6. de Dear, R.J. and G. S. Bragerb, (2002), Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings: revisions to ASHRAE Standard 55. (22-7-02)
  7. Badagliacca, A., (2002), "Bonum": the degree of a universal scale for the comfort metric. (22-7-02)
  8. Kudder, R.J. and Erdly, J. L. (Eds.), (1998), Water leakage through building facades. (22-7-02)
  9. Korsgaard, V., Rode, C. and Bunch-Nielsen, T., (1996), The self-drying concept for flat roofs. (22-7-02)
  10. Straube, J., (2001), The influence of low-permeance vapor barriers on roof and wall performance. (18-7-02)
  11. Straube, J.F, (1999), Moisture fundamentals and mould. (18-7-02)
  12. Straube, J. and Burnett, E.F.P, (1999), A review of rain control and design strategies. (18-7-02)
  13. Suman, B. M., K. N. Agarwal, et al., (2000), Moisture influence in building for thermal comfort in hot humid region. (17-7-02)
  14. Kaariainen, H., M. Rudolph, Schaurich, D., Tulla, K., and Wiggenhauser, H., (2001), Moisture measurements in building materials with microwaves. (17-7-02)
  15. Pasanen, A. L., J. P. Kasanen, et al., (2000), Fungal growth and survival in building materials under fluctuating moisture and temperature conditions. (17-7-02)
  16. Sa?d, M. N. A., W. C. Brown, C. J. Shirtliffe and A. H. P. Maurenbrecher, (1999), Monitoring of the building envelope of a heritage house: a case study. (17-7-02)
  17. Galbraith, G. H., Guo, J.S. and McLean, R.C, (2000), The effect of temperature on the moisture permeability of building materials. (17-7-02)
  18. Pasanen, A. L., S. Rautiala, et al., (2000), The relationship between measured moisture conditions and fungal concentrations in water-damaged building materials. (17-7-02)
  19. Arfvidsson, J. and J. Claesson, (2000), Isothermal moisture flow in building materials: modelling, measurements and calculations based on Kirchhoff's potentia. (17-7-02)
  20. Savilahti, R., J. Uitti, et al., (2001), Increased prevalence of atopy among children exposed to mold in a school building. (17-7-02)
  21. Kharin, V. M., G. V. Agafonov, et al., (2001), Kinetics of hygrothermal treatment of capillary porous materials. (17-7-02)
  22. Chang, W. J. and C. I. Weng, (1997), An analytical solution of a transient hygrothermal problem in an axisymmetric double-layer annular cylinder by linear theory of coupled heat and moisture. (17-7-02)
  23. Sim?es, Branco, B. and A. Tadeu, (2002), Definition of two-dimensional condensation via BEM, using the Glaser method approach. (17-7-02)
  24. Karagiozis, A., Hadjisophocleous, G. and Cao,S, (1997), Wind-driven rain distributions on two buildings. (17-7-02)
  25. KščNZEL, H.M. and Kiessl, K., (1997), Calculation of heat and moisture transfer in exposed building components. (17-7-02)
  26. Kusuda, T., (2001), Building environment simulation before desk top computers in the USA through a personal memory. (17-7-02)
  27. de Wilde, P., Augenbroea, A. and van der Voorden, M., (2002), Design analysis integration: supporting the selection of energy saving building components. (16-7-02)
  28. Zhai, Z., Chen, Q., Haves, P. and Klems, J. H., (2002), On approaches to couple energy simulation and computational fluid dynamics programs. (16-7-02)
  29. Holm, A.H. and Kuenzel, H.M, (2002), Practical application of an uncertainty approach for hygrothermal building simulations--drying of an AAC flat roof. (16-7-02)
  30. Musy, M., Winkelmannb, F., Wurtzc, E. and Sergentd, A., (2002), Automatically generated zonal models for building air flow simulation: principles and applications. (16-7-02)
  31. Allen, C., (1999), Wood material behavior in severe environments. (15-7-02)


  1. CMHC: Building Envelope Solutions- Theory and Practice: 30-7-02
  2. anabiosis in mycology: 22-7-02
  3. Simplified moisture performance calculation: 17-7-02

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  • Concept

    1. thermal comfort: 23-7-02
    2. CFD - computational fluid dynamics: 17-7-02
    3. mathematics: numerical method, finite difference, finite element: 17-7-02

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