
Office Address

1515 Rue Ste-Catherine, Montreal, QC, Canada, H3G-2W1. My office is located in EV007.227


(514) 848-2424
Extension: 5919

fnaderkh "at"
farnoosh.naderkhani "at"

Contact Me

I would be happy to talk to you if you need my assistance in your research or would like to collaborate on potential research projects. Please feel free to contact me using the contact information on the left. I would also be happy to meet you in person at my office, please drop me an e-mail to arrange a meeting time.

Prospective Students

  • I am seeking energetic, innovative, and hard-working graduate students interested in working with me on Application of Machine Learning for Quality Control and Condition-based Maintenance.

  • If you are interested in joining my research group, please read my research publications and send me an email including your CV and a list of your research publications.

  • Please note that I will respond to an email only if I am interested in your background. Otherwise, please assume that I am not interested.

  • A Successful candidate should have strong background in systems and mathematics, strong analytical skills, and familiarity with Matlab/Python.

  • Advice for Prospective Research Students