- Spectrum Monitoring for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. United States of America. Case ID / N° du dossier: UCON-170. 2015/02/26. Patent Status: Pending. Inventors: Abdelmohsen Ali and Walaa Hamouda
Journal Publications
- Deemah H. Tashman; Soumaya Cherkaoui; Walaa Hamouda. (2024). Optimizing Cognitive Networks: Reinforcement Learning Meets Energy Harvesting over Cascaded Channels. IEEE Systems Journal [Accepted with minor corrections, May’24]
- Nada Abdel Khalek; Deemah H. Tashman; Walaa Hamouda. (2023). Advances in Machine Learning-Driven Cognitive Radio for Wireless Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
- Deemah H. Tashman; Soumaya Cherkaoui; Walaa Hamouda. (2024). Maximizing Reliability in Overlay Radio Networks With Time Switching and Power Splitting Energy Harvesting. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.
- Salah Elhoushy; Mohamed Ibrahim; Walaa Hamouda. (2023). Downlink Performance of CF Massive MIMO Under Wireless-Based Fronthaul Network. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 75(5)
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Mohamed Ibrahim; Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2023). Performance Analysis of Cellular Ultra Dense IoT Networks with Wireless Backhauls. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
- Hayfa Ben Thameur; Iyad Dayoub; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). USRP RIO-Based Testbed for Real-Time Blind Digital Modulation Recognition in MIMO Systems. IEEE Communications Letters. 6(10)
- Salah Elhoushy; Mohamed Ibrahim; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). Cell-Free Massive MIMO: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 24(1)
- Salah Elhoushy; Mohamed Ibrahim; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). Exploiting RIS for Limiting Information Leakage to Active Eavesdropper in Cell-Free Massive MIMO. IEEE Wireless Comm. Letters. 11(3)
- Deemah H. Tashman; Walaa Hamouda; Jules M. Moualeu. (2022). On Securing Cognitive Radio Networks- Enabled SWIPT Over Cascaded κ-µ Fading Channels With Multiple Eavesdroppers. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 71(1)
- Manal El Tanab; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). Efficient Resource Allocation in Fast-Uplink Grant for Machine- Type Communications With NOMA. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9(18)
- Solmaz Manouchehri; Javad Haghighat; Mohsen Eslami; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). A Delay-Efficient Deep Learning Approach for Lossless Turbo Source Coding. IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology. 71(6).
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2022). Edge Computing and Multiple Association in Ultra-Dense Networks: Performance Analysis. IEEE Trans. on Communications. 70(8).
- Mohamed Ibrahim; Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). Uplink Performance of MmWave-Fronthaul Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech. 71(2).
- Deemah H. Tashman; Walaa Hamouda; Jules M. Moualeu. (2022). Overlay Cognitive Radio Networks Enabled Energy Harvesting With Random AF Relays. IEEE Access. 10
- Nadia Abdolkhani; Mohsen Eslami; Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda.(2022).Optimal Caching Policy for D2D Assisted Cellular Networks With Different Cache Size Devices. IEEE Access. 10
- Mohamed Elhattab; Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Edge-Aware Remote Radio Heads Cooperation for Interference Mitigation in Heterogeneous C-RAN. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 70(11)
- Mohamed Labana; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Advances in CRAN Performance Optimization. IEEE Network. 35(3)
- Nada Abdel Khalek; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). From Cognitive to Intelligent Secondary Cooperative Networks for the Future Internet: Design, Advances, and Challenges. IEEE Network. 35(3)
- Deemah H. Tashman; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). An Overview and Future Directions on Physical-Layer Security for Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Network. 35(3)
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2021). Multiple-Association Supporting HTC/MTC in Limited-Backhaul Capacity Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 69(6)
- Jules M. Moualeu; Daniel B. da Costa; Walaa Hamouda, Paschalis C. Sofotasios; Ugo S. Dias. (2021). Physical-Layer Security of SIMO Communication Systems over Multipath Fading Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 6(1)
- Deemah H. Tashman; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Physical-Layer Security on Maximal Ratio Combining for SIMO Cognitive Radio Networks Over Cascaded κ-µ Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. 7(4)
- Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda,. (2021). Towards High Data Rates in Dynamic Environments Using Hybrid Cell-Free Massive MIMO/Small-Cell System. IEEE Wireless Comm. Letters. 10(2)
- Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Limiting Doppler Shift Effect on Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems: A Stochastic Geometry Approach. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Comm.. 20(9)
- Lina Bariah; Sami Muhaidat; Paschalis C. Sofotasios; Faissal El Bouanani; Octavia A. Dobre; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Large Intelligent Surface-Assisted Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 6G Networks: Performance Analysis. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8(7)
- Mohamed Ibrahim; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Performance Analysis of Minimum Hop Count-Based Routing Techniques in Millimeter Wave Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 69(12)
- Manal El-Tanab; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). An Overview of Uplink Access Techniques in Machine-Type Communications. IEEE Network. 35(3)
- Mohamed Labana; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Unsupervised Deep Learning Approach for Near Optimal Power Allocation in CRAN. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 70(7)
- Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2020). Uplink Coverage and Capacity Analysis of mMTC in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69(1)
- Hadi Hashemi; Javad Haghighat; Mohsen Eslami; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Analysis of Equal Gain Combining Over Fluctuating Two-Ray Channels With Applications to Millimeter-Wave Communications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Communications. 69(2)
- Mohamed Ibrahim; Walaa Hamouda; Sami Muhaidat. (2020). Spectral Efficiency of Multi-hop Millimeter Wave Networks using Nth Best Relay Routing Technique. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69(9)
- Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Performance of Distributed Massive MIMO and Small-Cell Systems Under Hardware and Channel Impairments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69(8)
- Deemah Tashman; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2020). Secrecy Performance Analysis over Cascaded K-µ Fading Channel with Multiple Eavesdroppers. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Communications. 69(8)
- Lina Bariah; Sami Muhaidat; Paschalis C. Sofotasios; Sanjeev Gurugopinath; Walaa Hamouda; Halim Yanikomeroglu. (2020). Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in the Presence of Additive Generalized Gaussian Noise. IEEE Communications Letters. 24(10
- Mohamed Elhattab; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Performance Analysis for H-CRANs under Constrained Capacity Fronthaul. IEEE Networking Letters. 2(2)
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Generalized FFT-based One-Bit Quantization System For Wideband Spectrum Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 68(1)
- Maryam Olyaee; Mohsen Eslami; Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Performance Analysis of Cellular Downlink With Fluctuating Two-Ray Channels Under Inter-Cell Interference. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69(11)
- M. Elsaadany; S. Shams; M. Mamdouh; A. Sebak; Walaa Hamouda,. (2020). Full band Compact Power Arm Subsystem with High Directive Sample. IEEE Access. 8
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2020). NOMA-Assisted Machine-Type Communications in UDN: State-of-the-Art and Challenges. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 22(2)
- Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2020). Uplink Performance of NOMA-based Combined HTC and MTC in UDN. IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal. 7(8)
- Manal El Tanab; Walaa Hamouda. (2019). Cellular Machine-Type Communications with Massive Access: Congestion Control. IEEE IoT Journal. 6(2)
- Jules M. Moualeu; Daniel B. da Costa; Walaa Hamouda; Ugo S. Dias; Rausley A. A. de Souza. (2019). Physical Layer Security Over Kappa-Mu and Alpha Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 68(1): 1025 – 1029.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Daniel B. da Costa; Walaa Hamouda; Ugo S. Dias; Rausley A. A. de Souza. (2019). Performance Analysis of Wireless Communication Systems Subject to kappa-mu Extreme Fading. IEEE Communications Letters. 23(1)
- Anahid Attarkashani; Walaa Hamouda; Jules M. Moualeu; Javad Haghighat. (2019). Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes and Distributed Turbo Codes in Buffer-Aided Relay Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 67(7)
- Jules M. Moualeu; Daniel Benevides da Costa; F. Javier Lopez-Martinez; Walaa Hamouda; Telex M. N. Nkouatchah; Ugo Silva Dias. (2019). Transmit Antenna Selection in Secure MIMO Systems Over α−μ Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 67(9)
- Jules M. Moualeu; Daniel B. da Costa; Walaa Hamouda; Ugo S. Dias; Rausley A. A. de Souza. (2018). Performance Analysis of Digital Communication Systems over α−μ Fading Channels. IEEE Communications Letters. 23(1): 192-195.
- Noureddine Benotmane; Sidahmed Elahmar; Iyad Dayoub; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Improved Eigenflter Design Method for Channel Shortening Equalizer in TH-UWB. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 67(8): 7749 – 7753.
- Elhadj Benkhelifa; Thomas Welsh; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). A Critical Review of Practices and Challenges in Intrusion Detection for IoT: Towards Universal and Resilient Systems. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 20(4): 3496 – 3509.
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Cooperative Low-Power Wideband Sensing Based on One- Bit Quantization. IEEE Communications Letters. 22(2): 7749 – 7753.
- Jules Merlin Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2018). Intercept Probability Analysis of Wireless Networks in the Presence of Eavesdropping Attack with Co-channel Interference. IEEE Access. 6: 41490 – 41503.
- AbdelMohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Power-Efficient Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 67(4): 3269-3283.
- Javad Haghighat; Saeid Hajinezhad; Mohsen Eslami; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Incremental Relaying for Time-Varying Fading Channels With Thresholds At Relay And Destination. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 66(5)
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). On the Secrecy Performance Analysis of SIMO Systems over K–? Fading Channels. IEEE Communications Letters. 21(11): 2544 – 2547.
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). Advances on Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks: Theory and Applications. IEEE Comm. Surveys and Tutorials. 19(2): 1277 – 1304.
- Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr. M. Youssef. (2017). Physical Layer Security in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 6(5): 690 – 693.
- AbdelMohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). On the Cell Search and Initial Synchronization for NB-IoT LTE Systems. IEEE Communications Letters. 21(8): 1843 – 1846.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2017). Cognitive Coded Cooperation in Underlay Spectrum-Sharing Networks under Interference Power Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 66(3): 2099-2113.
- Manal El Tanab; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). Resource Allocation for Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 19(2): 1249 – 1276.
- Mahmoud Elsaadany; Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). Cellular-Enabled Technologies for the Future Internet-of-Things: Physical Layer Features and Challenges. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 19(4): 2544 – 2572.
- Mahmoud Elsaadany; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). Antenna Selection for Dual-hop Cognitive Radio Networks: A Multiple-Relay Scenario. IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech. 66(8): 6754 – 6763
- Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2017). Performance Analysis of Multiple Association in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Trans. on Communications. 65(9): 3818 – 3831.
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). A Multi-Mode IFFT/FFT Processor For IEEE 802.11ac: Design and Implementation. Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 16(13): 1713– 1725.
- Katerina Dimogiorgi; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). A Proposed Enhanced Scheme for the Dynamic Frequency Hopping Performance in the IEEE 802.22 Standard. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal. 16(16): 2714–2729.
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Low Power Wideband Sensing for One-Bit Quantized Cognitive Radio Systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 5(1): 16-19.
- Seyed Hamed Mousavi; Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda; Reza Dastbasteh. (2016). Analysis of a Subset Selection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks in Time-Varying Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 64(9): 2193-2208.
- Manal El-Tanab; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling for MIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks. J. of Wireless Comm. and Mobile Compu. 16(15): 2212– 2224.
- Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2016). Ultra-Dense Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 18(4): 2522-2545.
- Anahid Attarkashani; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Joint Power Allocation and Subcarrier-Relay Assignment for OFDM-based Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks. IEEE Comm. Letters. 20(11).
- Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). A Power-Efficient Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Transmission of Good Bits and Threshold Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 64(8): 3520-3533.
- Javad Haghighat; Mohsen Eslami; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Relay Pre-Selection for Reducing CSI Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. 20(9): 1828-1831.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2016). Performance of AF Relay Selection with Outdated Channel Estimates in Spectrum-Sharing Systems. IEEE Communications Letters. 20(9): 1844-1847.
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Employing Broadcast Channel for Frequency Tracking in LTE-MTC Systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 5(4): 436 – 439
- Amir Minayi Jalil; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Optimal Solution for A Joint Power Allocation and Relay Assignment Problem. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 65(8): 6497-6507.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2016). Cooperative Amplify-and-Forward Partial Relay Selection with Outdated Channel Information in Spectrum-Sharing Systems. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal. 16(16): 2605–2618.
- Qingjiao Song; Walaa Hamouda. (2015). Performance Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Selective Scheme for Cooperative Sensing in Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 65(1): 358-366.
- Mahmoud Elsaadany; Walaa Hamouda. (2015). Performance Analysis of Non-Orthogonal AF Relaying in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 4(4): 373-376.
- M. Keshk; M. Abd El-Nabi; R. Al-Makhlasawy, W. Hamouda; M. Abd Elnaby; E. El-Rabie, M. Dessouky; S. Alshebeili; F. El-Samie. (2015). Automatic Modulation Recognition in Wireless Multi-carrier Wireless Systems with Cepstral Features. Journal of Wireless Personal Communications. 81(3): 1243-1288.
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda; Murat Uysal. (2015). Next Generation M2M Cellular Networks: Challenges and Practical Considerations. IEEE Communications Magazine. 53(9): 18-24.
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2015). Spectrum Monitoring Using Energy Ratio Algorithm For OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 14(4): 2257-2268.
- Wassim Ben Chikha; Iyad Dayoub; Walaa Hamouda; Rabah Attia. (2014). Modulation Recognition for MIMO Relaying Broadcast Channels with Direct Link. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 3(1): 50-53.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2014). Relay Selection for Coded Cooperative Networks with Outdated CSI over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 13(5): 2362-2373.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; HongJun Xu; Fambirai Takawira. (2013). Multi-relay Turbo-Coded Cooperative Diversity Networks over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 62(9): 4458-4470.
- Merwais Shinwari; Amr M. Youssef; Walaa Hamouda. (2013). A Privacy Preserving Approach to Smart Metering. Comm. in Computer and Information Science. 381: 164-176.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2013). On the Performance of Interference-Aware Cognitive Ad- Hoc Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. 17(10): 1952-1955.
- Ammar El Falou; Walaa Hamouda; Charlotte Langlais; Charbel Abdel Nour; Catherine Douillard. (2013). Finite-SNR Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff for Rayleigh MIMO Channels. IEEE Communications Letters. 17(4): 753-756.
- Yamen Issa; Iyad Dayoub; Walaa Hamouda. (2013). Performance Analysis of MIMO Relay Networks Based IR-UWB. Journal of Wireless Comm. and Mobile Computing. 15(8): 1225–1233.
- Ali Moftah; Walaa Hamouda. (2013). AF Cooperative CDMA Outage Probability Analysis in Nakagami- m Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular. 62(3): 1169-1176.
- Merwais Shinwari; Amr M. Youssef; Walaa Hamouda. (2012). A Water-Filling Based Scheduling Algorithm for the Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 3(2): 710-719.
- Ali Moftah; Walaa Hamouda. (2012). Outage Analysis of Cooperative CDMA Systems in Nakagami-m Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 61(2): 618-623.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2012). MIMO Cross-Layer Antenna Selection and Beamforming for Cognitive Networks. IET Wireless Sensor Systems. 2(3): 170-175.
- Wei Mao; W. Hamouda; I. Dayoub. (2012). Performance of MIMO Cross-Layer MAC Protocol Based on Antenna Selection in Ad-Hoc Networks. Wireless Comm.&Mobile Comp.12(7): 652-660.
- Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda. (2012). Decode-Compress-and-Forward with Selective- Cooperation for Relay Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. 16(3): 378-381.
- Kais Hassan; Iyad Dayoub; Walaa Hamouda; Crépin Nsiala Nzéza; Marion Berbineau. (2012). Blind Digital Modulation Identification for Spatially-Correlated MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 11(2): 683-693.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2011). Cross-Layer Antenna Selection and Channel Allocation for MIMO Cognitive Radios. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Comm.. 10(11): 3666-3674.
- Mazen Awad; Iyad Dayoub; Walaa Hamouda; Jean Michel Rouvaen. (2011). Adaptation of the Mode Group Diversity-Multiplexing Technique for Radio Signal Transmission over MMF. IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Comm. and Networking. 3(1): 1-9.
- Peng Li; Walaa Hamouda. (2011). Performance of MIMO-OFCDM Systems in Fading Channels. IET Proceedings-Communications. 5(1): 1-11.
- Wei Ning An; Walaa Hamouda. (2011). Reduced Complexity MIMO Concatenated Code in Fading Channels. IEEE Communications Letters. 15(7): 746-748.
- Amr Eid; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2011). Performance of Multi-Relay Coded Cooperative Diversity in Asynchronous CDMA over Fading Channels. IET Proceedings Communications. 5(5): 683-692.
- Ayda Basyouni; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2011). Cooperative Relaying Protocol for Energy- constrained Ad-hoc Networks. IET Proceedings-Communications. 5(4): 418-424.
- Ayda Basyouni; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2010). Improved Channel Access Protocol for Cooperative Ad-Hoc Networks. IET Proceedings-Communications. 3(7): 915-923.
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2010). A Channel Estimation and Data Detection Scheme for Multiuser MIMO-CDMA Systems in Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 59(6): 2830-2844.
- Hichem Mrabet; Iyad Dayoub; Rabah Attia; Walaa Hamouda. (2010). Wavelength and Beam Launching Effects on Silica Optical Fiber in Local Area Networks. Journal of Optics Communications. 283(21): 4234-4241.
- Kais Hassan; Iyad Dayoub; Walaa Hamouda; Marion Berbineau. (2010). Automatic Modulation Recognition using Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks in Wireless Systems. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2010(2): 1-13.
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2010). EM-Based Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection for MIMO-CDMA Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 59(3): 1205-1216.
- H. Abou-Saleh; W. Hamouda.(2009).Transmit Antenna Selection for Decision Feedback Detection in MIMO Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Comm.. 8(9): 4440-4444
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2009). BER Analysis of Space-Time Diversity in CDMA Systems over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. IET Proceedings-Communications. 3(7): 1216-1226.
- Mohamed Elfituri; Walaa Hamouda; Ali Ghrayeb. (2009). A Convolutional-Based Distributed Coded Cooperation Scheme for Relay Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 58(2): 655-669.
- Anicet M. Foubat; Iyad Dayoub; Jean Michel Rouvaen; Walaa Hamouda; Awad Mazen. (2009). A Novel Approach for the Interference Cancellation in DS-CDMA Optical Networks. IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 1(3): 204-212.
- Hassan Abou-Saleh; Walaa Hamouda. (2009). Cross-Layer Based Transmit Antenna Selection for Decision-Feedback Detection in Correlated Ricean MIMO Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 8(4): 1677-1682.
- Mohamed Elfituri; Ali Ghrayeb; Walaa Hamouda. (2009). Antenna/Relay Selection for Coded Cooperative Networks with AF Relaying. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 57(9): 2580-2584.
- Ariel Sacramento; Walaa Hamouda. (2009). Performance of Multiuser-Coded CDMA Systems with Transmit Diversity over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 58(5): 2279-2287.
- Ariel Sacramento; Walaa Hamouda. (2009). Multiuser Decorrelator Detectors in MIMO CDMA Systems over Nakagami Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 8(4): 1944-1952.
- Hassan Abou-Saleh; Walaa Hamouda. (2009). Performance of Zero-Forcing Detectors over MIMO Flat Correlated Ricean Fading Channels. IET Proceedings-Communications. 3(1): 10-16.
- Kun Liu; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2008). Performance of a MANET Directional MAC Protocol with Angle-of-Arrival Estimation. Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 8(6): 759-769.
- Mohamed Aljerjawi; Walaa Hamouda. (2008). Performance Analysis of Multiuser DS-CDMA in MIMO Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 57(3): 1480-1493.
- Md. Rajibul Islam; Walaa Hamouda. (2008). An Efficient MAC Protocol for Cooperative Diversity in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 8(6): 771-782.
- Yuxin Pan; Walaa Hamouda; Ahmed Elhakeem. (2007). An Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Antenna Arrays. IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 32(1): 19-25
- Min Li; Walaa Hamouda. (2007). An Adaptive Multiuser Detector for DS-CDMA Systems in Multipath Fading Channels. Int. Journal of Communication Systems. 20(11): 1299-1313.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2007). Performance Analysis of Coded Space-Time Adaptive Detection in DS/CDMA Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels. Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 7(3): 341-353.
- Walaa Hamouda; Min Li. (2007). Adaptive MMOE-PIC Detector for Asynchronous DS-CDMA Communications. Journal of Wireless Personal Communications. 42(4): 607-618.
- Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda; M. Reza Soleymani. (2007). Lossless Source Coding Using Nested Error Correcting Codes. IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing. 55(6).
- Javad Haghighat; M. Reza Soleymani; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). Code Detection in Turbo Source Coding. IEEE Communications Letters. 10(4): 225-227.
- Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda; M. Reza Soleymani. (2006). Design of Lossless Turbo Source Encoders. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 13(8): 453-456.
- Min Li; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). MMSE Decision-Feedback Detectors for DS-CDMA in Fast-Fading Channels. IET Proceedings- Communications. 153(6): 878-884.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2006). Performance Analysis of Space-Time MMSE Multiuser Detection for Coded DS-CDMA Systems in Multipath Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 5(4): 829-838.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter McLane. (2005). A Simple BLMS Adaptive Receiver for Direct-Sequence Code-Division Multiple-Access Systems. J. of Comm. and Networks. 7(3): 243-247.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2005). An Integrated FEC Coding Scheme for ATM Transmission over Regenerative Satellite Networks. International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking. 23(1): 33-46.
- Walaa Hamouda; Ali Ghrayeb. (2005). Performance of Convolutionally-Coded MIMO Systems with Antenna Selection. Journal of Communications and Networks. 7(3): 307-312.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2004). A Fast Adaptive Algorithm for MMSE Receivers in DS- CDMA Systems. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 11(2): 86-89.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2003). Error Control Coding and Space-Time MMSE Multiuser detection in DS-CDMA Systems. Journal of Communications and Networks. 5(3): 187-196.
Conference Publications
- Nada Abdel Khalek; Walaa Hamouda. (2023). DEAP Learning: A Data-Driven Approach to Unsupervised Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. Globecom’23, Malaysia. [BEST PAPER AWARD].
- Deemah Tashman; Soumaya Cherkaoui; Walaa Hamouda; S. M. Senouci. (2023). Securing Overlay Cognitive Radio Networks over Cascaded Channels with Energy Harvesting. IEEE Globecom’23 Workshops, Malaysia.
- Deemah Tashman; Soumaya Cherkaoui; Walaa Hamouda. (2024). Federated Learning-based MARL for Strengthening Physical-Layer Security in B5G Networks.
- Deemah Tashman; Soumaya Cherkaoui; Walaa Hamouda. (2023). Performance Optimization of Energy-Harvesting Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks Using Reinforcement Learning. IWCMC 2023 Comm & Signal Processing Symposium, Morocco.
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Mohamed Ibrahim; Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2023). Machine-Type Communications in mmWave Ultra-Dense Networks: Performance Analysis. ICC’2023, Rome, Italy.
- Deemah Tashman; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2023). Securing Cognitive Radio Networks via Relay and Jammer-Based Energy Harvesting on Cascaded Channels. ICC’2023, Rome, Italy.
- Salah Elhoushy; Mohamed Ibrahim; Walaa Hamouda. (2023). Downlink Performance of CF Massive MIMO with Hybrid MmWave/Microwave Fronthaul Network. ICC’2023, Rome, Italy.
- Nada Abdel Khalek; Walaa Hamouda. (2023). DeepSense: An Unsupervised Deep Clustering Approach for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. ICC’2023, Rome, Italy.
- Deemah Tashman; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). Towards Improving the Security of Cognitive Radio Networks-Based Energy Harvesting. IEEE Int. Conference in Comm. (ICC’22), Seoul.
- Mohamed Ibrahim; Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). Millimeter Wave-based Fronthaul Network for Cell-free Massive MIMO. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2022), Seoul.
- Nada Abdel Khalek; Walaa Hamouda. (2022). Intelligent Spectrum Sensing: An Unsupervised Learning Approach Based on Dimensionality Reduction. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022), Seoul
- Nada Abdel Khalek; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Unsupervised Two-Stage Learning Framework for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2021), Montreal, Canada
- Mohamed Ibrahim; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Reliable Millimeter Wave Communication for IoT Devices. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2021), Montreal, Canada.
- Deemah H. Tashman; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Secrecy Analysis for Energy Harvesting-Enabled Cognitive Radio Networks in Cascaded Fading Channels. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2021), Montreal, Canada.
- M. El-Tanab; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Fast-Grant Learning-Based Approach for Machine-Type Communications With NOMA. IEEE ICC 2021, Montreal, Canada [BEST PAPER AWARD].
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2021). Ergodic Secrecy Rate Analysis of Ultra- Dense Networks with Multiple Antennas. IEEE Int. Conference on Communications (ICC 2021), Montreal, Canada.
- Mohamed Labana; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Unsupervised Deep Learning for Power Allocation in CRAN. IEEE International Conference on Comm. (ICC 2021), Montreal, Canada.
- Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda. (2021). Downlink Performance of Limited-Fronthaul Cell-Free Massive MIMO. IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC’21), Montreal, Canada.
- Salah Elhoushy; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Nearest APs-Based Downlink Pilot Transmission for High Secrecy Rates in Cell-Free Massive MIMO. IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taiwan.
- Deemah H. Tashman; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Physical-Layer Security for Cognitive Radio Networks over Cascaded Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2020), Taiwan. [BEST PAPER AWARD]
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2020). A Hybrid NOMA/OMA Scheme for MTC in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taiwan.
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2020). Secrecy Performance in Ultra-Dense Networks with Multiple Associations. IEEE Global GLOBECOM 2020, Taiwan.
- Nada Abdel Khalek; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Learning-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Hybrid Underlay-Interweave Secondary Networks. IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taiwan.
- Mohamed Ibrahim; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Impact of Limited Hop Count on Connectivity of Millimeter Wave Networks. IEEE Global Comm. Conference (GLOBECOM 2020), Taiwan.
- Mohamed Labana; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Joint User Association and Resource Allocation in CoMP- Enabled Heterogeneous CRAN. IEEE Global Comm. Conf. (GLOBECOM 2020), Taiwan.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Daniel B. da Costa; F. Rausley A. A. de Souza; Walaa Hamouda; Ugo S. Dias. (2020). Performance Analysis of Wireless Communication Systems Subject to kappa-mu Extreme Fading. IEEE VTC-spring 2020, Brussel, Belgium.
- Deemah H. Tashman; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Cascaded κ-µ Fading Channels over Multiple Eavesdroppers: Physical-Layer Security Analysis. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Their Applications, 2020, Sharjah, UAE.
- Radwa Sultan; Ahmed Refaey; Walaa Hamouda. (2020). Resource Allocation in CAT-M and LTE-A Coexistence: A Joint Contention Bandwidth Optimization Scheme. IEEE Canadian Conference in Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2020), London, Canada.
- Lina Bariah; Bassant Selim; Lina Mohjaz; Paschalis C. Sofotasios; Sami Muhaidat; Walaa Hamouda. (2019). Pairwise Error Probability of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with I/Q Imbalance. 2019 Int.. Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies, Glasgow.
- Mohammed Elbayoumi; Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2019). Capacity Analysis of Downlink NOMA Based Coexistent HTC/MTC in UDN. Int. Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Their Applications, Sharjah, UAE. [BEST PAPER AWARD]
- Jules M. Moualeu; Daniel B. da Costa; F. Javier Lopez-Martinez; Walaa Hamouda; Telex M. N. Ngatched; Ugo S. Dias. (2019). Secrecy Analysis of a TAS/MRC Scheme in alpha-mu Fading Channels. IEEE WCNC’19, Morocco.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Paschalis C. Sofotasios; Daniel B. da Costa; Walaa Hamouda; Ugo S. Dias; Sami Muhaidat. (2019). Physical-Layer Security over Generalized SIMO Multipath Fading Channels. Int. Conference on Advanced Communication Tech. and Networking (CommNet).
- Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2018). Uplink Coverage of Machine-Type Communications in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Manal El-Tanab; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Performance of Overload Control in Machine-to-Machine Wireless Networks. IEEE Globecom’18, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Tarek Djeddi; Mahmoud Elsaadany; Shoukry Shams; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Compact Ultra-Wideband Printed Bandpass Filter Based on Coupled-Line Resonator Loading. 18th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM).
- Mahmoud Elssadany; Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Fast Decoding Channel Estimation Technique for Downlink Control Channel in LTE-MTC Systems. IEEE IWCMC 2018, Limassol, Cyprus.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Performance Analysis of Physical-Layer Security over Mixed K–µ and alpha–µ Fading Channels. IEEE ICC 2018, Kansas, US.
- Jules Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda. (2018). Secrecy Performance Analysis over Mixed a-K and k-alpha Fading Channels. IEEE Wireless Comm. and Networking Conference (WCNC’18), Spain.
- Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2017). Coverage and Capacity Analysis with Stretched Exponential Path Loss in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Globecom’27, Singapore.
- Jules Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). Performance Analysis of Secure Communications over alpha/k Fading Channels. 13th Intern. Conference on Computer Eng. and Systems (ICCES 2018), Egypt.
- Mahmoud Elsaadany; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). The New Enhancements in LTE-A Rel-13 for Reliable Machine Type Communications. IEEE PIMRC 2017, Montreal, Canada.
- Mahmoud I. Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2017). Downlink Coverage and Average Cell Load in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE PIMRC 2017, Montreal, Canada.
- Anahid Attarkashani; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). Throughput Maximization using Cross-Layer Design in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE ICC’17, Paris, France.
- Manal El Tanab; Walaa Hamouda. (2017). A Scalable Overload Control Algorithm for Massive Access in Machine-to-Machine Networks. IEEE ICC’17, Paris, France.
- Mahmoud I Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2017). Average Downlink Rate in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE ICC’17, Paris, France.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2017). Performance Analysis of Turbo-Coded Cooperative Relaying in Spectrum-Sharing Systems. ICC’17, Paris, France.
- Rania T. Fleifel; Samy S. Soliman; Walaa Hamouda; Ashraf Badawi. (2017). LTE Primary User Modeling Using a Hybrid ARIMA/NARX Neural Network Model in CR. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’17), San Francisco, US.
- Qingjiao Song; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). A Cooperative Sensing Scheme for Cognitive Networks over Fading Channels. Inter. Conference in Wireless Comm. (IWCC’16), Cyprus.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamoud; Fambirai Takawira. (2016). Partial Variable-Gain AF Relay Selection with Outdated Channel Estimates in Spectrum-Sharing Networks. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC/Fall’2016), Montreal, Canada.
- Katerina Dimogiorgi; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Performance of Enhanced Dynamic Frequency Hopping in IEEE 802.22 with MIMO Implementation. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC/Fall’2016), Montreal, Canada.
- Anahid Attarkashani; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Joint Power Allocation and Subcarrier-Relay Assignment for OFDM-based Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2016), Kola Lampour, Malaysia.
- Mahmoud Elsaadany; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Energy Efficient Design for Non-Orthogonal AF Relaying in Underlay Spectrum Sharing Networks. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2016), Malaysia.
- AbdelMohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). A Novel One-Bit Quantization Design for Correlation- based Low-Power Wideband Sensing. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2016), Kola Lampour, Malaysia.
- Mahmoud Kamel; Walaa Hamouda; Amr. M. Youssef. (2016). Multiple Association in Ultra-dense Networks: A Stochastic Modeling and Analysis. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2016), Kola Lampour, Malaysia.
- Seyed Hamed Mousavi; Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). A Relay Subset Selection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Channel State Information. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2016), Kola Lampour, Malaysia.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2016). AF Relaying in Underlay Spectrum- Sharing Systems with Outdated CSI. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2016),, Kola Lampour, Malaysia.
- Fu Zhu; Amr Youssef; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Detection Techniques for Data-Level Spoofing in GPS-Based Phasor Measurement Units. IEEE International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networking conference, Cairo, Egypt.
- AbdelMohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Cell Search Evaluation: A Step Towards the Next Generation LTE-MTC Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2016), Doha, Qatar. [BEST PAPER AWARD]
- Oana Neagu; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Performance of Smart Grid Communication in the Presence of Impulsive Noise. Int. Conf. on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Network conference, Egypt.
- Oana Neagu; Walaa Hamouda. (2016). Performance of WiMAX for Smart Grid Applications. IEEE Inter. Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networking conference, Egypt.
- Manal El Tanab; Walaa Hamouda; Yasmine Fahmy. (2015). On The Distributed Resource Allocation of MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2015), LA, US.
- Mahmoud Elsaadany; Walaa Hamouda. (2015). Enhancing the Performance of Amplify-and-Forward Cognitive Relay Networks: A Multiple-Relay Scenario. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2015), LA, US.
- Abdelmohsen Ali; Walaa Hamouda. (2015). A Novel Spectrum Monitoring Algorithm For OFDM-based Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2015), LA, US.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2015). Outage Analysis of Relay Selection in AF with Outdated Channel Information in the Presence of Co-Channel Interference. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2015), New Orleans, US.
- Apurba Saha; Amoitosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2014). Learning-Based Relay Selection for Cooperative Networks. IEEE Global Telecom. Conference (GLOBECOM’14), Dallas, US.
- Ammar El Falou; Charlotte Langlais; Walaa Hamouda, Charbel Abdel Nour and Catherine Douillard. (2014). Transmit Antenna Selection for Coded Multiple-Input Dual-Output Systems. 8th Int. Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing, Bremen, Germany.
- Wafic Alameddine; Walaa Hamouda. (2014). Energy Efficient Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative Uniformly Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2014), Sydney, Australia.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2014). AF Turbo-coded Selective Relaying with Imperfect Channel State Information. IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney, Australia.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2014). Throughput Performance of MIMO Cognitive Networks. EEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2014), Sydney, Australia.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Telex Ngatched; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2014). Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Transmission in Multi-channel Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2014), Sydney, Australia.
- Ammar El Falou; Charlotte Langlais; Walaa Hamouda; Charbel Abdel Nour; Catherine Douillard. (2014). Finite-SNR Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff for Spatially Correlated Rayleigh MIMO Channels. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC’14), Sydney, Australia.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; Fambirai Takawira. (2014). Selection Relaying in Coded Cooperation with Delayed CSI over Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2014), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2013). Blind Primary User Identification in MIMO Cognitive Networks. IEEE Int. Conference in Comm. (ICC’13), Budapest, Hungary.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2013). Channel Selection for Heterogeneous Nodes in Cognitive Networks. IEEE Int. Conference in Communications (ICC 2013), Budapest, Hungary.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; HongJun Xu; Fambirai Takawira. (2013). Performance of Distributed Turbo-Coded Cooperative Networks with Multiple Dual-Hop Relays over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. IEEE Wireless Comm. and Net. Conf. (WCNC’13), Shanghai, China.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; HongJun Xu; Fambirai Takawira. (2012). Power Assignment in Multi-relay Adaptive DF Cooperative Networks. IEEE Global Telecom. Conference (GLOBECOM’12), LA, US.
- Mazen Awad; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2012). Throughput Maximization Approach for O-MIMO Systems using MGDM Technique. IEEE GLOBECOM’12, LA, US.
- Ali Moftah; Walaa Hamouda. (2012). Asymptotic Outage Probability for Amplify-and-Forward CDMA Systems over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall 2012), Quebec, Canada.
- Jules M. Moualeu; Walaa Hamouda; HongJun Xu; Fambirai Takawira. (2012). Cross-layer Relay Selection Criterion for Cooperative-Diversity Networks. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC’12), Ottawa, Canada.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2012). Combined Antenna Selection and Beamforming in Cross- Layer Design for Cognitive Networks. IEEE Int. Conference in Comm. (ICC’12), Canada.
- Ali Moftah; Walaa Hamouda. (2011). Outage Performance in Cooperative CDMA Systems over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada.
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub; Marion Berbineau. (2011). Iterative Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection for MIMO-CDMA Systems over Correlated Fading Channels. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems and Telecommunications (ITST), Saint- Petersburg, Russian Federation.
- Amr Eid; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2011). Cooperative Diversity in Coded CDMA Systems over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC’11), Koyoto, Japan.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2011). Cross-Layer Design for Cognitive MIMO Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC’11), Koyoto, Japan.
- Kais Hassan; Crépin Nzéza; Marion Berbineau; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2010). Blind Modulation Identification for MIMO Systems. IEEE GLOBECOM’10), Miami, US.
- Wei Fang Mao; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2010). A MIMO Cross-Layer Design for Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE Global Telecom. Conference (GLOBECOM’10), Miami, US.
- Ayda Basyouni; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2010). A New Rate Control Technique for cdma2000 1xEV. IEEE Global Telecomm. Conference (GLOBECOM’ 10), Miami, US.
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2010). Joint Iterative Channel Estimation and Data Detection for MIMO-CDMA Systems over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. IEEE Global Telecom. Conference (GLOBECOM’10), Miami, US
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2010). EM Channel Estimation and Data Detection for MIMO-CDMA Systems over Slow-Fading Channels. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall 2010), Ottawa, Canada.
- Amiotosh Ghosh; Walaa Hamouda. (2010). Game Theory for Channel Assignment for Cognitive Radios. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2010), Montreal, Canada.
- Ali Moftah; Walaa Hamouda. (2010). Performance of Turbo-Coded Cooperative Asynchronous DS-CDMA Systems in Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. 25th Queen’s Biennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston, Canada.
- Ayda Basyouni; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2009). On Reducing Blocking Probability in Cooperative Ad-hoc Networks. IEEE Global Telecom. Conference (GLOBECOM’09), Honolulu.
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2009). Performance of Superimposed Training- Based Channel Estimation in MIMO-CDMA Systems. IEEE Global Telecom. Conference (GLOBECOM’09), Honolulu.
- Kais Hassan; Iyad Dayoub; Walaa Hamouda; Marion Berbineau. (2009). Automatic Modulation Recognition using Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems and Telecommunications (ITST), Lille, France.
- Hassan Abou Saleh; Walaa Hamouda. (2009). Cross-Layer Design for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing in Correlated Ricean Fading. IEEE Int. Conference in Communications (ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany. [BEST PAPER AWARD]
- Amr Eid; Walaa Hamouda; Iyad Dayoub. (2009). Performance of DAF Cooperative CDMA Networks in Frequency-Selective Fading. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. , Bercolona, Spain.
- Hassan Abou Saleh; Walaa Hamouda. (2009). Cross-Layer Criterion for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing Systems with Imperfect CSI. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. Bercolona, Spain.
- Hassan Abou Saleh; Walaa Hamouda. (2009). BER Performance of MIMO-SM with Zero-Forcing Detectors in Spatially Correlated Ricean Fading. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring 2009), Bercolona, Spain.
- Ariel Sacramento; Walaa Hamouda. (2008). A Convolutionally Coded CDMA System with Transmit Diversity over Nakagami Fading Channels. Innovations in Info. Tech. Conf., Dubai, UAE.
- Hassan Abou Saleh; Walaa Hamouda. (2008). Antenna Selection Approach for Decision-Feedback Detectors over MIMO Flat Fading Channels. 24th Queen’s Biennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston, Canada.
- Mohamed Elfituri; Walaa Hamouda,; Ali Ghrayeb. (2008). Distributed Coded Cooperation for Relay Channels Operating in the Decode-and-Forward Mode. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2008), Beijing, China.
- Mohamed Elfituri; Ali Ghrayeb; Walaa Hamouda. (2008). Antenna/Relay Selection for Coded Wireless Cooperative Networks. IEEE Int. Conf. in Comm. (ICC’08), Beijing, China.
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2008). Joint Channel and Data Estimation for Space-Time Spreading Systems. IEEE VTC-Spring 200), Singapore.
- Kun Liu; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2007). A Directional Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks with Angle-of-Arrival Estimation. 7th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Dubai, UAE.
- Mohamed Elfituri; Walaa Hamouda; Ali Ghrayeb. (2007). Analysis of a Distributed Coded Cooperation Scheme for Multi-Relay Channels. 7th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Dubai, UAE.
- Hassan Saleh; Walaa Hamouda.(2007). A Lower Bound on the Performance of Zero-Forcing V-BLAST over Fading Channels. Int. Conf. on Innovations in Information Tech., Dubai, UAE.
- Md. Rajibul Islam; Walaa Hamouda. (2007). Performance of Cooperative Ad-Hoc Networks with Position Estimation Errors. IEEE Global Telecom. Conf. (GLOBECOM’07), Washington, US.
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2007). Performance of Space-Time Diversity inCDMA over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2007), Washington, US.
- Mohamed Elfituri; Walaa Hamouda; Ali Ghrayeb. (2007). Outage Probability Analysis of Distributed Coded Cooperation for Relay Channels Operating in the DF mode. 18th IEEE Int. Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athens, Greece.
- Ariel Sacramento; Walaa Hamouda. (2007). Space-Time CDMA Systems over Nakagami-m Fast-Fading Channels. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athens, Greece.
- Kun Liu; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2007). ESPRIT-Based Directional MAC Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Int. Conference in Communications (ICC 2007), Glasgow.
- Kun Liu; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2007). Performance of Directional MAC Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks with Position Estimation Errors. International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC 2007), Montreal, Canada.
- Ayman Assra; Walaa Hamouda; Amr M. Youssef. (2007). Space-Time Spreading and Diversity in Asynchronous CDMA systems over Frequency-Selective fading channels. ISSPA 2007 International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Dubai, UAE.
- Ariel Sacramento; Walaa Hamouda. (2007). Performance of Decorrelator Detector in Space-Time CDMA Systems over Quasi-Static and Frequency Non-Selective Nakagami-m Fading Channels. ISSPA 2007 Int. Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Dubai, UAE.
- Javad Haghighat; M. Reza Soleymani; Walaa Hamouda. (2007). Lossless Source Coding using Repeat-Accumulate Codes. ISSPA 2007 Int. Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Dubai, UAE.
- Kun Liu; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2006). Performance of Directional MAC Protocols in Ad-Hoc Networks over Fading Channels. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2006), San Francisco, US.
- Md. Rajibul Islam; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). Throughput Performance of Cooperative Diversity in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE GLOBECOM’06, San Francisco, US.
- Mohamed Aljerjawi; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). Performance Analysis of Multiuser MIMO CDMA Systems in Fast-Fading Channels. IEEE Global Telecom. Conference (GLOBECOM 2006).
- Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda; M. Reza Soleymani. (2006). Fixed-to-Variable Length Source Coding using Turbo Codes. IEEE 2006 Workshop on Signal Processing Sys. (SIPS 2006).
- Mohamed Elfituri; Walaa Hamouda; Ali Ghrayeb. (2006). Performance Analysis of a New Transmission Scheme for Multi-Relay Channels. IEEE 2006 Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS 2006), Banff, Canada.
- Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda; M. Reza Soleymani. (2006). Random Binning and Turbo Source Coding for Lossless Compression of Memoryless Sources. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC- Fall 2006), Montreal, Canada.
- Mohamed Aljerjawi; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). Multiuser Detection in MIMO DS-CDMA Systems over Slow-Fading Channels. IEEE Int. Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland.
- Md. Rajibul Islam; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). Performance of Cooperative Ad-Hoc Networks in Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE VTC-Fall 2006, Montreal, Canada.
- Mohamed Aljerjawi; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). Performance Analysis of Transmit Diversity in Multiuser DS-CDMA Systems over Quasi-Static Fading Channels. IEEE VTC’06), Canada.
- Javad Haghighat; Walaa Hamouda; M. Reza Soleymani. (2006). Lossless Source Coding using Tree Structured Random Binning. IEEE Int. Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2006).
- Mohamed Aljerjawi; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). Performance Analysis of Space-Time Diversity in Multiuser CDMA Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’06), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Yanping Geng; Walaa Hamouda; Amr Youssef. (2006). Performance of Hybrid FH/DS CDMA Systems with Transmitter Diversity. 23rd Queen’s Biennial Symp. on Comm., Kingston, Canada.
- Ziad Saber; Amr Youssef; Walaa Hamouda. (2006). On Bent-Based and Linear-Based Functions. IEEE Int. Conf. on Information and Comm. Tech. Theory to App., (ICTA/06), Syria.
- Yuxin Pan; Walaa Hamouda; Ahmed Elhakeem. (2006). On The Performance of Directional MAC Protocols in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. the Proceeding, the 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-06), Dubai, UAE.
- Javad Haghighat; M. Reza Soleymani; Walaa Hamouda. (2005). Detection of Code Index in Turbo Source Coding. IEEE Global Telecom. Conference (GLOBECOM’05), St Louis, US.
- Mohamed Aljerjawi; Walaa Hamouda. (2005). Space-Time Spreading and Transmit Diversity in Multiuser DS-CDMA Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2005), St Louis, US.
- Min Li; Walaa Hamouda. (2005). Performance Analysis of Nonlinear Decision-Feedback Detection in CDMA Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE VTC-Fall 2005, Dallas, US.
- Javad Haghighat; M. Reza Soleymani; Walaa Hamouda. (2005). Design of Short Block Length Lossless Turbo Source Encoders. IEEE Veh. Technology Conference (VTC-Fall’05), Dallas.
- Walaa Hamouda; Mohamed Aljerjawi. (2005). A Transmit Diversity Scheme using Space-Time Spreading for DS-CDMA Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE VTC-Fall’ 05, Dallas, US.
- Yuxin Pan; Walaa Hamouda; Ahmed Elhakeem. (2005). A Two-Channel Medium Access Control Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Directional Antennas. 16th IEEE Int. Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Berlin, Germany.
- Mahmud Hossain; Walaa Hamouda; Ahmed Elhakeem. (2005). Handoff Latency Improvement using Multicasting Schemes in Heterogeneous Networks. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Berlin, Germany.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter McLane. (2005). Error Bounds for Space-Time Multiuser Detection in Convolutionally Coded CDMA Systems. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Berlin, Germany.
- Y. Geng; T. Gad; W. Hamouda; A. Youssef. (2005). Frequency Hopping Sequences Based on a Generalized Version of RC4. IEEE Canadian Workshop on Inf. Theory, Montreal, Canada.
- Walaa Hamouda. (2005). Space-Time Spreading for MIMO CDMA-Based Systems over Fast-Fading Channels. IEEE Wireless Net., Comm. Mobile Comp. (WirelessCom’05), Maui, US.
- Ziad Saber; Amr Youssef; Walaa Hamouda. (2005). On the Construction of Bent Functions. IEEE Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, Montreal, Canada.
- Min Li; Walaa Hamouda. (2005). Adaptive Multistage Detection for DS-CDMA Systems in Multipath Fading Channels. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-spring‘05), Sweden.
- Min Li; Walaa Hamouda. (2004). Adaptive Nonlinear Decision-Feedback Detection for DS-CDMA in Frequency-Selective Fast-Fading Channels. IEEE VTC-fall 2004, LA, US.
- Min Li; Walaa Hamouda. (2004). An Efficient Blind Adaptive Receiver Based on Parallel Interference Cancellation for Asynchronous DS-CDMA Systems. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Bercolona, Spain.
- Min Li; Walaa Hamouda. (2004). Blind Adaptive Multiuser Detection using Linear Parallel Interference Cancellation for CDMA Systems. IEEE VTC-spring 2004, Milan, Italy.
- Walaa Hamouda; Ali Ghrayeb. (2004). Performance of Combined Channel Coding and Space-Time Block Coding with Antenna Selection. IEEE Veh. Tech. Conf. (VTC-spring’ 04), Milan.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2003). An iterative Interference Cancellation Algorithm for Adaptive MMSE Receivers In Asynchronous Code-Division Multiple-Access Systems. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’03), UAE.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2003). Performance Analysis of Space-Time MMSE Multiuser Detection for DS-CDMA Systems using FEC in Frequency-Selective Fast Fading Channels. IASTED International Conference in Communication Systems and Networks, Spain.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter McLane. (2003). Performance of Turbo Codes in Asynchronous DS-CDMA Systems with Space-Time Detection over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. IASTED International Conference in Communication Systems and Networks, Malaga.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter McLane. (2003). Space-Time Adaptive Detection in Turbo-Coded DS-CDMA Wireless Systems over Rayleigh Fast-Fading Channels. IEEE VTC’03, South Korea.
- Walaa Hamouda. (2002). Performance of Space-Time Multiuser Detection with FEC Coding in DS-CDMA Systems. Wireless Industry Congress (WIC02), Ottawa, Canada.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2002). Performance of Space-Time MMSE Adaptive Receivers in DS-CDMA Systems using FEC Coding in Flat Fast-Fading Channels. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-fall 2002), Vancouver, Canada.
- W. Hamouda; Peter McLane. (2002). Capacity Gain due to Error Control Coding for Space-Time MMSE Multiuser Detection in DS-CDMA Systems. Biennial Symp. on Comm., Canada.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2001). Multiuser Interference Cancellation Aided Adaptation of a MMSE Receiver for Direct-Sequence Code-Division Multiple-Access Systems. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom 2001), St. Antonio, US.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter McLane. (2001). Capacity Gain due to Error Control Coding in Space-Time MMSE-MUD in DS-CDMA channels. Book of Abstracts, CITO Research Conf.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2001). Performance of Convolutional and RS Codes in DS-CDMA Systems using Space-Time MMSE Multiuser Detection. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-fall 2001), Atlantic City, US.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2001). Space-Time MMSE Multiuser Detection in Multipath Channels with RS Coding. IEEE Int. Conference on Comm. (ICC2001), Helsinki, Finland.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2000). Performance of Space-Time MMSE Multiuser Detection in Synchronous DS-CDMA Systems with FEC Coding. IEEE VTC-fall 2000, Boston, US.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2000). Performance Analysis of Space-Time MMSE Detection in Synchronous Multiuser DS-CDMA. IEEE Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA-2000), Parsippany, US.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (2000). Blind Adaptive Beamforming Combined with Multiuser Interference Cancellation in DS-CDMA Wireless Systems. Biennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston, Canada.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter McLane. (1998). Integrated FEC Code Design for ATM Transmission via Geostationary Satellite Networks. Int. Conf. on Wireless Comm, Calgary, Canada.
- Walaa Hamouda; Peter J. McLane. (1998). Performance of ATM Cell Transmission via Regenerative Satellite Links. IEEE Int. Conference in Communications (ICC’98), Atlanta, US.