
Vision Mamba for Classification of Breast Ultrasound Images (Nasiri, Hosseini, Rivaz, 2024)

Mitigating Aberration-Induced Noise: A Deep Learning-Based Aberration-to-Aberration Approach (Sharifzadeh et al., TMI 2024)

Homodyned K-Distribution Parameter Estimation in Quantitative Ultrasound: Autoencoder and Bayesian Neural Network Approaches (Tehrani et al. TUFFC 2024)

MechSOUL and L1-MechSOUL (Ashikuzzaman et al., TMI 2023)

sPICTURE: Self-supervised and Physically Inspired Constraints in Unsupervised Regularized Elastography (Tehrani et al., TMI 2023)

DiffeoRaptor: Diffeomorphic Inter-modal Image Registration using RaPTOR (Masoumi et al., IJCARS 2022)

Inverse Problem of Ultrasound Beamforming with Denoising-Based Regularized Solutions (Goudarzi et al., TUFFC 2022)

rGLUE (GLobal Ultrasound Elastography with robust data function, Ashikuzzaman et al., TUFFC 2022)


L1-SOUL (Second-Order Ultrasound eLastography using L1-norm, Ashikuzzaman and Rivaz, TUFFC 2022)

Robust Scatterer Number Density Segmentation (TUFFC 2022)

Shift-Invariant U-Net (Sharifzadeh et al., TUFFC 2022)

SOUL (Second-Order Ultrasound eLastography, Ashikuzzaman et al., TUFFC 2021)

Ultrasound Scatterer Density Classification

MPWC-Net++ (Tehrani and Rivaz, SPIE 2021)

PCA-GLUE (Zayed and Rivaz, TUFFC, accepted)

CGLUE (GLUE on Channel data, Mirzaei et al., TUFFC 2020)

RFMPWC-Net  (RF Modified PWC-Net, Tehrani and Rivaz, TUFFC 2020 special issue on deep learning)

RAPID (Robust mAtrix decomPosition for suppressIng clutter in ultrasounD, Ashikuzzaman et al., TMI 2019)

OverWind (tOtal Variation Regularization and WINDow-based, Mirzaei et al., TMI 2019)

CNCC (Channel NCC for Elastography, Mirzaei et al, Ultrasonics, 2020)

STNCC (Spatial & Temporal NCC for Elastography, Mirzaei et al, Ultrasonics, 2020)

GUEST (GLobal Ultrasound Elastography in Spatial & Temporal Domains,  Ashikuzzaman et al., TUFFC 2019)

GLUE (GLobal Ultrasound Elastography, Hashemi and Rivaz, TUFFC 2017)

Automatic Thresholding of lumbar back muscle, Fortin et al., BMEO 2017

DPAM (Dynamic Programming Analytic Minimization, Rivaz et al., TMI 2011)