

Pet Friendly

Pets For Adoption

Dog AND Cat photo

How To Take Care Of A Dog

Feeding a Dog

  1. Feed your dog a high quality dog food.
  2. Avoid giving your dog an excessive amount of treats or people food.
  3. Give your dog water.
  4. Feed your dog on a regular schedule.

Caring For the Health of a Dog

  1. Make sure you have a good, reliable veterinarian.
  2. Get your dog vaccinated.
  3. Consider fitting the dog with an ID chip.
  4. Use regular parasite preventative treatments.

Grooming a Dog

  1. Brush your dog.
  2. Keep your dog's coat clean.
  3. Keep your dog's nails trimmed.
  4. Provide your dog with plenty of exercise.

Treating Your Dog With Respect and Love

  1. Register your dog and put tags on its collar.
  2. Treat your dog with respect.
  3. Be aware that your dog has basic needs that need to be fulfilled.
  4. Build a bond of mutual love and respect with your dog.