Welcome to Open Lab

Below is a description of the current services that Open Lab can offer. For more information or if you are interested in participating in Open Lab, please fill up the contact form.

Prototype testing

Open Lab also envisions to help startups develop their technology. We understand the risk involved in developing medical devices and the amount of funding needed. We hope that Open Lab can serve as an intermediary step for design validation and optimization prior to undergoing animal and clinical testing. Our facilities are focused on in-vitro testing, but are capable of simulating cardiac flows.


Another service we offer is more targeted towards researchers. We allow a three day period for researchers to perform some experiments using our facilities. We do not require a collaboration or require you to mark us as a co-author. If more time is needed, then an official request would be required. We do not require 


Another objective of Open Lab is to educate individuals on cardiovascular flow. There is usually a disconnect between the world of academia and the industry. We hope to bridge this gap by offering industrial partners some training on the research being gone on cardiovascular fluid dynamics.