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CellNet CoEv: Co-Evolving Robust Pattern Recognizers (cont'd)


2.2    Prey

In a divergence from the methodology in the original CellNet [5], the second population in the CellNet Co-Ev system consist of Prey; Prey are primarily images, drawn from the CEDAR database of hand-written digits. In addition to the image, Prey disguise themselves via a set of camouflage functions, controlled genetically.

A Prey consists of a simple genome - an image index and a series of bits:


Image Index I

Bit b1

Bit b2


Bit bk


The Image Index points to a particular image in the database. The Bits are Boolean parameters, indicating whether a particular camouflage function is to be applied or not.

Prey exist to be passed to Hunters for classification - prior to this, however, all camoflauge functions specified by the series of bits in a Preys genome are applied - hence, a Hunter views a transformed version of the original Image specified by the Image Index.

Camouflage functions used by the CellNet Co-Ev system consist of {Salt-Pepper, Scaling, Translation, Rotation} (Made explicit in Appendix A), the effects of each shown in Fig. 2.2.1. These particular functions were chosen as they were topologically invariant (save Salt-Pepper, unlikely to have an effect). Parameters for the functions were chosen such that simultaneous application of all to an image would still yield a human-readable image.

Crossover for a Prey is single-point and  fixed-length, occurring within the series of bits. Mutation flips a single bit in the series.


2.3    Agent Fitness and Competitive Co-evolution

The relationship between Hunters and Prey in the CellNet Co-Ev system is defined through their interaction in the Genetic Algorithm. Both populations are initially spawned randomly. For each generation, each agent is evaluated against the entirety of the opposing population. Explicitly:

Let h be a member of the Hunter population H, p a member of the Prey population P. For each generation, each Hunter h attempts to classify each Prey p - let


Then the accuracytrain of a hunter h is


Note that accuracytrain differs from the traditional definition of the accuracy of a classifier. Later, when discussing the Validation Accuracy of a Hunter, we shall use a different measure on an independent validation set of (non-camouflaged) images, im in I.


Leading to the familiar measure of accuracy, which we shall call accuracyvalidation.


Fitness of a hunter is defined as


where alpha is a system parameter designed to limit Hunter complexity, and complexity(h) is the number of cells in Hunter h.

In contrast, the fitness of a Prey p is defined as


which is proportional to the inverse of fitness for Hunters.

As is evident from the relation between Hunters and Prey, the two populations exist in a state of Competitive Co-Evolution. The purpose of the addition of Camouflage functions to the database of images is two-fold:

  1. It artificially increases the size of the database of images provided, by creating subtle changes in existing images. Hence, the system has a broader palette of training data.

  2. The dynamics of the populations creates a more difficult problem for the Hunter population - not only do Hunters have to deal with an artificially large number of agents, it is precisely the transformation which they most often fail to recognize which will comprise the bulk of the next population of Prey. Hence, a Hunter population's weak points are emphasized.

4   Data and Analysis

The CellNet system was tested using the CEDAR database of handwritten numbers. Unlike previous experiments, only one pattern recognition task was attempted, although it is expected that scale-up to other handwritten languages, such as Indian or Chinese digits, is still possible. The system was configured to generate five binary hunters for each digit - these are labelled h.x.y, where x is the digit number, and y an index from 0 to 4. Each hunter was trained using a base set of 250 training images, and tested via an independent set of 150 validation images.

All hunters were developed using identical system parameters, although training and validation images for each run were chosen randomly from a pool of 1000 images. The hunters were placed in a genetic algorithm, using fitness-proportional selection and elitism (for definitions, refer to [Mitchell]). Parameters were a rate of crossover of 0.8, a rate of mutation of 0.02, a rate of merger of 0.02, and a rate of elitism of 0.1. The complexity penalty used in fitness was set to 0.0002. Prey were evaluated similarly - fitness-proportional selection, elitism of 0.1, crossover of 0.8 and mutation of 0.02.

Each run was executed for a maximum of 250 generations, outputting data regarding validation accuracy each 10 generations. A typical run may be seen in the evolution of the h.0 hunters, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. Training and validation accuracies are very close, although validation accuracy tends to achieve slightly higher levels - this behaviour is typical of all digits. This is in contrast to previous experiments involving CellNet on hand-written characters, where overfitting of approximately 2-3% was reported consistently [Kharma]. It is also noted that in initial generations of the runs, overfitting is common, as it can clearly be seen that the training plots are more accurate than the validation plots; This initial bonus, however, disappears by generation 60, where the validation plots overtake. However, also in contrast to previous experiments, complexity is vastly increased - in the case of the zero digit, mean complexity jumps from approximately 35 cells to approximately 65 cells, while the complexity of the most accurate agent jumps from 40 cells to seemilngly random oscillations in the range of 50 cells to 350 cells. Fig. 3.2 shows the complexities of the most accurate agents and the mean for the h.0 runs.

Fig. 3.1 - Maximum training (light lines) and validation (dark lines) accuracies for the h.0 hunters


Fig. 3.2 Complexity of most fit agents (dark lines), and mean complexity (light lines) for the h.0 runs.

Table 3.1 shows the maximum training and validation accuracies for each binary hunter. The final columns compute the means for the validation and training accuracies for each class of hunter, and compare the difference. It is shown that the mean difference between training and validation data is -0.006, implying slight underfitting of the classifiers to the training data.

Table 3.1 Maximum Training and Validation Accuracies for the Binary Classifiers


Finally, a series of experiments was undertaken regarding the classifications of the evolved binary classifiers; The scope of these experiments was the determination of the relative independence of the errors made by the classifiers when classifying images. Hence, our goal was a measure of the variance found between the errors of the hunters for each particular digit.

        Each hunter evaluated a set of 300 previously unseen images - a note was made for each error. Each classifier for any particular digit then had an associated error list of images, These lists were contrasted, computing the total number of errors (for all 5 hunters) and the percentage of the list shared by two or more hunters. These results are shown in Table 4.2; It is evident that there is much variance between the errors made by the various hunters.


Table 3.2 - Percentage agreement in errors made by classifiers by digit


5   Conclusions

Relative to the original CellNet experiments, our augmented system performs admirably. The creation of binary classifiers is accomplished for each digit, showing little variance between results; This is contrasted against the original CellNet project's use of 30 runs to find a good classifier.

Additionally, the problem of over-fitting has been eliminated through the inclusion of competitive co-evolution. The inclusion of a genome for patterns and camouflage functions for diversification has resulted in a more difficult problem for the classifiers, increasing overall performance.

Finally, it has been demonstrated that although the reliability of the system's ability to generate classifiers has been improved, the produced classifiers' error sets are largely independent; This matter is crucial for the creation of multi-classifiers (combinations of the binary classifiers to form a single multiple-class recognizer), a step which a practitioner may wish to take. The independence of the error rates of the classifiers implies that several hunters for each class may be used in a bagging or bootstrapping technique, methods which are expected to improve the accuracy of the overall multi-classifier.

 These results represent a significant step forward for the goal of an autonomous pattern recognizer: competitive co-evolution and camouflage is expected to aid in the problem of over-fitting and reliability without expert tuning, and also in the generation of a larger and more diverse data set.


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Appendix A: Camouflage Functions

Translation Left  (similarly for Up, Down and Right):

translation = translationRatio * width;

If (translation > left most pixel width value)

then translation =left most pixel width value

Pass over the pixels (j,j)in the image

If (pixels stays within the bound after translation)

set pixels(i,j) to pixels(i,j+translation)


set pixel(i,j) =0 


Rotation CounterClockwise (similarly for Clockwise):

Create an image with pixels(x,y) set to 0

Pass over the pixels (i,j) of the original image

If (pixels (i,j) not equal to 0)

set x =(int)(j*cos(rotationAngel*PI/180)-(height-1)

*sin( rotationAngel*PI/180));

Set y  = height-1-(int)(j*sin(rotationAngel*PI/180)


if (x,y) is  within image bounds

    set pixels(x,y)=1


set pixels(x,y)=1


Salt and Pepper:

Set pepper ratio to pr = 1.0- noisePercent/100.0;

Generate random number between -1.0 and +1.0

random = 2.0*(rand()-RAND_MAX/2.0)/RAND_MAX;

if(pixel not equal to 0)

if (random > pr)

set pixels(i,j) to 1


Create temporary image with pixels(x,y) set to 0

Pass over the pixels (i,j) of the original image

if( pixels(i,j) not equal to 0)



     set temporary image pixels(s_factor*I,s_factor*j) = 1



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