About Us:
Since 2023, Find-a-Friend has been helping dogs and cats of any breed, age, and gender find their forever home. We pair up our pets with the best matched future owners. We are very transparent with the information about our pets we sell and we do not want any surprising information about any dog or cat hidden from the buyer, and the same for information about the buyer for the seller. At Find-a-Friend, we ALWAYS prioritize our pets, and always want to make sure whatever is being done will be the best for them. We believe all pets should have a loving home, and we want to reduce the amount of pets that do not have homes.If you have a dog or cat that you can not take care of for whatever the reason may be, you can fill out the Have A Pet To Give Away? form and we will make sure that your pet gets rehomed to a loving and caring home.
Feel free to navigate our website and let us help you find your next best friend! 😁