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Overview of simulation research in Belgium and Luxembourg

Andr¨¦, P.
Building Performance Simulation in the Benelux, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Andr¨¦, P., (2000), "Overview of simulation research in Belgium and Luxembourg", Building Performance Simulation in the Benelux, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

In this paper a short history as well as the current status of research in the field of simulation-based analysis of energy in buildings is given. The main laboratories contributing to this research are identified as well as their major activities in this field over the past twenty years are reviewed. The current activities in the domain of simulation (which nowadays mainly consist of the development of applications using standardized tools like EES or Matlab) are illustrated. Finally, a special outlook is proposed on a major research project (IEA Annex 30 "Bringing Simulation to Application") recently completed in the field.

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