Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Fungal volatile metabolites and biological responses to fungal exposure

Korpi, A.
Thesis, University of Kuopio, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences

Korpi, A., (2001), "Fungal volatile metabolites and biological responses to fungal exposure", Thesis, University of Kuopio, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Korpi, A.
Anne Korp Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kuopio, 70211 Kuopio, Finland
  1. Can microbial volatile metabolites cause irritation at indoor air concentrations?
  2. Sensory irritating potency of some microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) and a mixture of five MVOCs
  3. Sensory irritation of microbially produced volatile organic compounds in mice during repeated exposures
  4. Volatile compounds originating from mixed microbial cultures on building materials under various humidity conditions
  5. Volatile metabolites of Serpula lacrymans, Coniophora puteana, Poria placenta, Stachybotrys chartarum and Chaetomium globosum  

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