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Factors affecting mould growth on kiln dried wood

Viitanen, H.
Proceedings of COST E15 Conference, Helsinki

Viitanen, H., (2001), "Factors affecting mould growth on kiln dried wood", Proceedings of COST E15 Conference, Helsinki.
Several studies on the factors known to affect the development of mould fungi on wood has been carried out at VTT. It was shown that mould growth is significantly more rapid and vigorous on the original kiln dried wood surface than on the resawn surface. Spruce sapwood proved to be slightly less suscepectible to mould than pine sapwood. The amount of lowmolecular nutrients in wood affected the initiation and rate of fungal growth. Moreover, relative humidity (RH), temperature, fluctuation of humidity and exposure time contributed to mould growth. Regression and other mathematical models for simulation of growth of mould fungi on wood were generated based on the experimental work. Effective solutions or remedies should be developed in order to prevent the problem. If wood is coated, fungicides in all coating layers improve durability against mould and blue-stain fungi as was proved in one ot the studies.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Viitanen, H.
VTT Building Technology, Wood Technology, P.O. Box 1806, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland
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CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,