Oksaa, P., a, M. S., Syd?nheimoa, L. and Kivikoskia, M.
2008 Energy and Buildings, 40(9): 1721-1730
Oksaa, P., a, M. S., Syd?nheimoa, L. and Kivikoskia, M., (2008), "Kilavi platform for wireless building automation", Energy and Buildings, 40(9): 1721-1730.
The focus of this paper is onbuildingcontrol and monitoring systems. Traditionally these systems are based on wires and cables. Awireless approach can bring benefits to system flexibility, installation (new sites andbuildingsunder retrofit), and financial issues. This paper presents an application-specificwirelessKilavi platform developed forbuildingcontrol purposes. Kilavi provides the means for open standard manufacturer-independent communication between differentsensorsand actuators. Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, lighting, temperature and humidity measurement, and access control appliances can interact with each other with defined Kilavi messages and functions. Linking up these appliances into a single all-inclusivebuildingcontrol system offers a dexterous interface for the user to controlbuildingconditions and the interesting possibility of developing novel and variedbuildingcontrol applications to improve energy efficiency, security and living conditions.
Keywords:Buildingautomation; Kilavi platform; Open standard;Wirelesscommunication