Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Photocatalytic construction and building materials: From fundamentals to applications

Chen, J. and Poon, C.
Building and Environment, 44(9): 1899-1906
Photocatalysis; Titanium dioxide; Photocatalytic building materials; Air pollution control; Self-cleaning; Self-disinfecting

Chen, J. and Poon, C., (2009), "Photocatalytic construction and building materials: From fundamentals to applications", Building and Environment, 44(9): 1899-1906.
Heterogeneous photocatalysis has been intensively studied in recent decades because it only requires photonic energy to activate the chemical conversion contrasting with conventional catalysis which needs heat for thermo-activation. Over the years, the theories for photochemical activity of photocatalyst including photo-induced redox reaction and super-hydrophilic conversion of TiO2 itself have been established. The progress in academic research significantly promotes its practical applications, including the field of photocatalytic construction and building materials. TiO2 modified building materials are most popular because TiO2 has been traditionally used as a white pigment. The major applications of TiO2 based photocatalytic building materials include environmental pollution remediation, self-cleaning and self-disinfecting. The advantage of using solar light and rainwater as driving force has opened a new domain for environmentally friendly building materials. In this paper, the basic reaction mechanisms on photocatalyst surface under the irradiation of ultraviolet and their corresponding applications in building and construction materials are reviewed. The problems faced in practical applications and the trends for future development are also discussed.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Chen, J.
Poon, C.
  1. The evolution of prefabricated residential building systems in Hong Kong: A review of the public and the private sector  

CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,