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World Energy Outlook 2011

International Energy Agency, OECD Publishing

IEA, (2011), "World Energy Outlook 2011", International Energy Agency, OECD Publishing.
World Energy Outlook 2011 brings together the latest data, policy developments, and the experience of another year to provide robust analysis and insight into global energy markets, today and for the next 25 years. This edition of the IEA's flagship WEO publication gives the latest energy demand and supply projections for different future scenarios, broken down by country, fuel and sector. It also gives special focus to such topical energy sector issues as:

The International Energy Agency's annual energy projections. Based on scenarios, these projections compare what will happen if policies remain the same and what might happen if policies were improved. Each edition tends to have a particular geographical or policy focus.

OECD iLibrary (with subscription only):

World Energy Outlook 2011.pdf

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