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Evaluation of measurement data ¨C Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement

JCGM 100, (GUM 1995 with minor corrections)

BIPM, (2008), " Evaluation of measurement data ¨C Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement", JCGM 100, (GUM 1995 with minor corrections).
"To address some of these problems, the IEA annex 23 has, prepared two standard cases to test numerical models [42]. The, first of these tests was a simple unidirectional wall, with inclusion, of a classical phase change material within the wall. Three teams, developed a model for this case. While two of those models were, closely predicting the same results, a third model presented, a significant discrepancy with the other two. At this moment, not, enough models are available to find the root cause of the observed, difference. The main suspect is a small variation in the numerical, description of the latent heat curve." -- Dutil et al. (2014)

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