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From Aug-1-2010 to Sep-30-2010

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  • Added references: 31
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  1. Henriques, A. A., (2008), Efficient analysis of structural uncertainty using perturbation techniques. (20-9-10)
  2. Henriques, A. A., Veiga, J. M. C., Matos, J. A. C. and Delgado, J. M., (2008), Uncertainty analysis of structural systems by perturbation techniques. (20-9-10)
  3. Djongyanga, N., b, R. T. and Njomoa, D., (2010), Thermal comfort: A review paper. (16-9-10)
  4. Smith, L. C., (2010), The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future. (16-9-10)
  5. NRTEE, (2010), Measuring Up: Benchmarking Canada's Competitiveness in a Low-Carbon World. (16-9-10)
  6. NRTEE, (2009), True North: adapting infrastructure to climate change in Northern Canada. (16-9-10)
  7. Santosa, G. H. d., Mendesa, N. and Philippib, P. C., (2009), A building corner model for hygrothermal performance and mould growth risk analyses. (15-9-10)
  8. Kosny, J. and Kossecka, E., (2002), Multi-dimensional heat transfer through complex building envelope assemblies in hourly energy simulation programs. (15-9-10)
  9. Dufoura, M. B., Deromeb, D. and Zmeureanua, R., (2009), Analysis of thermograms for the estimation of dimensions of cracks in building envelope. (15-9-10)
  10. T¨¹rler, D., Griffith, B.T., Arasteh, D.K., (1997), Laboratory procedures for using infrared thermography to validate heat transfer models. (15-9-10)
  11. Ludwig, N., Redaelli, V., Rosina, E. and Augelli, F., (2004), Moisture detection in wood and plaster by IR thermography. (15-9-10)
  12. Goldstein, R. J., Ibele, W. E., Patankar, S. V., Simon, T. W., Kuehn, T. H., Strykowski, P. J., Tamma, K. K., Heberlein, J. V. R. and Davidson, J. H., (2010), Heat transfer--A review of 2005 literature,. (14-9-10)
  13. Datcu, S., Ibos, L., Candau, Y. and Mattei, S., (2005), Improvement of building wall surface temperature measurements by infrared thermography. (14-9-10)
  14. Grinzato, E. G., Marinetti, S. and Bison, P. G., (2004), Air tightness monitoring by IR thermography. (14-9-10)
  15. Avdelidis, N. P. and Kauppinen, T. K., (2008), Thermography as a tool for building applications and diagnostics. (14-9-10)
  16. Balaras, C. A. and Argiriou, A. A., (2002), Infrared thermography for building diagnostics. (14-9-10)
  17. Albatici, R. and Tonelli, A. M., (2010), Infrared thermovision technique for the assessment of thermal transmittance value of opaque building elements on site. (14-9-10)
  18. Avdelidis, N. P. and Moropoulou, A., (2003), Emissivity considerations in buildingnext term thermography. (14-9-10)
  19. Benesh, I., (2009), Remote Wall, A Manual. (10-9-10)
  20. BERC, (2010), Whole-Wall R-Value Explained. (10-9-10)
  21. Aldrich, R., Arena, L. and Zoeller, B., (2010), Practical Residential Wall Systems: R-30 and beyond. (10-9-10)
  22. Hudson, E., Aihoshi, D., Gaines, T., Simard, G. and Mullock, J., (2001), The weather of Nunanut and the Arctic: Graphic area forecast 36 and 27. (10-9-10)
  23. NAHB Research Center & Building Works, (2007), Prescriptive Method for Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) Used In Wall Systems In Residential Construction. (10-9-10)
  24. Chen, Q., (2011), Impact factor for a journal and impact of an author: are they the same?. (7-9-10)
  25. Ng, K. C., Aziz, M. A. A. and Ng, E. Y. K., (2011), On the effect of turbulent intensity towards the accuracy of the zero-equation turbulence model for indoor airflow application. (7-9-10)
  26. Khan, N., Su, Y. and Riffat, S. B., (2008), A review on wind driven ventilation techniques. (1-9-10)
  27. Okeil, A., (2010), A holistic approach to energy efficient building forms. (1-9-10)
  28. Favarolo, P. A. and Manz, H., (2005), Temperature-driven single-sided ventilation through a large rectangular opening, review on wind driven ventilation techniques. (26-8-10)
  29. Tariku, F., Kumaran, K. and Fazio, P., (2010), Integrated analysis of whole building heat, air and moisture transfer. (10-8-10)
  30. Tariku, F., Kumaran, K. and Fazio, P., (2010), Transient model for coupled heat, air and moisture transfer through multilayered porous media. (10-8-10)
  31. Mckinsey, (2008), The carbon productivity challenge: Curbing climate change and sustaining economic growth. (4-8-10)


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