
Research Lab--Advanced Mechatronic and Robotic Systems Lab--EVOS2-105. Tel: 514-848-2424, ext. 7063

Photo taken in Restaurant in Dec. 2024, Dec. 2023 (Christmas Lunch) 

Current Ph.d Students

  • Mr. Ibrahim Babiker, developing deep learning algorithms for horticultural weed detection which has challenges distinct from agricultural weeding. Currently, he attempts to combine traditional machine vision techniques for augmenting datasets used by deep neural networks.
  • Mr. Bingze Xia, advancing the development of AI-enabled uncrewed aerial systems (UASs), focusing on innovative autonomous path planning and swarm control strategies. His work also addresses counter-UAS tactics, enhancing the safety and efficiency of aerial operations.

  • Mr. Wanda Guo, the navigation and motion control of mobile robots, specifically how to enable robots to perform given tasks such as harvesting, weed removal, and inspection.
  • Mr. Zhizhong Guo, Control strategies for improving vehicle stability and safety

Current Master Students

  • Ms. Yasaman Hedayatnasab--utilizing dual-robot systems for fiber placement on complex geometries.
  • Mr. Nishanth Rajkumar Research topic-- development of a fully autonomous agtech tailored for lawn care.
  • Mr.Mohammed Elkhatib, Reaerch Topic-- Developing a self-driving robot designed to remove weeds from gardens focusing on the navigation and localization aspects, ensuring the robot accurately identifies and moves to the target areas


  • Mr. Philip Arab--Research focus on autonomous aerial robotic navigation and path planning
  • Mr. Forester Del Corpo-Salmon, a photogrammetry-based visual servo robotic additive manufacturing system for 3D printing of complex objects with high accuracy.





Visiting Scholars

  • Dr. Jiacai Liao (2021-2022): Dandelion segmentation with background transfer learning and RGB-attention module, Assistant Professor in Hunan Technological University
  • Dr. Wei Li (2021-2022): Object ground lines regression and mapping from fisheye images to around view image for the AVP
  • Mr. Qiuwei Wang (2020-2021)--Adaptive fault-tolerant control for distributed in-wheel motor drive electric vehicle
  • Mr. Guangyi Wang (2020-2021)--Forest Fire Monitoring System Based on Machine Vision with Watchtower
  • Dr. Guoliang Zhang (2019-2020)--Position-based visual Servoing of AFP, Professor in Huaqiao University
  • Mr. Fangmin Mao (2019)--Optimal control of a new suspension to reduce the motion-sickness incidence
  • Mr. Ronghua Zhang (2019-2020)--Visual Servoing in Collaborative Fiber Placement Machine
  • Mr. Shengke Ning (2019)--Automatic Robotic Manufacturing System Design, Professor in Xi'an Technological University.
  • Ms. Wei Li (2016-2017)--Visual Servoing in Industrial Robots
  • Ms. Wang,  Tingting (2010-2011): Research Topic--Model Predictive Control in Visual Servoing, Associate Professor in Hehai University
  • Mr. Fu, Zhijun (2010-2012): Research Topic--Adaptive Control of Nonlinear System via Dynamic Multilayer Neural Networks with Multi-Time Scales, Professor in Zhengzhou University of Light Industry.
  • Mr. Zeng, Rui, (2014-2015), Visual Calibration of Parallel  Robots.
  • Ms. Li, Shutong, (2015-2016), Hybrid PD/SMC  Image based visual servoing  control, Associate Professor in Hebei University

Research Fellow and Associate

  • Dr. Henghua Shen (2021-2023), Horizon Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Dr. Zhao, Zhong-Yu (2010-2011)
  • Dr. Chen, Guangyi ( 2004- 2005), (2010-2011)
  • Dr. Ibrir S. (2005-2006)

Graduated Ph.D (15)

  • Dr. Ningyu Zhu, " Trajectory Planning and Control of Cooperative Robotic System for Automated Fiber Placement", June 2024.
  • Dr. Tingting Shu, " Visual Servoing-Based Dynamic Accuracy Enhancement of Industrial Robots by Using Photogrammetry Sensor, Dec., 2023.
  • Dr. Bahar Ahmadi, " Vision/ Force Control in Robotic Manufacturing Systems", Aug., 2022.
  • Dr. Pengcheng Li, " Visual Calibration, Identification and Control of 6-RSS Parallel Robots", June 2020, Associate Professor in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Dr. Ahmad Ghasemi, " Enhanced Image-Based Visual Servoing Dealing with Uncertainties ", Feb., 2020 .
  • Dr. Xiaoming Zhang (Co-Supervised by Dr. Hoa), "Modeling and Control of the cooperative Automated Fiber Placement System", Oct. 2017 .
  • Dr.  Dongdong Zheng, "Identification and Control of Nonlinear Sigularly Perturbed Systems using Multi-Time-Scale Neural networks",  Dec. 2016., Associate Professor in Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Amir Hajiloo, "Robust and Multi-objective Model Predictive Control Design for Nonlinear Systems", Feb.  2016.
  • Dr. Ali Fellah Jahromi (co-supervised by Dr. R. Bhat), " Modeling and Robust Control of Integrated Ride and Handling Systems of Passenger Cars", 2015.
  • Dr. Mohammad Keshmiri, " Image Based Visual Servoing Using Trajectory Planning and Augmented Visual Servoing
    Controller", 2014--Mitacs Postdoctoral.
  • Dr. Zhao, Yimin : Research topic--Visual Servoing for Robotic Tracking and Positioning Systems, Research Professor in University of Arkansas Little Rock .
  • Dr. Wang, Tao (co-supervised by Dr. Y.M. Zhang): Research topic--Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Reconfigurable Control, 2012.--Postdoctor in McGil University.
  • Dr. Zhao Zhong-Yu (co-supervised by Dr. H. Hong), Ph.D thesis "Active Fault Tolerant Control of an Electro-Hydraulic Driven Elevator Based on Robust Adaptive Observers", 2010.
  • Dr. Saber Fallah (co-supervised by Dr. R. Bhat) , Ph.D thesis title: “New Dynamic Modeling and Practical Control Design for Macpherson Suspension System”, 2010.-- Professor in University of Surrey, UK since Nov., 2012.
  • Dr. Fu Jun (co-supervised by Dr. C.-Y. Cu), Ph.D thesis title: “On the Adaptive Controls of Nonlinear Systems with Different Hysteresis Model Representations”, 2009.-- MIT postdoctoral--NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship holder since 2010., Professor in North Eastern University, China, 2014.

Graduated Masters (31)

  • Ms.Masoodi Nia, Marzieh, " Adaptive Correction Strategy in Robotic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding for Additive Manufacturing", Aug. 2024.
  • Mr. Tzvi Filler, "Real Time Control of a Weed Removal Rover Through Visual Servoing", May 2024.
  • Mr. Shayan Ghiasvand, " Image Moment-based Visual Servoing for Satellite Target Tracking using a Robotic Manipulator", Nov. 2023.
  • Mr. Alireza Saboukhi, " Designing and implementing a small-size Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) head capable of depositing thermoset layers on V-shape structures", April, 2023.
  • Mr. Jianyu Tang, " Accuracy Improvement of Industrial robot using PID Controller based on Back-propagation Neural Networks", Sept. 2022.
  • Mr. Tao Zhou, " Enhancing Path Following Accuracy of Industrial Robots with Reinforcement Learning", Sept., 2022.
  • Mr. Mohsen Sadi, "UAV-based Forest Fire Detection and Localization Using Visual and Thermal Cameras", Jan. 2020.
  • Mr. Ibrahim Babiker, " Dandelion Weed Detection and Recognition for a Weed Removal Robot", Aug. 2020.
  • Ms. Xinyi Wu, " Robust Position-based Visual Servoing of Industrial Robots", 2020.
  • Mr. Long Chen, " UAV Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance Based on Fuzzy Logic and Kinodynamic RRT Method", March 2021.
  • Mr. Tong He, " UAS Flight Path Planning and Collision avoidance based on Markov Decision Process", 2020.
  • Mr. Mikail Shapoori, " Development of a Two-Wheel Inverted Pendulum and a Cable Climbing Robot", 2019.
  • Mr. Xiaoyang Zhang, "Nonlinear Aeroelasticity and Active Control of Airfoils Subjected to Gusts", 2019.
  • Mr. Jeffrey Fortin-Simpson, "Effect of Thickness and Ply Orientation on the Flexural Bending Behaviour of Thick Composite Laminates", 2019.
  • Mr.  Sepehr Gharaaty, Master Thesis title "Accuracy Enhancement of Industrial Robots by Dynamic  Pose Correction", Sept. 2016.
  • Ms.  Sahar Alinia, Master Thesis title "Real Time Pose Control of Parallel Robots", April 2016.
  • Mr. Baoguang Xu, Master Thesis title "Intelligent Eddy Current Detection System Design Based on Neuro-Fauzzy logic", 2014
  • Mr. Mohebbi, Abolfazl, Master Thesis title "Real-Time Stereo Visual Servoing of  a 6-DOF Robot for Tracking and Grasping Moving Objects", 2013
  • Mr. Zheng, Jiannan: Master thesis title--Design of Advanced Automatic Inspection System for Turbine Blade FPI Analysis, 2012.
  • Mr. Khan, Salman, Master thesis title "Thermal Control System Design for Automated Fiber Placement Process", 2011. 
  • Ms. Ma Xiao-Meng, Master thesis title "Wavelet-Based Linearization Method in Nonlinear Systems", 2010.
  • Mr. Han Xuan, Master thesis "Nonlinear System Identification and Control using Dynamic Multi-Time Scale Neural Network", 2010.
  • Ms. Sining Liu, Master thesis title “ Image-based visual servoing using improved image moments in 6-DOF robot system”, 2008.
  • Mr. Mohammadreza Ramezanifard , Master thesis title “ Design and Development of New Tactile Softness Displays For Minimally Invasive Surgery , 2008.
  • Mr. Li Zheng, Master Thesis Title: “ Visual Servoing in Robotic Manufacturing Systems for Accurate Positioning”, 2007
  • Mr. Zhu YuQing , Master thesis title: “ Nonlinear System Identification Using Genetic Algorithm and Recurrent Neural Networks”, 2006.
  • Mr. Alireza Tadayoni , Master Thesis Title: “ Adaptive Control of Harmonic Drive Motors with Parameter Varying Friction using Structurally Dynamic Networks”, 2006
  • Mr. Yao Han, Master Thesis Title: “Adaptive Neural Networks Control for Unknown Flexible Joint Robots and Piezoelectric Actuators”, 2006.
  • Mr. Zhao ZhongYu , Master Thesis Title: “The Study of Friction Variation over Temperature in a Harmonic Drive System—Modeling and Control”, 2006
  • Mr. Long ShunHong , Master Thesis Title: “Active Control of Shimmy Oscillation in Aircraft Landing Gear”, 2006
  • Mr. Ji Peng, Master Thesis Title: “An Experimental Teletaction System for Detection and Display of Human Pulse”, 2006.
  • Mr. Fu Tian Jun, Master thesis title: “Speed- Sensorless Torque Control of Induction Motor for Hybrid Electric Vehicles ”, 2005.