PCB Milling Preparation & Guidelines

Milling Conditions

Some simple sigle-sided and double-sided PCB can be milled in ECE workshop, but the following conditions must be met before a board will be considered for milling:

Tips for a successful layout

Suggested reading:

Gerber and drill files

Preparing Gerber and drill files from PCBnew

In PCBnew select “Plot” from main toolbar. Plot format “GERBER”, “back, front and Edges PCB.

The plot button will generate Gerber files “*-front.pho”, “*-Edges_PCB.pho” and “*-back.pho”.
The “Create drill” button will generate the drill file *.drl

Preparing the files from Eagle.

  1. Gerber 274x
    • From the Control Panel , under “ CAM Jobs ”, open “ gerb274x.cam
    • The “1 CAM Processor” window pops up
    • Click “File”, “Open”, “Board” and open the “.brd” file for your project.
    • Click “Process Job”. This will generate the “.sol” and “.cmp” files.
  2. drill.ulp
    • Load the .brd file from the control panel under “Projects”. Type” run” in the command window, press enter.
    • From the run window double click “drillcfg.ulp”. This will generate the.drl (rack file containing drill sizes)
  3. CAM – Excellon to generate the .drd file
    • From the Control Panel , under “ CAM Jobs ”, open “ excellon.cam
    • The “1 CAM Processor” window pops up
    • Click “File”, “Open”, “Board” and open the “.brd” file for your project.
    • Click “Process Job”. This will generate the “.drd” and “.dri” files.

Note: This page is from Jeff's word file.