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Using Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection and Weighting in Character Recognition System (cont'd)


5 Conclusions


5.1 Feature Selection vs. Feature Weighting


Feature selection is clearly superior to feature weighting in terms of feature reduction. The main reason for this superiority appears to be the smaller number of weight levels that feature selection uses (2), compared to feature weighting (potentially infinite). However, it is possible to make feature weighting as effective as feature selection in eliminating features, via for example, forcing all weights less than a given threshold to nil.

In the presence of irrelevant features, feature selection and not feature weighting is the technique most suited to feature reduction. Furthermore, it is necessary to use some method of feature selection before a 1-NN or similar nearest-neighbour classifier is applied, because the performance of such classifiers degrades rapidly in the presence of irrelevant features. Since it has been shown that GA-based feature selection is effective in eliminating irrelevant features (here and in the literature), it is reasonable to try a GA (at least) as a method of feature selection before classification is attempted using nearest-neighbour classifiers.

The classification accuracy of a 1-NN classifier does not suffer greatly as a result of having a significant number of redundant features in the (original) feature set. However, due to the other problems associated with redundant features increased dimensionality (and hence computational cost), and the arbitrariness of procedure, as well as slightly worse classification accuracies, it is recommended that a GA-based feature selection method be used to eliminate as many of the redundant features as possible. It is clear that the most suited feature selection/weighting methods for such a task are FS and 3FW. Which one is used should depend on the need for real-valued weights vs. computational efficiency.

Despite the fact that feature weighting has the best training classification accuracies, feature selection is better in generalization, and hence more suited to real-world applications (in which most data is new). This is because FW overfits the training data, loosing generalizability in the process. Therefore, it is advisable to use 2 (FS) or 3 (3FW) weight levels at most, as (Kohavi et al., 1997) recommend.


5.2 Performance of GA-based Feature Selection


GA-based feature selection is a reliable method of locating optimal or near-optimal feature sub-sets. These techniques also save time, relative to exhaustive searches. However, their effective use in large features spaces is dependant upon the invention of specialized feature selection/weighting methods (e.g., DveGa) or/and the availability of parallel processors.


6 Future Research & Applications


6.1 Research Challenges


We present below a list of research problems, carefully justified, that we believe future research in GAs should address. It is our belief that solutions to such problems will not only help with the automation of feature selection/weighting in pattern recognition applications, but will advance GA research in general.


·        Research Problem 1.  The cost of evaluating fitness for one whole generation is roughly proportional to the number of individuals in a generation. Hence, the complexity of the fitness function is a critical determinant of the complexity of any GA-based system. The fitness function we will use have at least two core components: accuracy of recognition and complexity of the recognition system. The second component of the fitness function is easy to calculate. Accuracy, however, is more important than complexity. Nevertheless, a precise estimate of accuracy is important and can be achieved only by utilizing (at some point) a large set of actual pattern samples carefully selected from a database of real-world symbols. The goal is to retain authenticity without exploding complexity-a typical engineering tradeoff. A common technique is to measure all the features that may be selected by the GA-FS before the start of the run, then store the measurements in memory or in a file (Gaborsky & Anderson, 1993).


·        Research Problem 2. The other problem is the dimensionality of the search space. Feature selection, and therefore feature weighting, is NP-complete. Hence, although feature selection has shown very promising results, practical applications are limited by the dimensionality of the solution search space. Moser (Moser & Murty, 2000) examined the scalability of Distributed Vertical Genetic Algorithms (DVeGA) to very large-scale feature selection applications with more than 500 features. His application succeeded in reducing the dimensionality while simultaneously maintaining high accuracy. Crucially, Moser's "experiments showed that GAs scale well to domains of large complexity in feature selection" (Moser & Murty, 2000). It is our intention to try and use the idea of DVeGA in the way we implement our own GA optimizer to make highly-dimensional feature spaces feasible.


·        Research Problem 3.  There is a problem common to all GA applications: how do we minimize the number of parameters (e.g., size of population, probability of crossover, etc.) that must be set in order to make GAs truly autonomous optimization and design tools (that require minimal human intervention)? We intend to use our experimental platform to investigate possible solutions for this problem. This includes a) keeping the type of GA as simple as possible; and b) allowing the genome to describe as much of the functionality of an individual as possible, including some/all of the GA parameters. However, b) is a 'solution' with problems of its own, including increasing computational cost.


·        Research Problem 4.  Whereas the reason for tackling research problems 1-3 above is to build an efficient and effective GA-based optimization system that is as autonomous as possible, the next step in our research is to understand how to generalize the lessons gained from the successful application of the GA optimizer (to a particular symbol set) to new and different symbols sets. The first symbol set we intend to use is hand-written English characters; next we intend to use mathematical notation (see (Ahmed, Ward, & Kharma, 2001)), and, finally, any (pre-segmented) black & white or gray-scale 2D line drawing. Indeed, the real power of the GA optimization approach we are proposing will not be fully realized until the experimental bench starts working successfully with different symbol sets. Furthermore, it should do so without recourse to extensive and lengthy trial and error tuning.


·        Research Problem 5. We have shown that FS, in general, is superior to FW in terms of the number of eliminated features, as well as accuracy of recognition, especially in cases where irrelevant/redundant features are present in the original feature set. However, several combinations of FS and FW could perform better than FS or FW alone. For example, (Raymer, Punch, Goodman, Huhn & Jain, 2000) have applied simultaneous feature weighting and selection via a masking technique. The obtained better results on validation samples than with FW alone. It is likely that applying FS simultaneously with FW finds nonlinear interactions between features that are impossible to uncover with FS or FW alone. Hence, researchers may wish to investigate further that approach by comparing the application of FS and FW separately and sequentially, with the application of FS simultaneously with FW. It is important that in this study the methods used for FS and FW be the same in both cases (sequential and simultaneous). (Raymer et al., 2000) is another good example of the simultaneous FS and FW approach to feature set optimization.


6.2 Potential Applications


The final practical objective of our research is to build a prototype of a GA-configurable generic symbol recognition system, which is capable of achieving a commercial-grade recognition rate (>98%) for (at least) two different finite 2D symbol sets, such as the English alphabet and a set of mathematical symbols. The potential industrial applications are significant. It would, for example, allow an IT company eyeing a new, expanding market of palm-top computer users in Russia, to relatively quickly build and configure a character recognition software product for them, with minimal help from pattern recognition experts.




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