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Fast and Robust GA-Based Ellipse Detection (cont'd)



3.4 Termination Conditions

MPGA starts its run with a single population. However, it usually splits it into a number of evolving subpopulations. The termination of the evolution of any one of these subpopulations occurs independently of the termination of the rest of the subpopulations. A subpopulation terminates if any one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

Condition 1: Optimal Convergence. If there exists one (or more) "optimal" chromosomes. An optimal chromosome is one with S > 0.95 and D < 10;

Condition 2: Sub-optimal Convergence. If there exists one (or more) "good" chromosomes and 30 generations have passed without the evolution of an optimal chromosome. A good chromosome is one with S > 0.7 and D < 10;

Condition 3: Stagnation. 500 generations have passed without the fulfillment of either Condition 1 or 2.

Also, a subpopulation is effectively terminated when it is merged with another subpopulation (see section 3.5).


3.5 Clustering: Migration, Splitting and Merging

A subpopulation is called a cluster. The centre of a cluster is the chromosome with the greatest similarity. If more than one exists then the one with the least distance is declared the centre.

In the MPGA algorithm, the algorithm starts with a single population (or cluster) in which individuals are ranked in terms of both similarity and distance. The initial single population, and later subpopulations, are manipulated through a clustering process. This process involves Migration, Splitting and Merger (explained below).

In each subpopulation, all good chromosomes (S>0.7 and D<10) are either kept in their own cluster or placed into a different existing or newly-created cluster. All not-good chromosomes are simply left in their own cluster (and are eventually eliminated be selection- see section 3.6).

The Euclidean distance ED between a good chromosome and the various existing cluster centers determines whether this chromosomes remains in its own cluster or moves. ED is computed as follows: given two sets of ellipse parameters (a1, b1, x1, y1, ω1) and (a2, b2, x2, y2, ω2):

(ai, bi) is the long and short axis, (xi, yi) is the center and ωi is the orientation. When a chromosome migrates from subpopulation A to subpopulation B, it replaces the weakest chromosome in the latter, and the vacancy in the former is filled by the processes of evolution (see section 3.6).

A. Migration. If the Euclidean distance between a chromosome and its own cluster centre is lower than a pre-defined threshold t1 then this chromosome is moved to another cluster. To determine which one, the ED between this chromosome and every other cluster center is measured. If one or more cluster centers is closer to it than t1 then the chromosome moves (migrates) to the cluster with the closest centre to it.

B. Splitting. If the algorithm is unable to find a cluster (with a centre) sufficiently close to a migrating chromosome, then a new cluster is created around this chromosome. This action is called splitting.

C. Merging. An empirically-derived threshold σd is used to define the minimum allowable Euclidean distance between any two different cluster centers. As two different clusters may evolve toward a single (local or global optimum), any two clusters with centers closer to each other than σd are merged. This is done by taking the fittest 50% (in terms of similarity) of the chromosomes in each cluster and placing them in the new merged cluster. This action is called merging.

All clusters are checked periodically (every 30 generations), to see whether some of them could be merged. Merging is barred for the first 50 generations, and (as stated) is only possible after each periodic check. This is so because early or/and frequent mergers would greatly reduce the diversity of the whole population.

Hence, through the three processes of migration, splitting and merger, clustering works to maintain a number of subpopulations that are independently evolved towards local and global optima. Evolution is explained in the next section.

3.6 Evolution: Selection and Diversification

Evolution proceeds mainly via Selection and Diversification. Selection eliminates those chromosomes in the population that are not very fit, focusing the search on promising areas of the fitness surface. On the other hand, diversity is achieved via crossover and mutation, which together serve to direct the search towards new and potentially promising areas. In MPGA, selection is realized using Elitism and Fitness Proportional Selection.

Diversification is realized via Crossover and Mutation.

During evolution of a subpopulation, elitism copies the fittest 15% of the current generation (by similarity) into the next generation, without modification. Following that, two chromosomes are selected from the whole current population. The probability of selecting a chromosome is proportional to its relative fitness (similarity). The two chromosomes are crossed-over, with probability 0.6. The result, whether it is two new chromosomes or the original parent chromosomes, are mutated (on a bit-wise basis) with probability 0.1. This process of selection and crossovermutation continues until the next generation is complete. As stated, we use constant size subpopulations of between 30 and 100 chromosomes.

Finally, every new chromosome introduced into the next generation is tested to see if it is a good chromosome or not (S>0.7, D< 10); if it is not then it is left in the same subpopulation. If however it proves to be a good chromosome then it is tested for migration-splitting, and is then either kept in its current subpopulation or moved to another existing or new subpopulation (see section 3.5).

In MPGA, Crossover and Mutation are special operations designed specifically for shape detection applications. We describe them in detail below, starting with crossover.

Given the fact that (a) the overall population is divided into a number of subpopulations, each effectively clustering around an ellipse in the image; and (b) each chromosome is defined by a set of points on the perimeter of an ellipse, we can assert that simple single point crossover is an effective method of crossover for our application. A pivot is selected at random, and the parent chromosomes' genes on either side of the pivot are swapped to create the offspring. See Fig. 7.

Fig. 7 Result of Crossing-Over Two Chromosomes: Genotypic View


The effect of the crossover operation, on the actual ellipses represented by the chromosomes, is shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8 Result of Crossing-Over Two Chromosomes: Phenotypic View


For mutation, we define a new mutation operator, configured specifically for our application. First a gene (or point) is randomly selected from the chromosome that we intend to mutate. As shown in Fig. 8, this point acts as the starting point for a path (r) that traverses the perimeter of a pattern, until a (pre-set) maximum number of points is traversed, or an end- or intersection point is reached. If r > 10, the remaining genes (points) are also picked, at random, from this path. As long as the starting point lies on a promising candidate ellipse, it is highly possible that the other points will do so as well. This method of mutation greatly enhances the possibility of mutating a given chromosome into a better one.

Fig. 9 illustrates the mutation process. The original genes are P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5. The starting point, P1 is selected and path r is traversed. The other new genes, Q2, Q3, Q4, and Q5 are randomly selected from path r, and copied into the mutated chromosome. Hence, the new chromosome becomes (P1Q2Q3Q4Q5).

Fig. 9 Mutation Operation


Hence, evolution hand-in-hand with clustering (which mainly precedes but also acts during evolution) direct the various subpopulations to local and global optima centered on the various ellipses in the target image.


4. Experimental Results and Analysis

This section compares the performance of the MPGA, SGA and RHT algorithms, using synthetic and real-world images. To carry out a fair comparison between these three different algorithms, we use (a) the same method for computing fitness, in terms of similarity and distance (described in section 3.4), and (b) the same numerical technique for computing the geometric parameters of an ellipse (see section 3.1). This neutralizes any advantages that may be gained via using more efficient methods, which reduce dimensionality or utilize symmetry [5, 7, 9, 13].

All our experiments were run on an Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz w/ 512 KB of cache, 512 MB DDR RAM and running Red Hat Linux

We have two main categories of test data, which are synthetic images and real world images. Accuracy here, is defined as the ratio of correctly detected ellipses, in relation to the total number of ellipses actually present in the target image. If over detection occurs, then that is reflected in the false positive (fp) statistics.

4.1 Synthetic Images

The synthetic images are comprised of two sets, set A and set B. Set A is partitioned into 7 collections of 50 images each (totaling 350 images). These collections are used to test the algorithms' performance on images with different numbers of ellipses. Hence, the first collection contains 50 images of single ellipses, the second collection contains images of two ellipses, and so on. The final collection contains 50 images of 7 ellipses. Set B, on the other hand, is used to test the algorithms' performance on noisy images. Hence, this set is made of 5 collections of 50 images each (totaling 250 images). The first, second, third, fourth and fifth collections contain images with 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% salt-and-pepper noise, respectively.

The ellipses in the synthetic image database are not all full and perfectly formed ellipses; we make sure that some images in both sets have at least 1 partial or deformed ellipse. A typical example is presented in Fig. 10. In this figure there are 6 ellipses, 2 of which are malformed. The figure also shows the results, in terms of detected ellipses, of applying MPGA, RHT and SGA to this image.

Fig. 10 A Typical Image with Multiple Ellipses: Detected Ellipses Overlaid in Thick Grey Line (a) Original Image (b) Ellipses Detected by MPGA (c) Ellipses Detected by RHT (d) Ellipses Detected by SGA


Table 2 Parameter Values for Ellipses Detected in Fig. 10


As seen in Fig. 10 (c), RHT misses the smallest ellipse and the partial ellipse since (in line with equation (1)) the probability of locating it is smaller than the probability of locating the other larger ellipses. The fitness values shown in Table 2 are those of similarity and not distance (or some combination of the two) because: (a) similarity is the only measure/factor of fitness used by all these three algorithms, and (b) similarity is more intuitive than any combination of measures, since it closely corresponds to the human conception of similarity between shapes.

In reference to Table 2, MPGA returns better fitness values than RHT, for ellipses 1, 2, 3 and 4. This is because MPGA, via evolution, executes an iterative and parallel search, focused at different localities of the of the search space, while the RHT carries out a one-shot blind search through the whole space.

Fig. 11 contrasts the performance of the three algorithms in terms of accuracy as well as average CPU running time. Fig. 11(a) shows that the accuracy of SGA decreases dramatically as the number of ellipses increase. Similarly, the accuracy of RHT also decreases gradually from 100% for one ellipse to approximately 80% for seven ellipses. In contrast, MPGA outperforms the other two algorithms by maintaining an almost perfect level of detection accuracy, and slightly dipping to around 98%, for images with seven ellipses.

Fig. 11 Comparing the Performance of RHT, SGA and MPGA when Detecting Multiple Ellipses in an Image (a) Accuracy vs. Number of Ellipses (b) CPU Time vs. Number of Ellipses


Fig. 11(b) demonstrates the clear advantage that MPGA has over both RHT and GAS in regards to speed time. It graphs the amount of CPU time utilized (on average) by the various algorithms for the detection of images with 1-7 ellipses. There is almost no difference in speed for images with 4 or less ellipses. However, for 5 or more ellipses, MPGA realizes a clear and widening gap in speed.

Fig. 12(a) shows a typical image with 5% pepper-and-salt noise. Ellipses detected by MPGA are shown in Fig. 12(b)

Fig. 12 A Typical Noisy Image with %5 Salt & Pepper Noise: Detected Ellipses Overlaid in Thick Grey Line (a) Original Image (b) Ellipses Detected by MPGA (c) Ellipses Detected by RHT (d) Ellipses Detected by SGA


Table 3 Parameter Values Ellipses Detected in Fig. 12


Generally, RHT is more liable to false positives (i.e. the detection of non-existing ellipses). Fig. 12(c) demonstrates that.

Fig. 13 shows the performance of these algorithms on noisy images. Again, MPGA shows considerable robustness in the presence of salt-and-pepper noise, while simultaneously operating faster than the other two algorithms.

Fig. 13 Comparing the Performance of RHT, SGA and MPGA when Detecting Ellipses in Noisy Images (a) Accuracy vs. Ratio of Noise in Image (b) CPU Time vs. Ratio of Noise in Image


Many false positives are observed for RHT with high noise, as Fig. 14 shows. This fact further fortifies our claim (in section 1) that RHT searches the space and accumulates votes blindly. Therefore non-existing ellipses may get enough votes in highly noisy images, as is the case in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14 False positives for different noise level


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