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The plug-in can be installed through the following update site:

For Eclipse 3.7.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x and 4.4.x

or through the Eclipse Marketplace Client

A detailed changelog is available here.

Installation & Configuration

All the steps required to get started with JDeodorant are described in the Installation Guide.

For usage guidelines please refer to the JDeodorant manual.

In order to avoid Heap size OutOfMemoryError (possibly caused by large projects), set up the eclipse.ini file with the following parameters:


The maximum value for -Xmx argument ranges from 1.4G to 1.6G on 32-bit Windows systems and is limited to 2G on 32-bit Linux systems. A higher value for -Xmx argument can be achieved by using a combination of 64-bit operating system, 64-bit Java VM and x86_64 Eclipse SDK release.

To access the eclipse.ini file in Mac OS X, right-click the Eclipse application icon, then click Show Package Contents to open a new Finder window displaying a Contents folder. Open the Contents folder, and then open the MacOS folder, in which the eclipse.ini file resides.

Since revision 275, JDeodorant supports the analysis of external library/API classes in order to improve the precision of extracted slices (Long Method bad smell). In order to enable the analysis of methods belonging to Java library classes you should follow the steps shown in this guide.

Since revision 283, JDeodorant supports the configuration of thresholds that can be used for reducing the number of reported Slice Extraction refactoring suggestions (Long Method bad smell). The threshold values can be configured through JDeodorant Preference Page.

Vote for JDeodorant at Eclipse Marketplace

Drag to your running Eclipse workspace to install JDeodorant
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