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JDeodorant at ICSE '11, Hawaii PDF Print E-mail

JDeodorant goes for surfing at Waikiki beach!
The new feature that will be presented to ICSE 2011 attendants is the identification of Extract Class refactoring opportunities. The Extract Class refactoring can be used to decompose large and complex classes implementing multiple concepts.
Our approach offers a complete solution to the problem by supporting all distinct activities of the refactoring process:

- It identifies the distinct concepts being present in a class by clustering its members based on their usage dependencies.
- It examines a set of preconditions to determine whether the identified concepts can be extracted without affecting program behavior.
- It ranks the suggested refactorings according to their impact on design quality in order to enable the prioritization of maintenance on parts of the software that would benefit most.
- It automatically applies the refactorings selected by the user following a single-click approach.

Slice-based cohesion metrics PDF Print E-mail

JDeodorant offers a flexible calculator for slice-based cohesion metrics.

Just right-click on a method from Package Explorer and click on Slice-based Cohesion Metrics... from the menu.
The calculator will automatically compute the slices for all the variables which are declared within the body of the selected method and visually present the resulting slice profile.
The user can enable/disable any variable from the slice profile by checking/unchecking the checkboxes on the right part of the dialog screen.
The statements which are common to all enabled slices are highlighted in green color.
The slice-based cohesion metrics (overlap, tightness, coverage) are dynamically re-calculated after each modification of the slice profile.

More details about slice-based cohesion metrics can be found in paper:
L. M. Ott, and J. J. Thuss, “Slice-based metrics for estimating cohesion,” First International Software Metrics Symposium, Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 71-81, 1993.

Paper accepted at CSMR 2009 PDF Print E-mail

Our paper titled "Identification of Extract Method Refactoring Opportunities" has been accepted at 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'09).

This paper presents a methodology for the decomposition of large and complex methods by extracting the computation of variables into new methods. The suggested slice extraction refactorings contain the complete computation of a given variable, are behavior-preserving and result in code that is not excessively duplicated in the original and extracted method.

You can watch a demonstration of the proposed Slice Extraction methodology, as implemented in JDeodorant Eclipse plug-in, in the Screencasts section. You can also download the camera-ready version of the paper from the Publications section.

Paper accepted for publication in IEEE TSE PDF Print E-mail

Our paper titled "Identification of Move Method Refactoring Opportunities" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

This paper presents a methodology for the identification of Feature Envy bad smells which can be resolved by Move Method refactorings. The proposed methodology has been implemented in JDeodorant Eclipse plug-in and has been evaluated on several open-source projects.

You can download a preprint of the paper from the Publications section.

JDeodorant at CSMR '08, Athens PDF Print E-mail
JDeodorant team has enhanced the deodorant arsenal with another bad smell (apart from Feature Envy), namely the Type Checking bad smell. Type Checking is considered to be an important design problem, since it is related with the lack of polymorphism employment. The application of the refactorings that resolve such kinds of design problems (such as Replace Type Code with State/Strategy and Replace Conditional with Polymorphism) is thought to be a rather cumbersome and difficult procedure.

The developers of JDeodorant will have the opportunity to demonstrate the new features of the tool to the attendants of CSMR '08 in Athens, as the tool has been accepted to be presented in the tool demo session of the conference.

Everyone that would like to see the new features of JDeodorant can visit the Screencasts section of the site.

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