Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Research and Development Needs for Structural Performance of Light-frame Residential Construction - Workshop Report

Affordable Housing Research and Technology
Prepared for Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing, Division of Affordable Housing Research and Technology, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Affordable Housing Research and Technology, (2002), "Research and Development Needs for Structural Performance of Light-frame Residential Construction - Workshop Report", Prepared for Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing, Division of Affordable Housing Research and Technology, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
"BACKGROUND: The Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH) advances Technology in the home building industry to improve the affordability and value of new and existing homes. Through public and private efforts in technology research, information dissemination, and barrier analysis, PATH is adding value to seven of the nation's key housing attributes: affordability, energy-efficiency, environmental impact, quality, durability and maintenance, hazard mitigation, and lab or safety.

The PATH mission is to improve housing affordability and value by advancing housing technology. As such, three overarching goals have been established that bear on our houses' costs, energy-efficiency, environmental impact, quality, durability & maintenanc e, hazard mitigation, and labor safety."

This publication in whole or part may be found online at: This link was checked on Dec. 2006here.

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