building codes and standards
Building codes are an essential part of the construction industry; they define how to construct safe, durable and reliable structures.
"Building codes are legal documents. They regulate construction to protect the health, safety and welfare of peopleˇ. building codes establish minimum standards. They do not guarantee efficiency or quality. Typically, codes set requirements for sanitary facilities, electrical, lighting, ventilation, building construction, building materials, fire safety, plumbing and energy conservation. Anything you do that involves these areas is probably regulated. And yes, you do need a permit to demolish a building. Fisette, P., 2000, Decoding building codes
Canadian: See Codes and Guides at NRC for a more detailed list
In US, there are four main model codes that individual states or regions adopt from. One Model Code is generally favored by municipalities throughout a given region.
US Model Codes: - BOCA: Building Officials and Code Administrators International
- ICBO: International Conference of Building Officials
- SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International
- CABO: Council of American Building Officials
ICC: International Code Council: ICC
- "provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services"
BFRL- Building and Fire Research Laboratory
- "studies building materials; computer-integrated construction practices; fire science and fire safety engineering; and structural, mechanical, and environmental engineering...
Meet the measurement and standards needs of the Building and Fire Safety communities."
BS online
- British Standard
Buildings Envelope Technology Roadmap- BETR
- ˇ°DOE releases Buildings Envelope Technology Roadmap, and reports on progress fulfilling Window Industry Technology Roadmap.
CIB - International Council for Building
- "to provide a global network for international exchange and cooperation in research and innovation in building and construction in support of an improved building process and of improved performance of the built environment."
"CIB is the acronym of the abbreviated French (former) name: "Conseil International du Batiment" (in English this is: International Council for Building). In the course of 1998, the abbreviation has been kept but the full name changed into: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION
Code check:
- Assorted tidbits/lists on building code (Construction Codes
Construction and Maintenance Codes
Construction Codes in Canada
- List of Canadian code at IRC
CSA-Canadian Standards Association
- "a not-for-profit, non-statutory, voluntary membership association engaged in standards development and certification activities... 2000 standards covering the life sciences, environment, electrical and electronic products, communications systems, building construction, energy, transportation/distribution, materials technology, and quality business management. "
Distance Education at CWC
- Online Audio/Visual Presentations on "Building codes and Research, Modern Wood Construction, Trusses, Lateral Design, Architecture and Wood, Paints and Coatings, Connections and Engineered Wood Products", after free reg.
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction
- "Canada's research, building code development, and materials evaluation services, .. issues that have a large economic impact, assisting industry to innovate and develop technologies that are safe, durable and cost-effective. "
ISO: International Standards Organization
- "a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from more than 140 countries, one from each country. to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity."
List of Building codes online
- A large list of organizations related to building codes and standards. Maintained by Criterium-Stanton Engineers
RCI-Mercury - Resource for Roofing and Waterproofing Information
- Excellent "online roofing and waterproofing document resource. " on Coatings Codes, Associations, Standards, Wood Expansion Joints, etc.; ...technical journal of the Roof Consultants Institute.
Residential Energy Code - Seattle
- 10 Chapter, HTML format, interlinked.
- SBCCI publishes the International Codes? and provides editions of its original codes, the Standard Codes (International Building Code?, International Residential Code?,International Fire Code?, International Plumbing Code?, International Private Sewage Disposal Code?, International Fuel Gas Code?, International Zoning Code?, International Energy Conservation Code?, International Property Maintenance Code?, International Mechanical Code?, and the ICC Electrical Code)
Seattle Energy Code
- "This site contains the entire text of the Energy Code in effect in Seattle: The 2002 Seattle Energy Code (2001 Washington State Energy Code plus Seattle amendments). "
- -- A Guide to Find Building Codes, Regulations and Standards in 15 following countries:
- ASTM tests used in building acoustics, list
- Basics of Noise Control, by Quirouette, R.L. and A.C.C. Warnock, 1985
- code and wood framing
- Building codes obstacle or opportunity?, by Goetzl, A. and D. B.McKeever, 1999
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- Compliance of ventilation systems installed to meet proposed changes to the 1995 NBCC, by Phillips, B., 2002
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- Decoding building codes, by Fisette, P., 2000
- EIMA method for water penetration resistance
- EIFS Resistance to Water Penetration and Evaluation in Accordance with EIMA Method, by Remmele, T. E., 1996
- alternative materials
- Engineering, alternative materials, and sustainability, by King, B., 2000
- some ref and std on Fire standards
- Fire loss statistics and regulatory framework, by Richardson, J.K, 1987
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- Guide to wood design information, 2001-2002 edition, by Wood Products Council, 2001
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- National Building Code of Canada 2005, by NBC, 2005
- NFRC 100
- NFRC 100: Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product U-factors, by NFRC, 2001
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- Objectively speaking, by Archer, J. W. and J. Gallagher, 2001
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- Overview of building code requirements for masonry structures (ACI 530-02/ASCE 5-02/TMS 402-02) and Specification for Masonry Structures (ACI 530.1-02/ASCE 6-02/TMS 602-02), by BIA, 2002
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- Performance-based building regulation: current situation and future needs, by Meacham, B., Bowen, R., Traw, J. and Moore, A., 2005
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- Relation between objective and sub-objectives, division A, by CCE, 2001
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- Requirements of the 2000 International Building Code and 2000 International Residential Code on Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems, by Bowman, D.A. and Thorsell, S.R, 2001
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- Research and Development Needs for Structural Performance of Light-frame Residential Construction - Workshop Report, by Affordable Housing Research and Technology, 2002
- certification
- Role of computer simulation in window certification, by Curcija, D., 0
- sustainability
- Sustainability and the building codes, by Eisenberg, D., 1997
- attic ventilation
- The history of attic ventilation regulation and research, by Rose, W.B, 1995
- The system approach to window performance standards, by Elmahdy, A.H. and A. Patenaude, 1988
- Propose code change to vapor barrier
- Understanding vapor barriers, by Lstiburek, J. W., 2004
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- Unified facilities criteria (UFC), design: general building, by DoD, 2002
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- Using performance-based approach in building energy standards and codes, by Hui, S. C. M., 2002