CSA (www.csa.ca/) Canadian Standards Association CSA is a not-for-profit, non-statutory, voluntary membership association engaged in standards development and certification activities. CSA has developed over 2000 standards covering the life sciences, environment, electrical and electronic products, communications systems, building construction, energy, transportation/distribution, materials technology, and quality business management. CSA standards are often incorporated into government regulation.
ASTM (www.astm.org/) American Society of Testing, Materials Developer and provider of voluntary consensus standards, related to: technical information, and services. Standard specifications, practices and testing methods. Include search, laboratory consultant directory, and technical committees.
ISO (www.iso.ch/welcome.html) International Standards Organization
NIST (www.nist.gov/) National Institute of Standards and Technology Established by US Congress to develop and apply technology, measurements, and standards. Programs include: Measurement and Standards Laboratories, Advanced Technology Program, Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and Building and Fire Research Lab.
ANSI (www.ansi.org/)American National Standards Institute
ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org/) American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Condition Engineering is an international organization of 50,000 persons with chapters throughout the world.
- "promotes, protects, and enhances industrial hygienists and other occupational health, safety and environmental professionals in their efforts to improve the health and well being of workers, the community, and the environment"
ANSI-- American National Standards Institute
- "a private, non-profit organization (501(c)3) that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity."
ANSI-- American National Standards Institute
- "a private, non-profit organization (501(c)3) that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity."
- "provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services"
BFRL- Building and Fire Research Laboratory
- "studies building materials; computer-integrated construction practices; fire science and fire safety engineering; and structural, mechanical, and environmental engineering...
Meet the measurement and standards needs of the Building and Fire Safety communities."
BS online
- British Standard
Construction information
- well organized links to resources (university, government, org. std. journal, material) related to construction, for all countries
CSA-Canadian Standards Association
- "a not-for-profit, non-statutory, voluntary membership association engaged in standards development and certification activities... 2000 standards covering the life sciences, environment, electrical and electronic products, communications systems, building construction, energy, transportation/distribution, materials technology, and quality business management. "
Information Handling Services (IHS)
- "provider of technical content and information solutions for standards, regulations, parts data, design guides, and other technical information"
ISO: International Standards Organization
- "a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from more than 140 countries, one from each country. to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity."
- National Institute of Standards and Technology Established by US Congress to develop and apply technology
NSSN: A National Resource for Global Standards
- A search sites for a "data network on developing and approved national, foreign, regional and international standards and regulatory documents. "
R-2000 Standard (2001 Edition)
- "The R-2000 Standard presents the criteria that a new house must meet to be eligible for R-2000 certification. The technical requirements of the R-2000 Standard include measures for the efficient use of energy, improved indoor air quality and better environmental responsibility in the construction and operation of a house."
Seattle Energy Code
- "This site contains the entire text of the Energy Code in effect in Seattle: The 2002 Seattle Energy Code (2001 Washington State Energy Code plus Seattle amendments). "
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada
- "an independent and reputable third-party safety testing and certification organization, .. a thorough and unbiased product evaluation.. are accredited by the Standards Council of Canada, under the National Standards System."
- AAMA curtain wall, water penetration
- 501.1: Standard test method for metal curtain walls for water penetration using dynamic pressure, by AAMA, 1994
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- A framework for implementing ISO 14000 in construction, by Zhang, Z.H., Shen, L.Y., Love, P. E. D. and Treloar, G., 2000
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- ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2001, Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs, by ASHRAE, 2002
- wind-driven rain
- Code of practice for assessing the exposure of walls to wind-driven rain, by BSI, 1992
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- Deterioration patterns of building cladding components for maintenance management , by Shohet, I. M., Puterman, M. and Gilboa, E., 2002
- brick
- Hygro-thermal performance of hollow bricks and current standards, by Bondi, P. and Stefanizzi, P., 2001
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- NFRC 200-2010[E0A0] Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence, by NFRC, 2010
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- NFRC 300-2010 Test Method for Determining the Solar Optical Properties of Glazing Materials and Systems, by NFRC, 2010
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- NFRC 400-2010[E0A0] Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Air Leakage, by NFRC, 2010
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- NFRC 500-2010 Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Condensation Resistance Values, by NFRC, 2010
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- Performance evaluation protocol for full-scale wood-frame building envelopes , by Horvat, M., Fazio, P., 2003
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- Requirements of the 2000 International Building Code and 2000 International Residential Code on Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems, by Bowman, D.A. and Thorsell, S.R, 2001
- round-robing test ASTM E-96
- Results of the 1985 Round-Robin Test Series Using ASTM E 96-80, by Toas, M., 1996
- fungi
- Review of concentration standards and guidelines for fungi in indoor air, by Rao, C., Burge, H. and Chang, J., 1996
- Sampling and analysis of microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs), by Campbell, J., Casteel, C., Chen, K. and Tuday, M., 2002
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- Sustainable building technical manual: green building design, construction, and operations, by Public Technology Inc and U.S. Green Building Council, 1996