- Added references: 54
- Added concepts: 4
- Added essays: 45
- Kozak, R. A. and Cohen, D. H., (1995), Assessment of the attitudes and perceptions of architects and structural engineers towards the environmental impact of structural material use in commercial construction.
- CWC, (1995), Environmental effects of building materials; wood the renewable resource.
- Duncheskie, D., Coleman, J. and Oddo, V., (1998), Walls and Infrastructure.
- NAHB Research Center, (1995), Residential construction waste management demonstration and evaluation, assistance agreement number: CX 822813-1-0, Task 1 report.
- NAHB, (2001), Moisture moisture protection protection of wood of wood sheathing .
- Affordable Housing Research and Technology, (2002), Research and Development Needs for Structural Performance of Light-frame Residential Construction - Workshop Report.
- CWC, (2002), Thermal performance of light-frame assemblies, DESIGN AND COSTING WORKBOOK A guide to single storey commercial wood structures.
- Carll, C., Knaebe, M., Malinauskas, V., Sotos, P. and Tenwolde, A., (2000), Performance of back-primed and factory-finished hardboard lap siding in southern florida.
- Baumann, M. G. D., (1997), Volatile organic chemical emissions from composite wood products: a review .
- Spelter, H., (1996), Emerging nonwood building materials in residential construction.
- Wolfe, R. W., (1998), Wind resistance of light-frame structures.
- Lstiburek, J., (2004), Builder's guide: cold climates.
- Lstiburek, J., (1995), The fundamental flaw of EIFS.
- Bomberg, M., Kumaran, K. and K. Day, (1999), Moisture management of EIFS walls. Part 1.The basis for evaluation.
- Depani, S., (1999), A study on single blower door methods for multifamily buildings in Montreal (Quebec).
- ASTM, (2000), E331-00 Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
- ASTM, (2000), E1825-96 Standard Guide for Evaluation of Exterior Building Wall Materials, Products, and Systems.
- ASTM, (2000), E1827-96(2002) Standard Test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Buildings Using an Orifice Blower Door.
- ASTM, (2000), E2099-00 standard practice for the specification and evaluation of pre-construction laboratory mockups of exterior wall systems.
- ASTM, (2000), D3274-95 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films by Microbial (Fungal or Algal) Growth or Soil and Dirt Accumulation.
- ASTM, (2001), E2128-01a Standard Guide for Evaluating Water Leakage of Building Walls.
- Bryson, D. K. and Rhine, J. R., (), Solving water intrusion and mold problems in North Carolina, legal claims arising out of mold and water problems.
- Casarona, R. B. and Mcqueen, A. E., (2002), Legal issues involving mold contamination, BSC Final Report: Lessons Learned from Building America Participation.
- ASCE and IBHS, (2001), The ten most wanted - a search for solutions to reduce recurring losses from natural hazards.
- Yendler, B., (1999), Preliminary evaluation of soil moisture probe for use with Arcillite.
- Low, G. A., Palfreyman, J. W., White, N. A. and Sinclair, D. C. R., (1999), Development of model systems for investigations of the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans (Schumach. ex Fr.) Gray: Use for analysis of the environmental sensitivity of the organism.
- Aggelides, S. M. and Londra, P. A., (1998), Comparison of empirical equations for temperature correction of gypsum sensors.
- Kunzel, H. M., (1998), Effect of interior and exterior insulation on the hygrothermal behaviour of exposed walls.
- Palfreyman, J.W., Smith, D. and Low, G.A, (2001), The use of representative modelling to test the efficacy of environmental control treatments for the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans: simulating the infection and the treatment of flooring timber.
- Bondi, P. and Stefanizzi, P., (2001), Hygro-thermal performance of hollow bricks and current standards.
- Fisette, P., (1999), Housewraps, felt paper and weather penetration barriers.
- Stuart, M. D. and Moura-costa, P., (1998), Climate Change Mitigation by Forestry: a review of international initiatives.
- Carll, C., (2000), Rainwater intrusion in light-frame building walls.
- Beaulieu, P., Bomberg, M., Cornick, S., Dalgliesh, A., Desmarais, G., Djebbar, R., Kumaran, K., Lacasse, M., Lackey, J. Maref, W., et al., (2002), Final Report from Task 8 of MEWS Project (T8-03) - Hygrothermal Response of Exterior Wall Systems to Climate Loading: Methodology and Interpretation of Results for Stucco, EIFS, Masonry and Siding Clad Wood-Frame Walls.
- ASTM, (2002), G84-89(1999)e1 standard practice for measurement of time-of-wetness on surfaces exposed to wetting conditions as in atmospheric corrosion testing.
- Swinton, M. C., Bomberg, M. T., Kumaran, M. K., Maref, W., Normandin, N. and Marchand, R. G., (2000), In-Situ performance evaluation of exterior insulation basement systems (EIBS) - spray polyurethane foam: summary report.
- Tuomisto, J. T., (1999), TCDD: a Challenge to Mechanistic Toxicology.
- Korpi, A., (2001), Fungal volatile metabolites and biological responses to fungal exposure .
- Meklin, T., (2002), Microbial exposure and health in schools - effects of moisture damage and renovation.
- Crawford, D.M. and Clausen, C.A, (1999), Evaluation of wood treated with copper-based preservatives for Cu loss during exposure to heat and copper-tolerant Bacillus licheniformis.
- Sa?d, M. N. A., Brown, W. C. and Walker, I. S., (1997), Long-Term field monitoring of an EIFS clad wall.
- Quarles, S. L., (), Physical Limitations of Moisture Meters.
- Carll, C. and TenWolde, A., Carll, C., (1996), Accuracy of wood resistance sensors for measurement of humidity.
- Samuelson, I. and Nielsen, A., (2002), Checklists for clean and moisture safe buildings.
- Kurkinen, K. and Hagentoft, C., (2002), Durability control by means of hygrothermal history in building components.
- Becker, R. and Putterman, M., (2002), Patterned mold growth on rendered facades in Israel - A consequence of substrate thermal insulation.
- Sedlbauer, K., Krus, M. and Zillig, W., (2002), A new model for mould prediction and its application on dwellings with mould on the outer facades.
- Kvande, T., Time, B. and Waldum, A. M., (2002), Capacity of rendering systems to resist rain penetration.
- Rode, C., Mitamura, T., Schultz, J. and Padfield, T., (2002), Test cell measurements of moisture buffer effects.
- Christensen, G. and Bunch-nielsen, T., (2002), A "follow-up" study of moisture conditions and performance of moisture sensors in flat roofs provided with exterior insulation in the late seventies.
- Ott, W. R., (1998), Human activity patterns: a review of the literature for air pollution exposure estimation.
- Health Council, (2002), Environmental health risk assessment guidelines for assessing human health risks from environmental hazards.
- Forintek Canada Corporation, (2001), Guidelines for on-site measurement of moisture in wood building materials.
- Anon, (2002), Healthy indoors - achieving healthy indoor environments in canada, Healthy Buildings, Healthy People: A Vision for the 21st Century.
- Light Frame Wood Construction: 18-12-02
- Journal: Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science: 17-12-02
- Conference: Quality Drying: The Key to Profitable Manufacturing: 17-12-02
- EIFS Current Status - 2002: 17-12-02
- Web sites: Standard issuing organizations/sites: 13-12-02
- School student breathing 14 thousand hours: 12-12-02
- Journal: Agronomy Journal: 11-12-02
- Journal: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation: 11-12-02
- WHO's definition for 'environmental health': 5-12-02
- Optical Coherence: 4-12-02
Web Links
- FRDA publiction Abstract Listing
- quite a selction: forestry, BC related
- Walls and Infrastructure
- excellent introductory info on building envelope (Foundations Wall Structures Roof Structures), as Structural System, a course suplment.
- Guide to Wood Design Information
- excellent "bibliography of technical wood design information available from the associations of the Wood Products Promotion Council and other cooperating organizations."- by Scott McVicker 1999
- CWC publications
- Publications at PBSRG - Performance based studies research group
- Abstracts and purchase option for many publications (related to facility managers)
- Forest Products Society - conference and meeting abstracts
- Abstracts of many wood related conferences is available in .pdf, in the Conference section.
- Publications at Interactive Resources
- Articles about Architectural Practice, Building Codes, Construction Litigation, Construction
- Residential Energy Code - Seattle
- 10 Chapter, HTML format, interlinked.
- Toxic Mold Legal Network
- An online mold litigation resource
- Mold: The Whole Picture - Abbey Newsletter
- A 4 series of articles on mold by Ellen McCrady: The Whole Picture Pt. 1; Pt. 2, Assessment of Mold Problems; Pt. 3, A Neglected Public Health Problem; Part 4: Effect of Mold on Schools, Homes, & Human Beings
- Fungal Resources and Glossary - Univ. of Minnesota, Environmental Health & Safety
- Basics, images, in buildings, and A "Fungal Glossary" gives basic facts and references for five pages of genera & species.
- PAN - Prarie Adaptation Network, Canada
- Excellent publication list for Clearinghouse for climatic impact, adaptation and mitigation information, on Reports, journal articles, literature reviews & bibliographies (not updated frequently)
- R-2000 Standard (2001 Edition)
- "The R-2000 Standard presents the criteria that a new house must meet to be eligible for R-2000 certification. The technical requirements of the R-2000 Standard include measures for the efficient use of energy, improved indoor air quality and better environmental responsibility in the construction and operation of a house."
- Caulking and Weatherstripping - Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
- complete information on Caulking and Weatherstripping
- Weatherize Your Home-Caulk and Weather Strip
- Nice lists of Caulk and Weather Strip, and some web links
- Fact Sheets - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy- EERE
- U.S. Department of Energy's Office on worldwide information about energy efficiency and renewable energy
- ScienceDirect
- Cover many journals. Abstract and full-text available to subscribers
- International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW)
- is the leading global union body working to protect workers in the building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied sectors.
- FPL publications
- Large amount of searchable publication database, including
Dividends From Wood Research, Durability, and more.
- Forest Products Lab
- "on pulp and paper products, housing and structural uses of wood, wood preservation, wood and fungi identification, and finishing and restoration of wood products."
- Encyclopeadia Britannica
- Fungi properties and cassifications-Diversity of Living Organisms
- "at Kennesaw State University to provide information and links related to biological diversity"-brief
- BFRL- Building and Fire Research Laboratory
- "studies building materials; computer-integrated construction practices; fire science and fire safety engineering; and structural, mechanical, and environmental engineering...
Meet the measurement and standards needs of the Building and Fire Safety communities."
- balanced solutions by John Straube and Chris Schumacher
- "solve building performance problems and help designers create high performance buildings, by combining a detailed understanding of the technical issues and the socio-economic context of the built environment."
- CiteSeer scientific literature digital library
- "CiteSeer is a scientific literature digital library that aims to improve the dissemination and feedback of scientific literature, and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness."
- RealPaper -- how to cite publications
- more than 25,000 example papers to download; to properly cite journal articles using the APA & MLA styles
- Indoor Pollutants
- A very thorough essay on Indoor Pollutants; over 200 pages, Committee on Indoor Pollutants, Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards,Assembly of Life Sciences, National Research Council, NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS,Washington, D.C. 1981
- Cladding- a course by Dr. Heng Li
- "An understanding of the basic concept of claddings."
- Apparatus and method for heat flow measurement
- Article on "A method for accurate, on site heat flow measurement through a substrate surface using surface mounted heat flow sensors and an apparatus for on site calibration of surface mounted heat flow sensors are presented. "
- Finnish Research Programme on Environmental Health, SYTTY
- "to generate information for the assessment of connections between the environment and human health, to develope procedures, methods and techniques for the promotion of environmental health, ..."
- A building revolution - Roodman and Lenssen (1995)
- A paper you must read. Roodman and Lenssen (1995), "A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction", Worldwatch Paper 124, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC, March.
- technical papers by Morrison Hershfield
- Over 50 excellent reports by the company on building related investigations.
- Is Indoor Mold Contamination a Threat to Health? by Harriet M. Ammann
- A good article of mold, health, toxin.
- Wood movement as it effects joinery
- Effect of moisture, isothermal, shrinkage of various wood specias
- Moisture Content Measurement
- An excellent, practical article on practical MC measurement.
- Seattle Energy Code
- "This site contains the entire text of the Energy Code in effect in Seattle: The 2002 Seattle Energy Code (2001 Washington State Energy Code plus Seattle amendments). "
- Seattle Report
- "35 walls were evaluated for their hygrothermal response to environmental loads present in the greater Seattle area"
- RCI-Mercury - Resource for Roofing and Waterproofing Information
- Excellent "online roofing and waterproofing document resource. " on Coatings Codes, Associations, Standards, Wood Expansion Joints, etc.; ...technical journal of the Roof Consultants Institute.
- Claddings Institute of New Zealand
- "to promote quality performance of building envelopes."
- Indoor Pollutants -
- Complete research documents about "Indoor pollution in residences, public building, and offices "
- Journal of Light Construction, JLC Online
- "unbiased coverage of products, materials, and building techniques as well as hands-on management advice". Good articles about all aspects of housing/buildings
- BC Housing - Web links
- "provides hyperlinks to a number of related housing web sites as a public service. Following is a list of categories of the hyperlinks found on this and other pages. " by
BC Housing
- Canadian Home Builders' Association, BC (CHBA-BC)
- "offers technical support services, reference materials and government information for the benefit of all its members. "
- Achieving Healthy Indoor Environments in Canada
- "cross-Canada, multi-stakeholder consultation, strategy development and alliance building process for achieving healthy indoor environments in Canada"
- Aerobiology- Fungal Populations in Indoor Air by Megan Hargreaves
- A nice article about fungal stuff in indoor, toxin, and health
- Web Resources: Research publications: 5-12-02
- Web Resources: Sites with articles on fundamentals: 5-12-02
- Web Resources: list of organizations, institutes and associations: 5-12-02
- Web Resources: List of publications: 3-12-02
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