fungi: molds in buildings
Mold growth in buildings are extensive for a large portion of the housing stock: "The proportion of buildings with mold growth in Northern Europe and North America is perhaps as high as 20每40%. Data from the UK suggest that 30每45% of buildings are moldy (Hunter et al., 1988; Platt et al., 1989), while 20每25% of buildings may be affected in The Netherlands (Adan, 1994), 20每30% in Finland (Koskinen et al., 1999; Nevalainen et al., 1998), 40% in the USA (Brunekreef et al., 1989), and 30% in Canada (Dales et al., 1991). In Denmark, up to 50% of schools and daycare centers have mold growth (Gravesen et al., 1999). " -- in Nielsen, 2003, Mycotoxin production by indoor molds
The most common mold species found in damp buildings are: Pencillium, Cladosporium, Ulocladium, Geomyces pennorum and Sistronema brinkmannii ( Kuhn and Ghannoum, 2003 )) Miller et al., 1988, Fungi and fungal products in some Canadian houses had a larger list of a few dozen indoor molds.
Sivasubramani et al., 2004, Fungal spore source strength tester: laboratory evaluation of a new concept ::: "Fungi can grow on almost any building material if there is enough moisture available (Pasanen et al., 1994). Moreover, the high cellulose content in building materials such as ceiling tiles provides an ideal environment for fungal growth. Presently, it is common to construct walls, both interior and exterior, with wall systems that use gypsum wallboard, ceiling tiles, fiberglass insulation and vinyl wallpaper. These building materials contain nutrients, which are available for fungal colonization if adequate moisture is present. North American cross-sectional questionnaire studies have revealed that 27每36% of homes exhibit mold problems ( Dales et al., 1991 and Spengler et al., 1993). A Finnish study conducted by Nevalainen et al. (1998) showed that 80% of 450 randomly chosen houses of different age were affected by moisture problem.(Pasanen, A.L., Kalliokoski, P. and Jantunen, M., 1994. Recent studies on fungal growth on building materials. In: Samson, R.A., Flannigan, M.E., Verhoeff, A.P., Adan, O.C.G. and Hoekstra, E.S., Editors, 1994. Air quality monographs〞health implication of fungi in indoor environments 2, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 485每493. Dales, R.E., Burnett, R. and Zwanenburg, H., 1991. Adverse health effects among adults exposed to home dampness and molds. Am Rev Respir Dis 143, pp. 505每509. Spengler JD, Neas L, Nakai S, Dockery D, Speizer F, Ware J, Raizanne M. Respiratory symptoms and house characteristics. In: Kalliokoski P, Jantunen M, Sepp?nen O, editors. Health effects. Proceedings of Indoor Air 93 Conference, Gummerus Oy, Jyv?skyl?, Finland 1993;1:pp. 165每171; Nevalainen, A., Partanen, P., J??skel?inen, E., Hyv?rinen, A., Koskinen, O., Meklin, T., Vahteristo, M., Koivisto, J. and Husman, T., 1998. Prevalence of moisture problems in Finnish houses. Indoor air 4, pp. 45每49.)
Air Quality Sciences AQS
- An IAQ company "To evaluate and maintain acceptable air quality in indoor spaces,...". With good background information.
Air Sampling Guides
- Links to Guide to NIOSH, OSHA and ASTM Air Sampling Methods; Guide to EPA Air Sampling Standards; Guide to HSE Air Sampling Standards;
Passive (Diffusive) Sampling Guide. Other aerosol sampler information
FAQ 每 Mould - CWC
- Answers to several questions on molds related particular to wood
fungal research group pub-abs
- More than 60 references with abstract on mold, house, and health, also see the
other half of the list
Fungal Resources and Glossary - Univ. of Minnesota, Environmental Health & Safety
- Basics, images, in buildings, and A "Fungal Glossary" gives basic facts and references for five pages of genera & species.
IEA Annex 14: Condensation and Energy
- "provided architects, building owners, practitioners as well as researchers, with a better knowledge and understanding of the physical background of these phenomena (critical) conditions for mould growth, material characteristics related to the problems, it has also provided them with better computation models taking air, heat and moisture transfer into account in order to predict properly the phenomena of surface condensation and possible solutions to avoid it."
Mold: The Whole Picture - Abbey Newsletter
- A 4 series of articles on mold by Ellen McCrady: The Whole Picture Pt. 1; Pt. 2, Assessment of Mold Problems; Pt. 3, A Neglected Public Health Problem; Part 4: Effect of Mold on Schools, Homes, & Human Beings
Science and Technology of Mould in the Indoor Environment
- "A three-stage consultation forum will bring together stakeholders and experts to identify gaps in knowledge and research. "
Systematic Botany and Mycology databases
- Searchable of fungi
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- A brief guide to mold, moisture, and your home, by EPA, 2002
- growth conditions
- A mathematical model of mold growth on wooden material, by Hukka, A. and Viitanen H., 1999
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- A method for detecting fungal contaminants in wall cavities, by Spurgeon, J. C., 2003
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- A one-year survey of mold growth inside twelve homes, by Hirsch, S. R. and Sosman, J. A., 1976
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- A regional comparison of mold spore concentrations outdoors and inside 'clean' and 'mold contaminated' southern california buildings, by Baxter, D., Perkins, J., Seltzer, J., Mcghee, C., 2002
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- A study of recurring mold problems on the Roseau River Reserve, Manitoba, by Boles, B., 1998
- prediction of conditin to mold growth
- A technique for the prediction of the conditions leading to mould growth in buildings, by Clarke, J. A., C. M. Johnstone, N. J. Kelly, R. C. McLean, J. A. Anderson, N. J. Rowan, and J. E. Smith, 1999
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- Aerodynamic diameters and respiratory deposition estimates of viable fungal particles in mold problem dwellings, by Reponen, T., 1995
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- Airborne mesophilici fungal spores in various residential environments, by Pasanen, A. -L, 1992
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- An assessment of mold contamination problems in Atlantic Canada schools: mold burdens, amplifying sites and benefits of proactive school inspection policies, by Rand, T. G., 2001
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- Analysis of moisture findings in the interior spaces of Finnish housing stock, by Chelelgo, J., Haverinen, U., Vahteristo, M., Koivisto, J., Husman, T., Nevalainen, A. and Jaaskelainen, E., 2001
- short summary in chapter 39
- ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamentals, by ASHRAE, 1997
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- Beyond sick building syndrome: mold litigation enters the main stream , by Deering, A., 2001
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- Bioaerosol concentrations in the quad cities 1 year after the 1993 Mississippi river floods, by Curtis, L., Ross, M., Persky, V., Scheff, P., Wadden, R., Ramakrisnan, V. and Hryhorczuk, D., 2000
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- Biological pollutants in your home, by EPA, 1990
- proceduring on mold
- Bugs, mold & rot II, by Bales, E. and Rose, W. B., 1994
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- Bugs, Mold & Rot III Conference, by Anon, 1999
- decay and health in buildings
- Building mycology -- management of decay and health in buildings, by Singh, J., 1994
- affected by HVAC
- Building pressurisation can affect possibility of mould growth, by Fazio, P., Ge, H., Rao, J. and Desmarais, G., 1999
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- Causes and control of mold and mildew in hot and humid climates, by Shakun, W., 1992
- in gypsum wallboard
- Characterization of fungi occurring on "new" gypsum wallboard, by Doll, S.C. and H.A. Burge, 2001
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- Characterization of relational descriptors of bioaerosol data, by Spicer, R. and Gangloff, H., 2002
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- Characterizing moisture damaged buildings - environmental and biological monitoring, by Hyv?rinen, A., 2002
- ventilation filters
- Collection of fungal spores on air filters and spore reentrainment from filters into air, by Jankowska, E., Reponen, T., Willeke, K., Grinshpun, S. A. and Choi, K., 2000
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- Colonization of painted wood by blue stain fungi, by Bardage, S. L., 2002
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- Comparison of concentrations and size distributions of fungal spores in buildings with and without mould problems, by Reponen, T., Hyvarinen, A., Ruuskanen, J., Raunemaa, T. and Nevalainen, A., 1994
- Concentrations of viable spores of fungi and actinomycetes in ventilation channels , by Lindroos, O., Lappalainen, S., Reijula, K., 2001
- Annex 14: condensation and energy
- Condensation and Energy, Guidelines and Practice, Vol 2 , by International Energy Agency, 1990
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- Construction defects and microbial growth, by Evans, S. and Morey, P., 2002
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- Containing noxious mold , by Post, N. M., 1999
- due to window joints
- Creating durable bonds between windows and walls, by Rousseau, M. J. (Ed.), 1999
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- D3273-00 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber, by ASTM, 2000
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- D3274-95 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Surface Disfigurement of Paint Films by Microbial (Fungal or Algal) Growth or Soil and Dirt Accumulation, by ASTM, 2000
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- D6329-98 standard guide for developing methodology for evaluating the ability of indoor materials to support microbial growth using static environmental chambers, by ASTM, 2002
- isolation and repair
- Development of safe repair methods for water damaged buildings, by Kulmala, I. Antti Souto, and Vesa M?kip??, 2000
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- Different methods to characterize moldy buildings , by Mika, T., Marju, R., Anne, H., Teija, M., Aino, N., 2001
- muld in energy-efficient wood-frame house
- Durability of energy-efficient wood-frame houses, by Smulski, S., 1999
- in commercial buildings
- Dynamic buffer zone - DBZ, by Makepeace, C.B., R. Ogle, and R. Nelson, 1999
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- Ecology, detection and identification problems of moulds in indoor environments , by Samson, A., 2001
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- Effect of building frame and moisture damage on microbiological indoor air quality in school buildings, by Meklin, T., Hyvarinen, A., Toivola, M., Reponen, T., Koponen, V., Husman, T., Taskinen, T., Korppi, M. and Nevalainen, A., 2003
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- Effect of duct-cleaning detergents and disinfection substances on mould growth, by Pasanen, P., Pasanen, A. L., Luoma, M., and Kalliokoski, P., 1993
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- Effect of indoor sources on fungal spore concentrations and size distributions, by Reponen, T., Lehtonen, M., Raunemaa, T. and Nevalainen, A., 1992
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- Effect of relative humidity on fungal colonization of fiberglass insulation, by Ezeonu, I. M., Noble, J. A., Simmons, R. B., Price, D. L., Crow, S. A. and Ahearn, D. G., 1994
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- Elaboration and application of mathematical model for estimation of mould contamination of some building materials based on ergosterol content determination, by Gutarowska, B. and Zakowska, Z., 2002
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- Evaluation of indoor fungal exposure, by Pasanen, A-L, 2000
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- Evaluation of indoor fungal exposure, by Pasanen, A-L, 2000
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- Evaluation of natural decay resistance of wood recovered from demolished buildings, by Wang, Q. and Odeen, K., 1996
- repairing in moisture-damaged school
- Evaluation of priorities for repairing in moisture-damaged school buildings in Finland, by Lappalainen, S., K?hk?nen, E., Loikkanen, P., Palom?ki, E., Lindroos, O. and Reijula, K., 2001
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- Experimental evaluation of potential transport of mold spores from moldy studs in full-size wall assemblies, by Rao, J., Fazio, P., Bartlett, K. and Yang, D., 2009
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- Fungal contamination in public buildings: a guide to recognition and management, by Davies, R., Summerbell, R. C., Haldane, D., Dufour, A., Yu, K., Broder, I., Dales, R., Kirkbride, J., Kauri, T. and Robertson, W., 1995
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- Fungal genera identified from flooded wall cavities , by Jenkins,L.C., and B. S., Sierck, 2001
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- Fungal microcolonies on indoor surfaces an explanation for the base-level fungal spore counts in indoor air, by Pasanen, A., Heinonen-tanski, H., Kalliokoski, P. and Jantunen, M. J., 1992
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- Fungal susceptibility of interior commercial building panels, by Laks, P.E., Richter, D.L., Larkin, G.M, 2002
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- Fungi and fungal products in some Canadian houses , by Miller, J. D., Laflamme, A. M., Sobol, Y., Lafontaine, P. and Greenhalgh, R., 1988
- mold in public schools
- Health effects of mold exposure in public schools, by Santilli, J., 2002
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- Hidden mold sometimes enters the indoor air, by Morey, P., Andrew, M., Ligman, B. and Jarvis, J., 2002
- prevention
- Home steel home - AK steel partners with AgIONTM to build world's first antimicrobial steel house, by Chainer, J., 2001
- dust mite allergen in 2 Canada city
- House dust mite allergen levels in two cities in Canada: effects of season, humidity, city and home characteristics, by Yeung, M., A. Becker, J. Lam, H. Diniich-Ward, A. Ferguson, P. Warren, E. Simons, I. Broder, and J. Manfreda, 1995
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- Housing characteristics, reported mold exposure, and asthma in the european community respiratory health survey, by Zock, J.P., Jarvis, D., Luczynska, C., Sunyer, J. and Burney, P., 2002
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- How builders and homeowners can identify and limit fungal contamination in new homes, by Anon, 2000
- mold dog
- How to find hidden microbial growth with a mold dog, by Diederich, 2001
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- Humidity and development of mold on internal surfaces of building walls, by Sato, N., Vittorino, F. and Brazolin, S., 2000
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- Identifying and preventing fungal contamination problems in new home construction , by Salo, P., 2001
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- Indoor mold growth: health hazards and remediation, by Kowalski, W. J., 2000
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- Indoor moulds: a public health problem in Belgium: overview of 15 years' experience, by Nolard, N., 2001
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- Indoor viable mold spores - a comparison between two cities, Erfurt (eastern Germany) and Hamburg (western Germany), by Koch, A., Heilemann, K.J., Bischof, W., Heinrich, J. and Wichmann, H.E, 2000
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- Induction of Cytotoxicity and Production of Inflammatory Mediators in RAW264.7 Macrophages by Spores Grown on Six Different Plasterboards, by Murtoniemi, T., Nevalainen, A., Suutari, M., Toivola, M., Komulainen, H. and Hirvonen, M., 2001
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- Influence of building maintenance, environmental factors, and seasons on airborne contaminants of swine confinement buildings.
, by Duchaine, C., Grimard, Y. and Cormier, Y., 2000
- mold growth in hotel due to ventilation
- Introduction to hotel mold/moisture problems in warm, humid climates, by Peart, M.V. and D.P. Gatley, 1992
- tracing by isotop
- Isotopic tracing of moisture in buildings, by Gudmundsson, K., 2001
- airborne
- Measurements of airborne fungal and endotoxin levels in water-damaged buildings, by Tsai, S.M. et al, 2001
- microbial perspective of mold
- Microbial contamination of indoor air, by Miller, J.D., Mendes, N., 1992
- wall cavity
- Microbial growth in insulation of external walls: modeling the indoor air biocontamination sources, by Pessi, A., Suonketo, J., Pentti, M., Kurkilahti, M., Rantio-lehtim?ki, A., 2000
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- Microbial VARIETY of materials-simulation, case histories, and countermeasures: microbial variety on materials and means of contamination, by Eckhardt, F. E. W., 1994
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- Microfungal contamination of damp buildings - examples of risk constructions and risk materials, by Gravesen, S., Nielsen, P.A., Iversen, R., Nielsen, K.F, 1999
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- Mitigation of visible fungal contamination in buildings: experience from 1993 - 1998, by Morey, P. R., Cih, D. S., 2001
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- Moisture conditions and fungi in wood and wood based material samples collected from damp buildings, by Pasanen, R.S., A.L., Kasanen, J.P., Raunio, P., Rantam?ki, J., and Kalliokoski, P., 2000
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- Moisture fundamentals and mould, by Straube, J.F, 1999
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- Moisture problems in manufactured housing: probable causes and cures, by Moyer, N.A., D. Beal, D. Chasar, J. McIlvaine, C. Withers and S. Chandra, 2001
- dripping condensation from ceiling
- Mold growth and IAQ woes at three-year-old school spark lawsuits by school district, students, and staff in Texas towns, by Anon, 2000
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- Mold problem is slow growing , by Angelo, W. J., 2002
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- Mold remediation being hampered by lack of standards , by Bradford, M., 2002
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- Mold remediation in schools and commercial buildings, by EPA, 2001
- water speinkler, negative indoor pressure
- Mold, a poltergeist, by Wemhoff, P., 2001
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- Mold, bacteria,dugs: a new tool for tracing microbiological problems hidden in building construction, by Lundin L. and Nodby, O. K., 2002
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- Mold, housing and wood, by Robbins, C. and Morrell, J., 2003
- 39 moldy houses studied
- Moldy houses - building science lessons from the Wallaceburg project, by Lawton, M. D., 1998
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- Mould and blue stain on heat treated wood, by Ahola, P., J?ms?, S., Viitanen, H. and Viitaniemi, P., 2002
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- Mould growth on building materials: Secondary metabolites, mycotoxins and biomarkers, by Nielsen, K.F, 2002
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- Mould in buildings: the air spora of domestic dwellings , by Hunter, A., Grant, C., Flannigan, B. and Bravery, A. F., 1988
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- Mould, moisture and mildew in attics: prevention and cure healthier homes, energy savings and new business, by Anon, 2000
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- Multivariate analysis comparing microbial air content of an air-conditioned building and a naturally ventilated building over one year, by Parat, S., Perdrix, A., Fricker-hidalgo, H., Saude, I., Grillot, R. and Baconnier, P., 1997
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- Occupational exposure to moulds in buildings, by Singh, J., 2001
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- Occurrence of airborne bacteria and fungi in bayside offices in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by Brickus, L. S. R., Siqueira, L. F. G., Neto, F. R. D. and Cardoso, J. N., 1998
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- Patterned mold growth on rendered facades in Israel - A consequence of substrate thermal insulation, by Becker, R. and Putterman, M., 2002
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- Populations and determinants of airborne fungi in large office buildings, by Chao, H.J, Schwartz, J., Milton, D.K and Burge, H.A, 2002
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- Prediction of toxigenic fungal growth in buildings by using a novel modelling system, by Rowan, N.J., Johnstone, C.M., McLean, R.C., Anderson, J.G. and Clarke, J.A., 1999
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- Prevention of moisture and mould damages in buildings, by Samuelson, I., 2000
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- Space humidity/interior basement wall insulation moisture content relationships with and without vapor retarders, by Goldberg, L.F. and Aloi, T., 2001
- mold in field test building walls, observation after 3 year tests
- Temperature and moisture performance of wall assemblies with fiberglass and cellulose insulation, by Rose, W. B. and McCaa, D. J., 1998
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- The appearance of moulds in buildings, by Gornes, J. A., 1995
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- The development of a method to evaluate bioreceptivity of indoor mortar plastering to fungal growth , by Shirakawa, M. A., Beech, I. B., Tapper, R., Cincotto, M. A. and Gambale, W., 2003
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- The effects of weather on fungal abundance and richness among 25 communities in the Intermountain West, by Talley, S. M., Coley, P. D. and Kursar, T. A., 2002
- house chanracteristics on microbiological c
- The influence of house characteristics in a Canadian community on microbiological contamination, by Lawton, M. D., R. E. Dales, and J. White, 1998
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- The relationship between symptoms and IgG and IgE antibodies in an office environment, by Malkin, R., Martinez, K., Marinkovich, V., Wilcox, T., Wall, D. and Biagini, R., 1998
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- The release of fungal spores from water damaged building materials, by Kildes?, J., W邦rtz, H., Nielsen, K. F., Wilkins, C. K., Gravesen, S., Nielsen, P. A., Thrane, U. and Schneider, T., 2000
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- Total and culturable airborne bacteria and fungi in arid region flood-damaged residences, by Fabian, M. P., Reponen, T., Miller, S. L. and Hernandez, M. T., 2000
- Toxic
- Toxic-metabolite-producing bacteria and fungus in an indoor environment, by Peltola, J., M. A. Andersson, T. Haahtela, H. Mussalo-Rauhamaa, F. A. Rainey, R. M. Kroppenstedt, and R. A. Samson, 2002
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- Use of fungal detectors to monitor drying of water damaged buildings, by Morey, P., Abe, K., Horner, E. and Ligman, B., 2002
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- Validity of detection of microbial growth in buildings by trained dogs, by Kauhanen, E., Harri, M., Nevalainen, A. and Nevalainen, T., 2002
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- Water leakage from exterior walls as an indicator of degraded air quality, by Morey, P. and Hull, M., 2002
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- What's growing in the Pacific Northwest?, by Swenson, L., Globaltox, P., Robbins, C., Geer, W. and Globaltox, R., 2001