Water vapor transmission through building materials and system: mechanisms and measurement
Trechsel, H. R. and Bomberg, M. (Eds)
1996 ASTM STP 1039
Trechsel, H. R. and Bomberg, M. (Eds), (1996), "Water vapor transmission through building materials and system: mechanisms and measurement", ASTM STP 1039.
Abstract: |
Round robin data, case histories, and panel discussions on the moisture in walls and roofs. 15 peer-reviewed papers cover mechanisms, field observations, and measurement. For those engaged in research on moisture movement and concerned with material properties relating to water vapor transmission. (ASTM Store: http://www.astm.org)
Papers (part) included in STP 1039
Courville, G. E., Hylton, J. O., Murray, W. P., Blalock, A., and Remenyik, C. J., 1996, Electric field probes for quantitative moisture measurements in building materials
Hansen, K. K., 1996, Sorption isotherms: a catalog and a data base
Hansen, K. K. and Bertelsen, N. H., 1996, Results of a water vapor transmission round-robin test using cup methods
Hutcheon, N. B., 1989, Forty year of vapor barriers
Kumaran, M. K., 1996, Vapor transport characteristics of mineral fiber insulation from heat flow meter measurements
Pike, L., 1996, Review of correlations of infrared detection techniques for water vapor transmission rates (WVTR) with ASTM e 96-80 and some approaches to gravimetric calibration
Schwartz, N. V., Bomberg, M., and Kumaran, M. K., 1996, Water vapor transmission and moisture accumulation in polyurethane and polyisocyanurate foams
Spolek, C. A. and Piroozmandi, F., 1996, Measurement of unsaturated wood permeability by transient flow methods
TenWolde, A., 1989, Moisture transfer through materials and systems in buildings
Toas, M., 1996, Results of the 1985 Round-Robin Test Series Using ASTM E 96-80
mechanisms and measurement|}
White, J., 1996, Moisture transport in walls: Canadian experience |
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ASTM "provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services"
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction "Canada's research, building code development, and materials evaluation services, .. issues that have a large economic impact, assisting industry to innovate and develop technologies that are safe, durable and cost-effective. "