Journal papers
- Unilateral vibration transmission in mechanical systems with bilinear coupling [arXiv]
A. Kogani & B. Yousefzadeh. (under review)
- Nonreciprocal phase shifts in spatiotemporally modulated systems [arXiv]
J. Wu & B. Yousefzadeh. (under review)
- Pattern formation in coiling of falling viscous threads: Revisiting the geometric model [arXiv]
W. Sze, E.J. Doedel, I. Karimfazli & B. Yousefzadeh. Physical Review Fluids (2025)
- Linear nonreciprocal dynamics of coupled modulated systems [arXiv]
J. Wu & B. Yousefzadeh. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2025)
— Special issue on Wave phenomena in periodic, near-periodic, and locally resonant systems
- Nonreciprocal phase shifts in a nonlinear periodic waveguide [arXiv]
A. Kogani & B. Yousefzadeh. Nonlinear Dynamics (2024).
- Restoring the reciprocity invariance in nonlinear systems with broken mirror symmetry [arXiv]
A. Giraldo & B. Yousefzadeh. Extreme Mechanics Letters (2023).
- Computation of nonreciprocal dynamics in nonlinear materials
B. Yousefzadeh. Journal of Computational Dynamics (2022).
— Special issue on Continuation Methods and Applications
- Rayleigh wave propagation in nonlinear metasurfaces [arXiv]
A. Palermo*, B. Yousefzadeh*, C. Daraio & A. Marzani. Journal of Sound and Vibration (2022).
* equal contribution
- Surface wave non-reciprocity via time-modulated metamaterials [arXiv]
A. Palermo, P. Celli, B. Yousefzadeh, C. Daraio & A. Marzani. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2020).
- Nonreciprocity in acoustic and elastic materials
H. Nassar, B. Yousefzadeh, R. Fleury, M. Ruzzene, A. Alu, C. Daraio, A.N. Norris, G. Huang & M.R. Haberman. Nature Reviews Materials (2020). - Bandgap widening by disorder in rainbow metamaterials [arXiv]
P. Celli, B. Yousefzadeh, C. Daraio & S. Gonella. Applied Physics Letters (2019). - Observation of non-reciprocal wave propagation in a dynamic phononic lattice [arXiv]
Y. Wang*, B. Yousefzadeh*, H. Chen, H. Nassar, G. Huang & C. Daraio. Physical Review Letters (2018).
* equal contribution - Complete delocalization in a defective periodic structure [arXiv]
B. Yousefzadeh & C. Daraio. Physical Review E (2017). - Supratransmission in a disordered nonlinear periodic structure [arXiv]
B. Yousefzadeh & A.S. Phani. Journal of Sound and Vibration (2016).
- Energy transmission in finite dissipative nonlinear periodic structures from excitation within a stop band
B. Yousefzadeh & A.S. Phani. Journal of Sound and Vibration (2015). - Energy- and wave-based beam-tracing prediction of room-acoustical parameters using different boundary conditions
B. Yousefzadeh & M. Hodgson. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2012).
Conferences & Presentations
Meetings in 2025
– International Congress on Acoustics, New Orleans, LA, 2025.
Technical Session on Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals — co-organizer
– SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Denver, CO, 2025.
“Analysis of Coiling Patterns in Falling Liquid Threads: Theory vs. Experiment”
Session on Pattern Formation
– Phononics 2025, Seoul, South Korea, 2025.
Meetings in 2024
– European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), Delft, Netherlands, 2024.
Minisymposium on Computational Methods — co-organizer
“Bifurcation Analysis of the Coiling Patterns in Falling Liquid Threads”
– Workshop on Pattern Formation, University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ, 2024.
“Revisiting the geometric model of coiling in the fluid mechanic sewing machine”
– Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Canadian Acoustical Association, Ottawa, ON, 2024.
i. “Reciprocal dynamics in nonlinear systems” — invited talk
Session on Hot Topics in Acoustics
ii. “Unilateral transmission in bilinearly coupled systems” — invited talk
Session on Developments and Applications in Phononic Crystals
iii. “Nonreciprocal energy transmission in short discrete systems with strong spatiotemporal modulations”
Session on Acoustic Metamaterials
iv. “On the vibroacoustics of cross-laminated timber embedded with acoustic black holes”
Session on Sound Transmission and Impact Noise in Buildings
– Joint meeting of the New Zealand, Australian and American Mathematical Societies, Auckland, NZ, 2024.
i. “Analysis of non-reciprocity in vibration transmission problems using numerical continuation”
Session on Computational Methods and Applications of Dynamical Systems
ii. “Pattern formation in coiling of falling viscous threads: Revisiting the geometric model”
Session on New Directions in Pattern Formation
– International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Daegu, Korea, 2024.
“Pattern formation in coiling of falling viscous threads” [pdf]
Mini-symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation
– Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Auckland
“Pattern Formation in Coiling of Viscous Threads Falling onto a Moving Surface”
– International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META), Toyama, Japan, 2024.
“On the role of phase in nonreciprocal vibration transmission in passive and active phononic lattices” [pdf] — invited talk
Symposium on Phononics and Acoustic Metamaterials
– Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress (CSME), Toronto, ON, 2024.
i. “Nonreciprocal dynamics of spatiotemporally varying materials: Strong modulations”
Symposium on Solid Mechanics
ii. “Revisiting the patterns in the fluid mechanic sewing machine”
Symposium on Fluid Mechanics
Meetings in 2023
– Acoustics 2023: 185th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Sydney, Australia, 2023.
“Nonreciprocal phase shifts in spatiotemporally varying materials” [link] — invited talk
Session on Acoustics in Spatiotemporally Varying Materials
– Phononics 2023, Manchester, UK, 2023.
“Dynamics of Spatiotemporally Modulated Materials” — invited talk
“Phase Nonreciprocity in a Periodic Material with a Nonlinear Asymmetric Unit Cell”
– 3rd International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON), Rome, Italy, 2023.
“Nonlinear reciprocal dynamics in systems with broken mirror symmetry”
Session on Metamaterials
– SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Portland, OR, 2023.
“Restoring the reciprocity invariance in nonlinear systems with broken mirror symmetry” [link]
Session on Nonlinear Systems and Chaos
– Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress (CSME 2023), Sherbrooke, QC, 2023.
i. “Computation of response envelopes in a lattice material with spatiotemporal modulations” [link]
ii. “Computation of phase nonreciprocity in a nonlinear periodic material” [link]
Symposium on Solid Mechanics
– ASME IDETC, Boston, MA, 2023.
“Numerical analysis of phase nonreciprocity in a linear spatiotemporally modulated system” [link]
Symposium on Dynamics and Waves in Structures and Metamaterials
Meetings in 2022
– 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), Lyon, France, 2020+2.
“On the nonreciprocal dynamics of bilinearly coupled oscillators” [pdf]
Mini-symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Design
– 16th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC), Los Angeles, CA, 2022.
“On the reciprocity invariance in nonlinear systems”
Session on Nonlinear Vibrations
– 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Galway, Ireland, 2022.
“Rayleigh waves in modulated elastic metasurfaces”
– Euromech Colloquium – Emerging Topics in Acoustic and Mechanical Metamaterials, Spain, 2022.
“Harnessing nonlinearity and time-modulation for tunable and non-reciprocal elastic metasurfaces”
– Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress (CSME 2022), Edmonton, AB, 2022.
i. “On vibration transmission reciprocity in modulated materials” [link]
ii. “Engineering design for asymmetric wave propagation”
Symposium on Solid Mechanics
Previous years (2021 and earlier)
– Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society, Kitchener, ON, 2021.
“On the dynamics of coupled Mathieu equations”
– Département de Génie Mécanique, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, 2019.
– Department of Mathematics & Statistics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, 2019.
“Nonreciprocal Wave Propagation in Periodic Elastic Media”
Applied Mathematics Seminar [link]
– March Meeting of the American Physics Society, Boston, MA, 2019.
“Nonreciprocal dynamic response of a bilinear lattice”
Focus session on Mechanical Metamaterials [link]
– Phononics 2019, Tucson, AZ, 2019.
Session on Nonlinear Phononic Crystals and Acoustic Metamaterials
– SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT, 2019.
Session on Coupled Oscillators
– 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Montreal, QC, 2019.
“Non-reciprocal wave transmission in 1D mechanical metamaterials”
Session on Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals [link] [pdf]
– US National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, IL, 2018.
“Hiding defects in a one-dimensional nonlinear periodic structure”
Symposium on Nonlinear, Tunable and Adaptive Phononic Crystals and Metamaterials
– Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, 2018.
Session on Acoustic Metamaterials [link]
– March Meeting of the American Physics Society, Los Angeles, CA, 2018.
Focus Session on Mechanical Metamaterials [link]
– International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Montreal, QC, 2016.
Mini-symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics of Engineering Systems [link]
– SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Philadelphia, PA, 2016.
Mini-symposium on Lattice Dynamics: Wave Propagation and Continuum Approximation [link]
– Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Vancouver, BC, 2016. [link]
“Acoustical properties of homogeneous planar surfaces in room acoustics: A theoretical review”
Session on Architectural Acoustics
– ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference (McMAT), Seattle, WA, 2015.
Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals
– International Symposium on Optomechatronic Systems (ISOT), Seattle, WA, 2014 — won best paper award.
Special session on Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals [link]
– 5th Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Localization and Energy Transfer (NV14) , Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
– ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC), Portland, OR, 2013.
– Acoustics2012: joint meeting of the French Acoustical Society and Institute of Acoustics, Nantes, France, 2012.
– Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA, 2011. [link]
– Meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Victoria, BC, 2010. [link]
– Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR, 2009. [link]
– International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA), Leuven, Belgium, 2008.
– Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Paris, France, 2008. [link]
- Will Sze, MASc, 2024
A Comparative Analysis between Experiment and Model of the Basic Patterns in a “Fluid Mechanic Sewing Machine” - Temitope Akinpelu, MASc, 2024
Impact Noise Reduction in Cross Laminated Timber by Embedding Acoustic Black Holes [link] - Hooman Zoka, MASc, 2022
An Investigation on the Nonlinear Vibration Behavior of Mistuned Bladed Disk Assemblies [link] - Payam Azadian, MASc, 2021
Computational Analysis of Non-Periodic Oscillations Using the Harmonic Balance Method [link] - Behrooz Yousefzadeh
PhD dissertation: Wave transmission in finite dissipative nonlinear periodic structures [link]
MASc thesis: Acoustical modeling of the transient response of rooms using a beam-tracing model [link]
BSc project: Design and prototyping of an impedance tube for sound transmission loss measurement [pdf]