COEN490, ELEC490


General Information

This website provides a brief introduction to the capstone design project courses COEN490 and ELEC490 and contains information about:

  • Registration requirements and
  • Project selection.

For information about other issues such as grading scheme and project deliverables consult the course outline and the information posted on Moodle (in particular, the capstone manual).

Course Description

  • The courses COEN490 and ELEC490 are capstone design projects for the COEN and ELEC students of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. These courses provide students with a significant design experience and involve the integration of knowledge from several courses.
  • Students are assigned to groups, and work together under faculty supervision to solve a complex interdisciplinary design problem - typically involving communications, control systems, electromagnetics, power electronics, software design, and/or hardware design.
  • Througout the project, students are required to learn new material. Often the teams include both ELEC and COEN students. Each group consists of six students.
  • The projects allows students to develop their project management, technical writing, and technical presentation skills.

Registration Requirements (2024-25)

  • Prerequisites of COEN490: ENGR 301, 371; COEN 390; SOEN 341; Minimum of 75 credits in BEng in Computer Engineering; C-Edge work term or one co-op work term. If prerequisites are not satisfied, permission of the Department is required.  
  • Prerequisites of ELEC490: ENGR 301, 371; COEN 311; ELEC 342 or 364; ELEC 390; Minimum of 75 credits in BEng in Electrical Engineering; C-Edge work term or one co-op work term. If prerequisites are not satisfied, permission of the Department is required. 
  • Students cannot register until a graduation audit is done. This is performed by the online registration system. In case of problem, contact the ECE Program Assistant, Gulzat Timerova.
  • FNS, DEF, INC, PEND do not satisfy prerequisite requirements.
  • Readmitted students must repeat Ds and replace them with Cs (or higher) for 490 prerequisites.
  • Students cannot take COEN/ELEC490 without the completion of all 200 level courses.


1. Academic inquiries, and project approval and assignment.

2. Technical support (lab allocation, troubleshooting, materials procurement and purchase approval, etc.)

3. General questions, schedules, presentation times and special events.



 Design Project Important Dates (2024 - 25)

Orientation Session

  • Friday, September 6, 2024, 8:45-10:00,  MB 1.210



Event Deadline/Time
Phase 1 (Selection and Planning)  
  Project Selection and Team Formation Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:59 PM
  Phase 1 Report Submission Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 11:59 PM
  Phase 1 Presentation Week of October 7, 2024
Phase 2 (Design)  
  Final Design Approval Friday, November 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM
  Phase 2 Report Submission Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 11:59 PM
  Phase 2 Presentation Week of November 25, 2024
Phase 3 (Prototype)  
  In-lab Pre-Demo Week of February xx, 2025
Phase 4 (Final Product)  
  In-lab Demo Week of March xx, 2025
  Final Report Submission Saturday March xx, 2025 at 11:59 PM
  Final Poster Presentation March/April xx, 2025