Capstone Project

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Group 2008-27 Status completed
Title Business Activity Manager
Supervisor Dr. P. Grogono
Description The BAM (Business activity manager) is a web-application solution designed to enable a mechanical shop manager to track and manage business records. These records include: customer appointments, inventory ordering, tax reports, financial transaction between the customers/employees and the establishment. Some of the product features include:

(1) BAM services:
  • Management of administrators account
  • Management of employees account
  • Management of customers account
  • Management of customer reward points
  • Online customer satisfaction survey
  • Online employee complaint and suggestion form
  • Online job progress
  • Virtual punch clock
(2) Appointment Management:
  • Online appointments
  • Email and/or sms appointment reminder to clients
  • Email and/or sms to the respective mechanic notifying of the
  • booked appointment
(3) Inventory Management:
  • Statistical graph representation of the inventory (bar charts,
  • line charts, pie charts and tables)
  • Track item source
  • Track item location within store
  • Restock based on statistical probabilities
  • Purchase items electronically
  • Notification of low stock levels
  • Printout of needed items to be purchased
  • Payment authorization between clients and store via card,
  • interact, etc..
  • List of supplier profile
  • Online request of partnership with the shop from potential
  • supplier candidates
(4) Financial Management:
  • Graphical display (bar charts, line charts, pie charts and tables)
  • of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly profits
  • Statistical data collection on the spending of the customers
  • Customer reward point management
  • Archives of transaction performed with suppliers (supplier
  • statements)
  • Archives of transaction performed with customers (customer
  • statements)
  • Archives of employee salary down payments (employee statements)
  • Generates and prints invoices
  • Generates tax reports
Student Requirement
Number of Students