Capstone Project

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Group 2009-25 Status completed
Title Authentication and Authorization for Open SAF
Supervisor Drs. Makan Pourzandi and Reza Soleymani
Description Ericsson develops different highly available applications and iddleware. Ericsson is also a member of Service Availability Forum ( The Service Availability Forum (SA Forum) is a consortium of computer and communications companies working together to develop open standards for supporting hardware, application high availability, and local and remote systems management for such systems. The security is an important part of Ericsson applications. It is in this perspective that the SA Forum Security service (SEC) was developed. The goal of this activity is to implement a SAF Security Service (SEC) prototype interacting with open SAF implementation ( ). Âï�� The first step in any security solution is to identify the user and grant or deny access based on their identities. By implementing a prototype providing the authentication and authorization for highly available middleware, we will: * Learn about developing highly available applications, * Learn security mechanisms like authentication and authorization on Linux environment * Design using UML and IBM Rational Software architect * Develop security related software (C++) to authenticate and authorize users
Student Requirement
Tools The work is carried in the Linux environment. Tools Used: C++, Linux
Number of Students 3
Students Harshit Chuttani, Faik Faisal, Sunitha Seshadri