Capstone Project

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Group Status completed
Title Physical Activities Waste Energy Harvesting
Supervisor Dr. Sheldon Williamson
Description Description: Nowadays, lots of people go to gyms to keep themselves in good physical shape. The energy, released during their activities, is wasted. Traditionally, it is converted into heat and dissipated in the training room. Moreover, to compensate the heat dissipation, air-conditioning is required, which results in even heavier environmental impact. The goal of the project is to design and implement a system that will harvest this energy waste and use it for personal application (ex.: cell phone, iPod, etc. charge). The final demo should include a gadget that will measure and illustrate the amount of energy harvested during certain physical activities. The system should have an option of monitoring the physical exercises on a PC (real-time, data log, progress over time report, etc.).
Student Requirement - Courses: ELEC 331 (2-3 team members), ELEC 433 (1-2), COEN 317(1), ELEC 312 (2-3). - Knowledge: PSIM, microcontrollers & programming, C, basic/intermediate application programming, energy conversion and storage.
Number of Students 5
Students Jordanie Milien, Joel Caiemitte, Haider Issa, Mureed Hussain, Jefrey Momen