Capstone Project

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Group 2014-16 Status completed
Title Photovoltaic & Thermo-Collector Water Heating Systems
Supervisor Dr. Luiz A. C. Lopes
Description Photovoltaic panels are usually employed for electricity generation. Heat is usually an undesirable subproduct, difficult to irradiate, increasing the temperature of the panels and reducing its efficiency. However, there are a number of applications which require electricity as well as heat. This project will focus on the development of a solar water filtering and heating system for an above ground pool. This system will consist of a PV panel with a thermal collector on its back through which the water of the pool will be circulated for heating. This should also cool the PV panel, increasing its electricity yield. The electricity of the PV panel will be used for powering the water pump and also to heat the water. In principle, a PV panel of 100 W will be used in this work. A suitable thermal collector will be selected for this panel. The size water pump, based on the flow rate and heat available in the thermal collector, will be calculated. Assuming that a DC pump of the required capacity can be used, a DC-DC converter for interfacing with the PV panel and another to control the resistive heating element will be designed and implemented. The control of the power converters and the amount of electricity used for each load will be done by a microcontroller. The amount of heat that one can obtain from such a system to heat the water as well as the potential increase in the water temperature for a "medium-size pool" will be calculated analytically. Tests will the implemented set-up will be conducted.
Student Requirement Skills for building experimental set-ups, familiarity with power electronic converters and programming of microcontrollers.
Tools Matlab Simulink, PV panel, water pump, power electronic converter with digital controller (Microcontroller.)
Number of Students 5
Students Diana Chu Yiwei Ge Rami Khoriaty Abdulaziz Matos Ali Nam